Hi all
I got married a month ago. It was a beautiful day at Parklands Quendon Hall. We tried to follow tradition but keep the day fun and quirky too.
Anyway, when my Dad and I were about to walk down the aisle, I went blank and turned to him and said "what do I do?.. walk beside you, hold your hand or hold your arm or what?" Already feeling overwhelmed I panicked being only seconds away from walking in. My dad just said "the hold my hand and off we went.
So my dad mentioned the other day that my Grandma "told him off" for not taking my arm traditionally. And Yeh, I guess it's more formal to do so. It was strange enough having that kind of close contact with my dad because although we are close we're not very "touchy" (with want for a better word!) We hug to say goodbye but we dont have the kind of relationship where i would go uo and hug hom randomly I don't think. He's not overly sentimental (or as he's told me since, he doesn't tend to show it all that much)
When Dad mentioned this to me I just said it doesn't matter, we did what felt natural on the day and he said that he held my hand as he did when I was a child and in a way it symbolised the fact he was letting go of that little girl and he was handing me over to my new husband. Since the wedding whenever I see him, he tells me I look different. He said I've changed. He can't pinpoint what, but me being married has made me look different. More grown up, taller and new. Probably his perception of his first born growing up I guess.
Back to the point, Is it really that big a deal how you walk down the aisle? Is holding hands that bad?
Some outside opinions would be good.
Thank you xx