I got married in May, but even before we tied the knot, I’ve always felt a bit of hostility from my now MIL. My husband proposed to me after 14 months, which his mum had termed ‘too soon’. She really liked his ex-girlfriend, and has obliquely drawn comparisons between the two of us. My husband was the one to end that relationship because he wasn’t happy, but this fact seems lost on the MIL. She comes to the house and criticizes my cooking and the way I do things. She is outdoorsy and not into clothes, which I assume is why she makes comments on my clothes (I wear dresses most of the team). Once time, I went round in a pair of blue suede heels – you’d have thought I’d rocked up in a ballgown, the way she acted.
For my part, I now consider her to be a massive pain in the arse. She is a housewife who hasn’t worked since her own marriage, and has some sexist ideas about the role of women. She was horrified to find out my husband makes breakfast in the mornings, as she thinks he shouldn’t have to do cook – he has a wife. She makes dodgy racist remarks. I’m Irish, and literally any time I have a drink, she makes a jokes about the Irish being lushes and alcoholics (my husband and his family are English). Ironically, when I’m with her, her presence is so grating that I want to pour myself a massive gin.
I love my husband very much so I always agree to any visits to/from the inlaws. But, my own family is very direct in how we communicate, so I’m really struggling to stop myself from telling her she’s an arse. We’re staying for Christmas and I’m totally dreading it. Any suggestions on how to get through Christmas most welcome!