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Beginner December 2024 South Yorkshire

Oval diamond or round diamond engagement ring

Amy, 26 of December of 2023 at 22:09 Posted on Just Married 0
My husband has ‘upgraded’ my engagement ring on our 20th year anniversary of meeting. So cute of him but I wasn’t expecting it and I’m worried about what he’s chosen. Hes got me an oval halo ring. It’s from a high st store and he says he can return it over the next few days. I was a little shocked he’s done it, but mostly that he’s chosen it. It’s a beautiful ring and I’m so delighted he’s bought me another (my original was bought when we had very little money. It was a round cut diamond which I will treasure but it is too small for me now).

I can’t decide if oval halo will date and if I want to change for a round cut. Without sounding u grateful, what would you do?? I know a round cut would be a few thousand more for the same size so I would get a smaller diamond. Just not sure about oval or the halo.
Anyone want to show me their oval rings?

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