United Kingdom · From July 2010
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I uploaded a photo in the discussion of BumbleBrat
1699 days ago
Thanks for all the interest from the original thread, there is still chance for anybody else wishing to participate as entries don't have to be in until Saturday 5th November, so you have two weeks to get snapping! I have compiled a list of 10 things...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Red Baroness
1699 days ago
Bad - it's been one of those weeks again! Good - I'm up to London tomorrow for a winter themed shoot with some fabulous photographers. Bad - it's set to bucket it down tomorrow. Bad - I miss the V&A meet : ( Good - Christmas late night shopping...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of
1699 days ago
Inspired by the birthday thread ... a new watch is on my wishlist for my Bday but I've no idea which brands are good. What's your watch like?

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Rizzo
1699 days ago
I uploaded a photo in the discussion of BumbleBrat
1699 days ago
(I did one of these a while back for a bit of inspiration, need more help.. Dont stone me) Going on a little four day road trip next week in a beautiiiiiiful splittie VW camper - I'm useless and have only actually planned the end destination...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of (Claire)
1699 days ago
Do you buy yourself new clothes for the festivities? When I was younger my mum would buy a new outfit for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Eve, so I inherrited this and up until 2 years ago I would do the same, I cant do it now I just dont...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of BumbleBrat
1699 days ago
Show us your pets! I know this has been done in the past but OT has lots of new faces now.

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of BumbleBrat
1699 days ago
The products you use, not the smell stinky boys leave behind! ? I've just been cleaning my bathroom and attempting to tidy it up abit and have come to realise I buy FAR too much stuff! Going to have to find some sort of storage solution. Do you wait...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Missus S
1699 days ago
Or anyone else that may have any good veggie dishes, please share. I'm looking for some inspiration for teas. I will eat anything but meat and mushrooms (quorn is mushroom also so this is out). Xx

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of BumbleBrat
1699 days ago
Just looking for a bit of inspiration really.. I'm hosting "Come dine with Brat" on Saturday night, I've sorted the main and pud but have no idea what to do for a starter. I want something really light and vegetarian.. Main is veggie lasagne with...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of BumbleBrat
1699 days ago
Quite a few things for sale - More to come too. Postage not included unless stated, will have to work out what the rest will be. 3 x bouquets of pink roses. Perfect for bridesmaids if stems shortened and wrapped or for use in floral arrangements....

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Arquard
1699 days ago
This is becoming an Issue with me and h2b now. I hate the chairs at our venue - in fact, if there'd been another venue we'd liked, the chairs would have been the deal breaker for me, I hate them THAT much! So I want to get some covers sorted, not...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Random Name
1699 days ago
Hi all I am starting to think about what kind of shoe I want and wondered if anyone cares to flash their to give me some inspiration? ? Thanks in advance ?

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of BumbleBrat
1699 days ago
..Playing with Lego!! Went round PIL's house earlier to help clear out their loft as they are having their insulation done and found tons of H2B's old games.. and a big box of Lego so I asked if we could take it home, I love the stuff. Have been...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of sr3693
1699 days ago
Hey Girls, Just wandered do wedding shoes have to match?! I have purchased the mini magic florals but they are white & silver...with an ivory dress will this look wrong? Any opinions much appreciated

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of CupcakeQueen
1699 days ago
I really want my holiday now!! Off to a beautiful hotel in lovely Turkey in July- I cannot wait! Where are you off to this year and can we have a holiday flash (either planned or already been to cheer up this miserable day??) I'll start: Balcony bed!...