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A How-To-Guide to making Button Bouquets.

BumbleBrat, 12 September, 2010 at 01:15 Posted on Planning 0 36

Hoping this will be of some use for some people wanting something different to the traditional flowers.

Firstly, you will need to collect alot of buttons in your colour scheme. Ebay, junk shops, chairty shops, carboots, fabric shops etc will be your best friend! I am also using lace and pearls/beads for mine, aswell as various brooches. I have found that taking apart a cheap flower garland from Asda leaves white fabric flower shapes which work quite well at the bottom of some of the button flowers.

The button flower stems are florist wire, it comes in a range of colours including white, I don't intend on having mine showing when the bouquet is finished. It comes in different sizes. I used 12 inch/20 swg wire. It's easily manipulated and not too thick to fit buttons and beads onto. It's fairly inexpensive, again, Ebay is your best bet.

Hope this helps some DIY Brides-to-be!

Nat x

36 replies

Latest activity by Lottipop, 1 October, 2014 at 22:02
  • S
    Sloan-R ·
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    I seen this on the Etsy site and seriously considered doing one but not sure if I have the time with an 8 month old rampaging over the place lol.

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  • teeheeyoucrazyguys!
    teeheeyoucrazyguys! ·
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    Thats the most informative post ive ever bloody marvellous! thank you for sharing....

    I dont need a button bouquet but you are sending my mind into creative overdrive...

    now what could i make with buttons i wonder...hmmm.... lol

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    Got your message last night STBMRSEVANS, through email.. Couldn't work our for the life of me how to reply lol! Glad you found the post though Smiley smile

    Teehee - Tell me about it, I'm so into buttons at the moment, I've just bought some silver button earrings, they're so cute!! Any odd coloured buttons that I wont use I've been sticking to my wedding scrapbook pages to jazz them up and keep in with the button theme I seem to have adopted. Think I may try a buttonhole for the dudes soon, not sure how to make it masculine though :/

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    Nobody was keen on my button bouquet idea, but now both Mums have come round to the idea, MIL2B has bought most of my buttons for me, bless her. H2B reaaaaally wasn't keen but he likes what I've done so far. You'll have to put pics up of yours as you do it, and especially of the buttonholes if you make some.. I need inspiration! H2B has said no to every googled button buttonhole pic so far.. Can see his point, they look a bit too girly or tacky lol (Says the girl with a mass of buttons infront of her!)

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  • Lynseys Designs
    Lynseys Designs ·
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    Absolute patience of a saint to make that! I can't wait to see your finished bouquet. x

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    Anybody else having a go at making their own? Would love to see! (even just seeing the buttons, Im button mad at the mo!)

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  • raincloud
    Beginner August 2011
    raincloud ·
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    I am planning on making my own - collecting bits at the moment and when i have enough stuff to start I will put a few things together. Still decideding on the colour of my bouquet either yellow or blue, so collecting both colours at the moment! My bouquet won't just be buttons though I plan to add fabric flowers, beaded flowers and shells too so its going to be a bit of a mix. Love the idea of adding sparkly broaches as well but haven't seen any cheep, nice ones yet. I also want to make the bridesmaid one into a bag so my friend can use it on the day for her bits and keep for the future. My bouquet I plan to have a secret pocket in for things I may want rather than an actual bag. Haven't quite worked out how I will do this yet, but figure a few prototypes and I'll have it sussed.

    BrideBrat I have some white/cream buttons you can have if you want to send me your address to post them too.

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  • Browny
    Beginner June 2011
    Browny ·
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    I'm not sure about mine yet but I'm making my bridesmaids button pomander/bags (ivory). I'm using polystyrene spheres (sp?) though for the shape - which are hollow i.e. to make the space for the bag and then I'm using satin to cover it (and make the drawstring bag bit) and then I'm sewing the buttons/flowers onto the satin. I'm making one first just to check I'm happy with the overall look and then will make the other 3. I'm currently at the stage of lining it, then I can start attaching buttons! I'll try doing a flash at some point soon when I get the chance!

    As for me I'm undecided - dont like the idea of a bouquet as I feel they just get in the way but I will need something to hold! Might just make myself a pomander/bag as well but in pink to match the BMs.

    Need to get cracking as I go through creative phases so need to make the most of it so I dont run out of time!


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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    I've just had some bits and bobs arrive in the post, including the bouquet oasis, some tiny fake baby's breath flowers with pearls on and some pearl headed pins to attach lace etc to the bouquet too.

    STBMRSEVANS - Yeah, I'll cut the button flowers down quite alot, with maybe 2 inches of wire left. I did some mock ones to make sure they stayed firmly in place in some Dry oasis I had and it works perfectly! Smiley laugh

    So kind of you! We should have a button swap on here as I buy buttons in bulk packs sometimes which come with other colours, if everyone writes down what colours they are using we could get a swap shop going. BlondeViki very kindly sent me a load of white/cream buttons too - Hitchers are so kind!

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  • Sherrie H
    Sherrie H ·
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    You can use cool melt glue gun to make sure they stay in place once you have arranged them.

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    My little flowers arrived today for the bouquet too Smiley smile I will keep hold of any red buttons I get for you as I don't need red. I'm also looking for very light pink/dusky pink and light sage green colours. I'll save up extra ones for a while before posting to people, think I only have one red one so far and it's heart shaped, not worth sending on it's own lol x

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  • raincloud
    Beginner August 2011
    raincloud ·
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    I'll go through my button box for red ones - sure to find some for you STBMRSEVANS. And Sage and pink for you Bridebat. I am looking for turquiose and aqua - blues and greens (water theme) and yellow. So if you come across any buttons those colour that you don't want I will cheekily take them off your hands!

    Met a friend last night who is getting married eight months after me but is so much more organised! I probably should start making all these things I say I am doing!

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  • raincloud
    Beginner August 2011
    raincloud ·
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    Ha! no way am I doing it the night before the wedding! I figure I need to look at invites first and get those made so maybe after that I will start making the bouquet things. However I also plan to make my tiara as well as all the stationary stuff like order of service. It will all come together I am sure - no need to stress yet!

    Found you some pretty flower shaped red buttons STBMRSEVANS so will keep looking and then send them on when I have gathered an envelope full.

    On a completely different topic I am going dress shopping tomorrow and if I still like the dress I tried on a month ago I am buying it!! Whoop whoop! So that will be one more thing to add to the list of church booked and recption place booked - which is all I have done so far!!!

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  • N
    Beginner October 2011
    narie ·
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    I am on the hunt for buttons! Any one have any good websites to purchse them from? Have ordered a few off ebay but am getting impatient - want to order this weekend and then I can begin making them!!

    Also I am hoping to make them for my tables (if my first one comes out good) - but am not sure on colours. My colour scheme has changed so now thinking midnight blue, ivory and silver... so should I make the button bouqets mainly ivory, white and silver and add a few blue button flowers in also? Or add some sparkle?! any suggestions very welcome Smiley smile

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  • babybirdandmouse
    Dedicated August 2020
    babybirdandmouse ·
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    I ordered my first load of buttons from ebay on Wednesday night and they arrived today. I'm very pleased with them also as they are a different variety of sizes, shades and patterns. I've found a couple of websites but the best one (as mentioned in a previous post) is however I don't think they are uber fast at shipping! In saying that though, their buttons are beautiful and in my opinion, well worth the wait ?

    I've thought about adding felt flowers into my bouquet aswell. My colour scheme is purple and ivory, quite a common one I think!! I love the idea of a button swap shop and will keep a 'stash' of all the ones I don't need to use for sending onto fellow hitchers!

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  • MrsL'Cham2be
    Beginner October 2011
    MrsL'Cham2be ·
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    Hi ladies, just reviving this thread as I'm interested in making a button bouquet myself. How is everyone getting on with their bouquets? Has anyone finished yet and more importantly got any pics to flash?

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  • Kitty824
    Beginner December 2011
    Kitty824 ·
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    Thank you mrsL'cham2be for bringing this back to my attention.

    I definately didnt want a flower bouquet but this has just made my mind up for me, im going to have a go at making a button bouquet.

    Bridebrat, I know im new but I can see why you won the most helpful hitcher award - truly deserved!

    Are you still interested in buttons? Ive got quite a collection going on... well a few to get me started..I can do a flash if you like?

    How is your bouquet coming along? can I ask you no the white almost tulip shape button you use underneath the pearl to make the stem what would you call those? are they buttons aswell?

    Many thanks!


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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    I still haven't attached mine to my bouquet holder.. I'm so scared of doing it incase I mess up lol! May try it soon though.

    Kitty, flash us your buttons by all means ?

    The 'trumpet' type thingy is a toggle thingy, you know the sort that would go on the end of a pull string on a coat or something, kinda makes it a bit daffodil-like.. Except not yellow lol.

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  • Kitty824
    Beginner December 2011
    Kitty824 ·
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    Well I dont need telling twice to flash...? I still need some bigger buttons for the "bottom" layer and I want more glitzy ones and sparkly ones but i dont think this is bad to say i only decided last night...(I raided my mums button box)

    Obviously my colours are red, silver, grey white and silver/glitter

    Where is best to get the from?(apart from ebay obviously)

    thank you again BB!

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    Ooh lots of buttons to be getting on with, you'll find you need hundreds more lol. I think I have about 800 buttons overall.

    I bought a few off ebay but then found that they were always smaller than I imagined them to be so was left disappointed. I got about 600 of mine from a craft fair at the NEC and all the special sparkly/nice ones were from craft/button/sewing type shops. Some were expensive though mind, they can easily go upto and beyond £5 per button!! Most of my special ones were around £2 each.

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  • Missus S
    Missus S ·
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    Hope you dont mind, i found it and wanted to post it on my thread so i can find it for reference in the future Smiley smile

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  • S
    Beginner June 2011
    Sadie.K90 ·
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    Only just found this thread, have been thinking about making a bouquet for a while and have now decided to do it. I have got a few buttons, but they are all pretty much the same colour and size, any tips or if anyone could send other buttons i would be very greatful

    Thanks all xx

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  • Recycledbride
    Beginner June 2012
    Recycledbride ·
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    Tip - get loads of buttons, you need a huge variety of shapes, sizes and colours to make your bouquet interesting. make a few mock up ones before starting on THE one. Experiment with using oasis and not using it, I thought it would be easier to use it, but ended up wasting button stacks. Consider the can spend £100's on buttons if you want something different.....may work out cheaper to work with a designer like I heart vintage button bouquets to get the look you want. I'm making mine as i want something that I will look at and love everyday.

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  • W
    Beginner August 2012
    waggamama ·
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    I'm currently making my button bouquet, it's lots of fun (and work) and a bit frustrating at times but overall pretty easy and fun! I find it very annoying when I order buttons on Ebay and they come to me a different colour...!

    I'm making two, one for my flower girl in pink/purple, and one for me in red/pearl white. I've also ordered some very large glass pearls to put on single stems just to pretty it up a bit.

    I'm using floral wire, think it's 26 gauge.

    Overall it's lovely and lots of fun. I'm going to make some button holes for the blokes too with green buttons. Hopefully they'll look good on the day! I think I've used about 300 buttons so far.

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  • M
    Beginner July 2015
    MariaH33 ·
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    This is a fab tutorial - thank you!

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  • Chucklevision
    Beginner July 2015
    Chucklevision ·
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    I have loads of buttons - Any one what any blue, teal, Turquoise or varying shades of purple ones?

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  • L
    Beginner August 2015
    Lottipop ·
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    I have started to make a button bouquet in white ivory and purple/lilac for my bridesmaid, but have no idea how many buttons this will take would someone be able to help me? Also what is the best way to put it together as much advice as possible please! Thanks to all you brides and b2b's out there.

    I made mine with artificial flowers and brooches but want this one a bit different!

    thanks again


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