It started off quite civilised with a lunch, then a Mr and Mrs Quiz - for every question I got wrong I had to put on a stupid / festival related item - all the objects I'm wearing were all gathered from my gal and guy pals all over the city anfd have al been at festivals I've been at... anyway - on with the massive pics!!! :-)
The two oragnisers - Eve and Tracy.... :-)
Oh dear - two many wrong answers! Stealing my wellie boots from my shed when I was out was a particular sroke of genius! :-)
erm.... yes.... :-)
Eve had secretly got in touch with my sister and oldest school chum as well as privately Facebooking our mutal pals to ask everyone for thier funniest memory of me - they were read out all through the day and were hilarious - some REALLy embarassing ones from my sister - one of them was getting read out just then... laughed myself sore! :-)
Another bar, another bottle of Champers on the house - nice! :-) x
Some dancing in The Port of Leith later! :-)
No idea what I'm indicating here!!! LOL ;-) ... but that was pretty much the end of the night .... had such a great laugh and the girls went to so much trouble to make it really special for me, espcially the stories from my sister who couldn't make it -I LOVE MY MATES!!!