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Beginner November 2016

Activity packs for Children at the wedding meal....

Annaangeluk2016, 2 of September of 2016 at 10:31 Posted on Planning 0 5

We've only got a few kids coming to our wedding reception and I know they will mostly have phones/tablets etc but I want to put together a couple of little bags just to keep them entertained during the meal hopefully without too many electronic beeps etc!

The kids are sitting at 2 of the tables, 2 brothers age 8 & 12 and then 2 sisters 5 & 8 and their brother aged 11. The bags are to be shared. I've seen some little personalised wedding colouring books which is fine for the girls but can't see the boys being keen! I've also got some mardles stickers which look like stickers of animals, dinosaurs etc but when you hold an app over them they walk about on the surface/on your hand etc. These kept me entertained for ages when I found them!! Hopefully they'll like them too!

Just wondering what else to put in! They're all old enough to behave themselves so I don't feel it's my job to keep them entertained but thought it might be nice while all the grown ups are talking for them to have something to distract them!!

Not sure sweets or bubbles are a good idea, but dont know what else! Any ideas will be appreciated!

Anna x

5 replies

Latest activity by SparklyYellowDiamond, 18 of September of 2016 at 18:22
  • 1
    Beginner November 2016
    1987RAF ·
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    All the children are a lot yonger at mine (5 being the oldest) so its all about the crayons, colouring books, sticker book and stickers for our age range.

    Where do you get these stickers from as I may be persuaded to spend some more money (kids are so expensive!) just so I can have a play to be honest as htey sound an amazing invention.

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  • A
    Beginner November 2016
    Annaangeluk2016 ·
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    Ha! The stickers are awesome! I bought them for my daughter last Christmas and ended up getting 3 packs of them so I'm just using the spare ones! You can get them off QVC or Amazon. They're roughly £5 per pack but you get a few in them. The app to view them is free to download on apple or android. They are so cute! You can make them walk around, the teddy bear one for example does little cartwheels and they all have different sounds and movements! I'm not expecting that they will play with them for hours but hoping because they are a bit different it should keep them amused for a while! My plan is to give each child a different one, stuck to a gift tag with their name on so they an swap with each other to look at them all but get to keep them after! I'm going to ask their parents in advance to download the app so its ready for them!

    Anna x

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  • Paula @ Ollievision
    Paula @ Ollievision ·
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    I photographed a wedding recently where most child guests were boys. They were given small blow-up dinosaurs! It was a great idea, they loved them.

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  • Bacchant
    Beginner June 2017
    Bacchant ·
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    I found these awesome activity books in lidl a few weeks back which I'm going to be using to keep kids busy! There're really big with loads of different quizzes/mazes/stickers/etc, the kind of stuff you'd get at a restaurant kiddy menus but there's loads of them. They were £2 each and I don't think I'll need to add much to them to keep the kids busy (they also have a carry handle cut in so they can take them home). We just need some pencils and then my OH is RAF so we've got some of those polystyrene planes for them.

    Then we're doing charity favours (and sweetie favours) for the adults, so the kiddies will get them too, apart from their charity is our local lobster charity. They get a little toy lobster (and also a lobster named after them at the sanctuary with a photo!).

    I'm not sure about the older boys liking colouring, but the younger one should still be of an age where they'd enjoy it! The older ones might prefer some dot to dots? They require a bit more thinking and they do Star Wars/Comic Book ones now.

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  • disneyfanatic95
    Dedicated June 2017
    disneyfanatic95 ·
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    I'm buying some packs for mine from Amazon they have personalised bags that they go in to. But I'm making mine boys/girls types do they will be different. But mine enjoy colouring.

    thos stickers sound amazing! Forget the children is be more interested in them than the speeches haha!

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  • S
    Beginner May 2018
    SparklyYellowDiamond ·
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    Have you considered disposable cameras?

    The kids will have fun taking pictures, you can set them takes to photograph certain things or just get a child's perspective of your wedding.

    I I did this for my nephews for their parents wedding (my brother and his wife) and the photos were fantastic!!

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