Just curious about people's views really, I don't have a proper hump about this!
We just had a baby and are lucky to have received lots of cards, all put up around the room. PIL (anyone else, you just wouldn't even care, would you? Something about PILs that just wind a girl up instantly ?) went through them one by one, picking them up and reading the messages inside. All from people they wouldn't know, if that has any bearing.
Obviously, they are 'publicly' (in our home though) on display. And anything really dodgy could be set to one side I suppose. But it occurred to me as FIL was rooting through, that I would never read someone else's cards, certainly not without asking.
So - am I weird? Or is he a bit rude?
As I say - it's not something I'm wound up about - just curious whether my view on card etiquette is 'normal' or not! ?