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Beginner July 2016

Am I the most selfish bride in the world?!

YellowDiamond, 25 of October of 2015 at 10:26 Posted on Planning 0 12


im really looking for advice - and before you read any further please know I'm aware of how terrible and selfish and downright awful I'm about to sound, but it's really stressing me out!

as a bit of background.... Our guest list was initially 150 people, but when we considered logistics such as the cost and the venue we wanted we had to bring it down to 120. This is the absolute maximum we can have based on venue size and insurance, and it really stretches us financially to afford the day, but we agreed we would rather go without a holiday this year etc to have as many people with us on the day as possible. To bring the guest list down, the first thing we did was say no non family children - not ideal but we would rarely do that and have another 12 of our actual friends there! We called and explained to the couples who this affected and they were fine.

Now, one of my very good friends who I used to live with is invited. Her partner, for various reasons is not. He was not in the original 150. She text me this week to say she is pregnant! I'm so excited for her as she's been wanting to start a family for a while and she will be a lovely mummy, so spent ages chatting to her about it, and during the conversation it came out she's due 8 weeks before the wedding. I immediately said that of course I want her there but would completely understand if she felt she could be at the wedding because she couldn't leave the baby / was worried about being tired etc. she replied and said "cool, I'll decide when the baby is here and see if I can express, just let you know then."

heres the the awful selfish cow bit.... I really don't think she will be in a position to come, and I'm fully supportive of that - her new baby and her own well being will be so much more important, I spoke to my bridesmaid to has a 2 year old and she said that even if she delivered a bit early there is no way she would have left the baby that soon, nor would she have been able to get her baby to take a bottle that quick. I know every baby / pregnancy / new mother is different though. The thing is, I'd rather if she thinks she might not come that she say now - or at least sooner than 6 weeks to two days before the wedding! Leaving it to the last minute will mean we are unlikely to fill the space with someone else (ie from the 20 people left off the original list) as people will have plans and not necessarily have budgeted to attend a wedding with hotels etc, and if we ate able to bump people up the list eye would like to do it as early as possible so they feel as little of an afterthought as possible, and also we don't want to waste the money on paying for a guest who at the last minute doesn't come. Now of course we expect last minute drop outs but we appreciate that - if it's for something that a bit of foresight could have prevented though I'll be quite cross! God I sound awful. Please don't think me totally heartless, I'm genuinely delighted for her, and don't want her to feel pressured to come to the wedding when she isn't ready, there's just also a really practical side to it as well!

what would you do? Has anyone else been in this situation? X

12 replies

Latest activity by Faruk, 23 of December of 2021 at 18:45
  • L
    Beginner July 2016
    Little_MrsA2B ·
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    Tbh, I wouldn't worry about this at all. I'm not sure when your wedding is, but say if it is in the summer, it might be quite likely that not ALL of the 120 you invite will be able to make it. So maybe some people can be bumped up anyway. For the sake of one 'potential' no show, I wouldn't worry about it. I've read on this forum that some people have been evening guests and then asked to attend the day a week or less before the wedding and they don't seem to mind.

    It will all work out, just take a breath and relax!

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  • Lapland2015
    Beginner December 2015
    Lapland2015 ·
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    I think weddings really do have a bizarre effect on people. I assume this is her first child so she genuinely has no idea how she will cope with a new born yet so I understand her saying she will decide nearer the time as for filling the extra space I hate to tell you this but in my experience of weddings you always get a guest or two who says they are coming but don't show so you will most likely pay for a few empty seats so I would just leave it as if is. We have gad a few rssvps decline for our UK party and w have given those spaces to guests we couldn't initially invite but with the party being january I still have about 35 rsvps that I haven't recieved so could end up with a lot of empty seats!

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  • Jayne E
    Jayne E ·
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    No I don't think you're being selfish but I agree with previous posters. There will probably be some cancellations nearer to the time and you will be able to fill those seats but in all probability there will be a couple who won't know they can't attend until the last minute or even on the day. I wouldn't risk spoiling your friendship for the sake of an empty seat.

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  • Sam&Louise
    Beginner September 2015
    Sam&Louise ·
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    As you say, everyone is different. She may feel perfectly able to come- but the fact is that she just wont know until nearer the time. I completely understand why you'd like a yes/no asap but as others have said, unfortunately there will pretty much always be drop outs last minute anyway

    We shot a wedding a couple of years ago where the maid of honour gave birth a week before the wedding. Last year a bridesmaid had given birth 5 weeks beforehand, so you never know.

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  • S
    Beginner September 2017
    Sorbet ·
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    I went to a wedding when my son was a fresh newborn and there was no trouble, as a newborn the baby wont need a meal so no extra cost if she does need to bring him/her or easily she could leave him with he husband/boyfriend or parents since you said they arent coming (I would never leave my son with a 'babysitter' but wouldnt think twice about leaving him with is dad or grandparents for the day)

    at 2 months old the baby should be able to go a day without the mother easily especially if he with other family, some people take less than that for maternity leave - my mother went back to work in under a month and worked long shifts and at my sons nursery they had a special area for babies

    I wouldnt expect her to stay through the late evening or night time though but 5 or so hours in the day for the ceremony and breakfast is completely doable

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  • YellowDiamond
    Beginner July 2016
    YellowDiamond ·
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    Hi everyone, thank you for your comments and thoughts on this - it feels like a bit of a minefield as I don't want to offend her and do still want her to come if she feels able to! Good to hear that other new mums have felt perfectly comfortable to Do This sort of thing though - I don't have children so have no frame of reference!

    as you say sorbet, I wouldn't expect her to stay late into the evening as I've heard even when you express it can get very uncomfortable after a time so imagine she would need to go!

    Gah this wedding is making me even more stressy and irrational than usual! I'll be lucky to have a groom at this rate!xx

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  • S
    Beginner December 2015
    SunnyPinkConfetti310 ·
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    One of my best friends has just had a baby, this week, and our wedding is in 9 weeks. She and her husband have both RSVPed yes, her Mum has taken the day off work and she is going to decide the week before whether she wants to bring the baby or leave her with her Mum. I'm relaxed either way, as she won't eat and I know they wouldn't sit there and let her scream the place down. We're going to put 9 instead of 10 on their table in case they do want to bring her, so they have a little extra space.

    As others have said, people dropping out might free up room on your guest list, and I think it would be pretty horrible to ask your friend to tie down now whether she is going to come or not. Let her see how she goes.

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  • snow bride
    Beginner June 2016
    snow bride ·
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    I would have been happy leaving mine (actually I was back at work before then, lol).

    Would you be ok if baby came?

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  • YellowDiamond
    Beginner July 2016
    YellowDiamond ·
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    Oh wow! I'm impressed! As I say, I have no frame of reference so don't know what's normal but it seems most people think it'll be ok but best to play it by ear so that's what I'll do!

    we can't have the baby come along for a few reasons - partly due to the numbers with the venue, we absolutely cannot go over 120 and also we have other friends who are having babies between now and the wedding so it wouldn't be fair to only have her baby there when they've all arranged childcare.

    thanks so much guys! X

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    The baby won't count in number, check with your venue but an 8 week old won't take up a seat and won't be eating, therefore shouldn't be counted. As others have said, you'll just have to see how she gets on

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  • N
    Beginner January 2016
    NoMoore ·
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    Why don't you check with the venue as to when they have to have final numbers without being charged for any reductions...

    So my venue needs to have final final numbers 2 days before, and then after the wedding we either get invoiced for the additional or refunded for the reduction. If that makes sense?

    If she is that good a friend, then why do you need to know now if she is coming? Yes she may not want to leave her baby, but then again she might. Also, is it completely beyond all possibility she could bring her newborn? It's not like the baby will need a seat or paying for. It depends on how much you want her to be there.

    I wouldn't say you are selfish or unreasonable, but a bit of understanding and stepping back from the situation to view it with a clear head seems to be required.

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  • N
    Beginner January 2016
    NoMoore ·
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    Sorry but if the baby is potentially 6 weeks old then I'm sure the other guests could understand... and if not, who cares... if you want her there?

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