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Beginner September 2003

Annoying FB status updates UPDATED!

vicbic, 10 of October of 2008 at 21:30

Posted on Off Topic Posts 67

Blow me, there are some crap ones out there. I have a "friend" (I know, I know!!) who keeps updating her FB status which it appears is some kind of "sumblimal message to someone or other. Probably her boyfriend. She is only 19. so slightly expected, but why the need to air all her dirty linen in...

Blow me, there are some crap ones out there. I have a "friend" (I know, I know!!) who keeps updating her FB status which it appears is some kind of "sumblimal message to someone or other. Probably her boyfriend.

She is only 19. so slightly expected, but why the need to air all her dirty linen in public.

N Is wondering why its so hard but only 1 sided... 8:59pm

N Hate's this situation. 7:29pm

N Thinks get on with it and get over yourself. 6:21pm

N Is tryin To get her life back on track but its not bein made very easy. 2:34pm
N Thinks life's to short to piss about and argue. 11:34am -
N Rly needs to think about stuff. 9:39am
Why do people feel the need to comment all the time? Anyone else got any other corkers?

67 replies

  • M
    Beginner March 2009
    Mrs Bloom ·
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    J is sooooooooo luking 4ward to oasis 2moro nite. 21:15 - Comment

    J has finally had the news i was waiting for!!!! & cant bloody wait till 2moro either Oasis @ Sheffield yepeeee.. 20:36 - 1
    J is soooooooo giddy cant wait 4 oasis fri.... 20:09 - 2 Comments
    Do you think my 'friend' is looking forward to seeing Oasis?
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  • M
    Beginner March 2009
    Mrs Bloom ·
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    Oh my god - two more already!

    J had the best nite oasis were amazing neva seen n e thing like it b4!!!!and god hav c n c made me laugh. 11:17
    J is still smiling after last nite gig oasis are amazing.....but dont understand why people throw wee gud job we ad gud seats tht all im saying!!!!!!! 11:49
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  • MightyQuin
    MightyQuin ·
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    I'd be culling pronto FML.

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  • Jerseygirl
    Jerseygirl ·
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    Mwnci ? - didn't mean to ignore you, this time difference is a bugger. Fellow loldogger made me smile.

    To add - I once declined to donate money to someone I went to high school with for some charity walk, having not spoken to her since we were 18 and we weren't even friends in school and she was asking for money ever so rudely. She quickly updated her profile to say 'S can't believe that she used to go to school with such w ankers'.

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  • MrsB
    MrsB ·
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    This thread has made me laugh. but blimey, I can't believe some of the updates!

    I was thinking I was justified in whinging that some I'd read were unbelievably mundane (like why would you talk about your daily breakfast and so on, and some are just too dull about one aspect of people's lives only) but I don't have anything to complain about, looking at some of these monstrosities!

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  • Roller Disco
    Beginner September 2008
    Roller Disco ·
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    An ex-colleague of mine conitinually updates his status with how much money he is supposedly making, it makes me cringe:

    'A is laughing all the way to the bank.'

    'A is in the money.'

    'A is rolling in it.'

    A is trying to decide...Aston Martin or Jag?'


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  • vicbic
    Beginner September 2003
    vicbic ·
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    N has updated her updates. Its a scorcher... ??

    N Doesnt know how there are any tears left. And cant even begin to imagine worst case scenario. And needs to talk! 5:55pm
    N Is getting more and more worked up and upset as time goes on. 5:45pm

    N Thinks we'v already been thru lots and can more, but u just need to try. 8:10am

    Oh god. She's a cheery chappess isn't she? ? (Honestly, she's a lovely girl, but I'm on the verge of removing her...but I need something to make me giggle!)

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  • RuthG
    Beginner July 2004
    RuthG ·
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    N sounds like she might need some counselling!

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  • C
    Beginner February 2006
    Carrot ·
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    I'm starting to feel quite concerned for N, the poor love.

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  • Pickled Eggs
    Beginner August 2008
    Pickled Eggs ·
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    This belongs to one of my "friends"

    "C is knackered as I spent 3 hours riding my wife and damm she was goooooood !"

    FFS do I care, no ??

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  • Missus Jolly
    Beginner October 2004
    Missus Jolly ·
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    Do you think that "VicBic thinks that N should ring the Samaritans" is a polite cull?

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  • C
    Beginner February 2006
    Carrot ·
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    That's gross!

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    Waaaahh - that's vile! Just read it to loml and he thinks it's only justifiable if it was someone else's wife.

    Poor N, but she does sound like a total passive-aggressive twonk.

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  • Pickled Eggs
    Beginner August 2008
    Pickled Eggs ·
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    He is right.

    When I saw it I was nearly sick. I actually posted on his wall that I didn't need to know, it was wrong.

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  • M
    Mwnci ·
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    Do you have his wife as a friend? What does hers say?

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  • Pickled Eggs
    Beginner August 2008
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    I wish I did, just beccause I want to be nosey ?

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  • sherry
    Beginner May 2009
    sherry ·
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    I keep looking now to see what ppl put, not that exciting though.

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    Probably "X is thanking *** that's over" ?

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  • M
    Mwnci ·
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    Do you reckon "his wife" is the name of his horse or motorbike or something?

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  • Pickled Eggs
    Beginner August 2008
    Pickled Eggs ·
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    Waaahhh ?

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  • Hubble
    Hubble ·
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    I have a fb "mate" (not seen her since we were 11) who comes across as a total head case on her updates. SERIOUS highs and lows and emotional traumas played out in a sort of veiled shroud of mystery. Whoooop.

    And i have recently culled an old school friend who was supposed to be coming to stay but sent some 'omg, trauma' message the day before to cancel - and then a day later was FB statusing about the amazing ski trip she was on. Twat.

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  • vicbic
    Beginner September 2003
    vicbic ·
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    I think N is trying to have an FB argument with her boyfriend. Who I know better and is lovely and into his 3rd week at Uni. He's moved away, but not far, and I feel so sorry for him. He should be out having fun and he's got her hassling him all the time! Poor sod.

    Passive agressive is definitely the phrase I was looking for!

    And as for the shagging based statuses (is that a word? probably not!) they are superb. ?

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  • spacecadet_99
    spacecadet_99 ·
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    J is wondering if anyone else fancys screwing my head up. 8:35pm - 1 Comment
    J is wondering if anyone else fancys screwing my head up. 8:34pm - Comment
    J has decided just to give up things just get worse ffs.
    J hardly slept and is really tired and fed up Smiley sad. 6:50am -
    There was also a whole series of status updates to do with her 'twinnies' going to school along the lines of 'my babys are all grown up' 'twinnies last day today' 'first day at school next week' 'first day of school today' ad nauseum. Why am I friends with this person?!
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  • W
    whitetiger ·
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    Me, Me!!

    My last two were;

    S says; 'can I run the mazes I grow, can I? I don't think so'...


    S has a blister the size of her thumb on her thumb, Ow Smiley sad


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  • Pickled Eggs
    Beginner August 2008
    Pickled Eggs ·
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    I have a new one from my famous "friend" C

    "C gave good oral sex last night to my wife and she gave good head back. Dammm I love this woman"

    I have to cull don't I? I feel sick looking at his status updates ?

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  • W
    whitetiger ·
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    I cant help wondering if;

    a) this poor bloke does not get laid at all.

    b) how his wife looks his mates in the eyes after he posts such tosh or;

    c) if she even knows

    yes you do have to cull, this loser clearly has no respect for either himself or his wife and is very immature - really sorry if he is a close friend but what a sick moron puppy loser he is ?

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  • Pickled Eggs
    Beginner August 2008
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    A) He probably doesn't although I they did break up and are now back together so it could explain the stupid updates about sex

    B) I feel for her a bit

    C) Probably not

    Its so, so wrong it really is. He is not a close friend. More a friend of a friend iyswim?

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  • M
    Mwnci ·
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    Can you comment on C's status? Maybe it'd start a bit of a conversation with some other people too.

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  • C
    Beginner February 2006
    Carrot ·
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    Much as I love my brother and his wife, their updates and wall posts make me feel a little queasy.

    S is heading home to her hubby x x x.

    S is at work, wishing it was 5.30 so she could go home to her poorly hubby x x x. 3:21pm - 2 Comments
    S is waiting for the clock to say 5.30 then she is out of the office x off to the gym tonight with her darling hubby x. 5:07pm
    S is wishing is was lunchtime again, only because she is meeting her darling husband for lunch today x x. 11:27am
    S is at home and it is the weekend - yay, Wigan tomorrow to watch the boys with her hubby x x i love you P
    I am married to the most wonderful man in the whole world x x

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  • C
    Beginner February 2006
    Carrot ·
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    PR wrote at 3:59pm
    I love you my little sexy wife xxxxx

    PR wrote at 9:59pm
    I love you too my gorgeous little wife
    Carrot thinks P and S should get a room...
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  • W
    whitetiger ·
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    Awww the lovey dovey ones are cute. Oh to be like that with someone.... give it another 5 years and a kid and then see you write that tosh! lol - bitter? me? yeah okay maybe a bit ?

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  • HaloHoney
    Beginner July 2007
    HaloHoney ·
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    There is one person on my friends' list whose status updates actually have me laughing. He is going through song titles. e.g. "A thinks that it's a marvellous night for a moondance" etc.

    One of his more recent ones was: A just came on Eileen ?

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