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Any NHS workers? Or Employment lawyers - Agenda for change back pay

loopyloo, 9 June, 2008 at 18:50 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 7

Hey everyone

Any nurses or other NHS workers out there still struggling to get NHS back pay? Im still waiting to get mine, any tactics for hurrying them up?Its driving me insane, i could really do with the money right now. Ive called them, and all they can say is that they know I am waiting for it, but they cant tell me when I'll get it.

I left the NHS 2 years ago now.

If there are any employment lawyers out there? Roobarb, can I bend your ear or can you give me any advice as to how to hurry them up?

The basics are -

NHS were supposed to introduce this new pay scheme in 2003. They didnt.

Under this new scheme newly qualified nurses should have been paid around £19,000, instead we were paid the old rate of £16,545

My pay changed over to the new scheme in April 2006.

So basically Im owed the difference between my salary between 2003 and april 2006.

They've pissed about with paying this extra. We were always told it was gonna be this month, or the next month, then the month after that. They are stalling big time. This money could be sitting in my bank account earning interest.

Ive asked in what order they are paying people. Alphabetically, by ward, by date joined, length of service. But they tell me there is no system, that it is random??

Apparently as I have left the NHS I am no longer a priority, and will be left to last.

Some of my old colleagues have already been paid this money. They have got in the region of £1500-£2500.

According to the women at payroll, employment laws dont apply to the NHS, so they can take as long as they like and I cant do anything about it.


(Apologies for the long rant)

7 replies

Latest activity by Andarbek, today at 18:36
  • Evelina
    Beginner February 2008
    Evelina ·
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    I'm still in post, and just got my back pay for my recruitment premium this month!

    Good luck to you, Rebecca

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  • Oriana
    Oriana ·
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    My H is in NHS. He hasn't even been assimilated onto the correct grading yet, six months after his appeal and they can't even tell us when he is getting back pay - right now we'd just like him to be on the right pay as he is being paid a grade below what he should be and surely by messing about with that, they are just increasing the amount of back pay they owe him.

    A lot of other people he knows are in the same boat. One of his colleagues has had a letter saying that as he has left the NHS, he will have to contact them to get his back pay - main problem being he hasn't left the NHS. The letter (and e-mails etc to all of them) says not to contact the agenda for change team with any queries and therefore, he cannot get through to anyone to tell them he is still working there. It is a total nightmare as now 10 people are working being paid a whole grade below what they should be, they can't give us a date of when that will be changed, or when he will get back pay, but that is likely to be 10 months after he is assimilated. Aaaah

    Good luck.

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  • L
    loopyloo ·
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    Grrrr, its so annoying, isnt it?

    Thing is, if this was any ordinary company they'd have been taken to court by now.

    I have heard of a few people who have taken court action or sent lawyers letter re the witholding of monies due to them.

    I was assimilated over 2 years ago now.

    It has been 18months since I got a letter saying that would be paid my back pay in my next wage.

    Any employment lawyers about? Is there anything I can do?

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  • C
    Cooke-monster ·
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    You're probably aware that the police are going through similar - my H was in London campaigning about it recently but to no avail - in a very basic nutsehll, they were awarded a pay rise but they never backdated it to the agreed date. It went to arbitration and the arbitrator's decision (supposedly legally binding) was that the government was to backdate the pay. They still haven't. It's not a huge amount of money, but it's the damn principle of the thing. It seems the government considers itself to be above the law - and if they don't abide by arbitration rules then there's bot all hope for anyone else. It really angers me.

    I hope you get some resolution to your situation ?

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  • Cedar
    Cedar ·
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    I would complain to the Chair of the Trust that owes you the money. And your local MP. Get them on the case!

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  • M
    Marie96 ·
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    We must actually be fairly organised at our trust as we have dealt with all the appeals and paid all back pay as far as I'm aware.

    I would get in contact with the staffside (union) lead for afc as they should be representing the interests of all staff in the process not just their indiv union members.

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  • Andarbek
    Beginner December 2028 East London
    Andarbek ·
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    That sounds frustrating! A Venture Capital Legal Consulting firm could help navigate the legal side and speed things up.

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