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Beginner August 2013

Any one gone as far as to use Melanotan II for getting a tan before wedding?

kathryn4chris, 9 April, 2011 at 17:13 Posted on Planning 0 28

As the title says.. has any one used Melanotan II. I dont tan very well and really dont want to go on the sunbeds to get only a slight glow if that. I have to go on them a LOT if i am to get a slight tan. Ive heard about Melanotan and wondered if anyone else had used the injections/ nasal sprays?

Usually i would use fake tan, however im not too keen on using fake tan as dont want to ruin my dress, but dont want to be pale.

I dont know whether these Injections are safe or if anyone has used them.

Would appreciate your advice girls!


28 replies

Latest activity by Naboo, 28 April, 2011 at 13:43
  • D
    Dancerlady ·
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    I don't think so they are safe.

    This is what I found from wikipedia:

    ''As of 2010 no compound incorporating the melanotan II peptide has ever been approved for use by any governmental drug regulatory bodies outside of clinical trials. Unlicensed and untested powders sold as "melanotan II" are found on the Internet[4] and are reported to be used by thousands of members of the general public. Multiple regulatory bodies have warned consumers the peptides may be unsafe and ineffective in usage with one regulatory agency warning that consumers who purchase any product labeled "melanotan" risk buying a counterfeit drug.[5] Medical researchers and Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals, the company developing the related peptide afamelanotide, has warned consumers that counterfeit products sold using the names "melanotan I and II", "pose a hazard to public health".[6]''

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  • Rebecca86
    Beginner July 2012
    Rebecca86 ·
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    Don't even bother with these, a friend of mine took this so she didn't "burn" on holiday

    and she turned so dark people thought she was of an Aisan background and she was a

    pale white before this, it also turned parts of her GUMS BLACK and she had black spots on her

    lips, not to mention she had rather a lot of freckles and all these turned black !!!

    Stay away from it, go for a spray tan instead !!

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  • SaSaSi
    Beginner July 2012
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    This is what happened to people in my town - they look ridiculous.

    As long as you use a developing fake tan ie st tropez which you put on at nite & wash off the following morning it will NOT come off & stain your clothes.

    If you use an instant tan ie sunshimmer, once its dry it theoretically shouldnt transfer but ive only ever used it when wearing dark clothes so cant really comment. But if you get wet ie say a drink spills near you & you get 'japped' you'll see white dots where the instant tan has been 'washed off'

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    The MHRA (who govern the safety and quality of medicinal products in the UK) say:

    We are warning people not to use this product. Don't be fooled into thinking that Melanotan offers a shortcut to a safer and more even tan. The safety of these products is unknown and they are unlicensed in the UK. The side effects could be extremely serious. If you have used either of these products do not use them again and if you have any concerns you should seek advice from your doctor.

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
    Arquard ·
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    I used that Garnier (or is it L'Oreal? Who knows...) dry mist spray yesterday and it looks really good. That's about as much as I'm prepared to invest time, money and safety-wise in getting a tan!!

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  • Chris Giles Photography
    Chris Giles Photography ·
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    If there's one thing I know about it's Melanotan.

    I discovered it a few years ago (maybe four) and it does what it says on the tin...but almost too well.

    You essentially have a race change. It's that strong and you still need to use the sun to bring the tan out. Usually a 10mg course is more than enough however many go straight in there at too high a dose and darken too quickly. If you have any scar tissue or moles this will darken at a much faster rate.

    Also, if you are on the course and you cut yourself the scar tissue then is incredibly dark.

    I believe it does mess with your wasn't until the fourth year of using it that on my scalp around the hairline I noticed a bit of skin peeling or flaking which took a while to subside. Then again it could of been I'm getting older now and I'm no longer a spritely nipper (at 36 lol).

    It lasts about as long as a normal tan would, is completely natural but is more dark than golden. You really don't want to go that dark.

    But yes, it works. I no longer use it though. I used to go on a course before leaving for a sunny locale as I burnt easily but after this length of time my skin has almost learnt to tan better, possibly because of the stuff as I used to always go red in the years leading up to starting it.

    I think it's currently in Phase 4 trials which is one step away from general approval. There's a strong underground following of it. It's a peptide / amino acid which is how come it can be used, synthesised and sold over here.

    The method of delivery is via injection using an insulin needle. It can hurt sometimes, cause soreness and I still have a few, very feint discolourations on my belly from when I used the stuff.

    I have nothing bad or good to say about it, however if it's for a wedding day just fake it.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    Not as a tanning agent....

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  • Chris Giles Photography
    Chris Giles Photography ·
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    Depends on which way you look at it. The drug was developed with the hope of helping those in the high risk groups. The aim was to protect against skin cancer developing by boosting the skins natural defense to sunlight.

    So technically a tanning agent for high risk groups. But not a beauty treatment.

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  • kathryn4chris
    Beginner August 2013
    kathryn4chris ·
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    Thanks for all the replies!!

    Lots of mixed reviews...

    I'd love to try it but there are way too many risks/ unknown effects by it, plus it is injecting a drug into myself!!

    I do have very fair skin and used to go on the sun beds every day to get a tan, however i havent been on them in about a year now and do not plan on going back on them due to health risks.. may sound silly me even thinking about this Melanotan... A friend at work told me about it, so i think i shall wait and see what she thinks of it first.

    I have a phobia of needles so i probably wont try it.

    Thanks Chris Giles for your view on it... What made you stop using it, plus do you have a picture of what colour you went using it?


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  • Chris Giles Photography
    Chris Giles Photography ·
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    What made me stop using it? Well I guess I was going through all that grief for little long term benefit.

    My skin playing up after the last use was one reason, plus I now seem to tan quicker.

    I did have some images but they are burnt to an old CD of times gone by, locked somewhere amongst a million other images.

    As a guide though...I essentially went a very dark Indian colour.

    There is no healthy glow with the stuff. You go Brown.

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  • Chris Giles Photography
    Chris Giles Photography ·
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    I will also add, from a photography point of view, it can look really bad if your partner is pale and you are really dark.

    I know there are those in mixed race marriages but that's not what I'm getting at they look fine.

    People will know it's fake because of it's severity to what they are used to seeing you as.

    You're probably wearing a white dress like most brides so it will make your skin look darker as it is. Just like a white shirt brings out a tan.

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  • Missus S
    Missus S ·
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    Some of my family members use it and in my opinion, and i like my fake tan, it looks too orange. It doesnt look natural and u can tell a mile off that its been used.

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  • catann
    Beginner October 2010
    catann ·
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    I can not believe that anyone would even consider injecting themselves with a product that does not have a license!!!

    To be honest if there are any side effects then these people deserve to suffer their consequences! All to have a tan. Its mental. Anyone who has or is considering injecting themselves with a product to achieve the awlful dark brown look needs mental health treatment!!!

    Its not as if there is not an alternative.... false tan!!!!

    Anyway a dark tan is so 90's. Just look at Hollywood glamour. There is not one Holywood actress who has a tan!!!! Angelina,Scarlett,Nicole,Dita they are all pale. pale is the new tan!!!

    I am so pale its painful. To take the edge off my whiteness I used a gradual tanner.

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  • Rebecca86
    Beginner July 2012
    Rebecca86 ·
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    Snap i'm the same, i look like i've just been dug up some mornings !!

    But i wouldn't use the injections at all !!

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  • NikiST
    Beginner July 2011
    NikiST ·
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    I agree with Trickers.. a spray tan dries and won't rub off onto your dress. The only way it will rub onto your dress is if you have the spray tan done a couple of hours before you get into your dress.. which isn't likely. Get it done a few days before. Don't take any risks that might ruin your skin tone on your wedding day.

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  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
    *Nursey* ·
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    Ladies, please just fake your tans. Listen to Trickers, she knows what she's talking about and if she says it won't come off on your dress, then it won't!

    Red or tanned skin is damaged skin. It's just not bl**dy healthy!!!!! I don't see why people see tanning/sunburn as ok when you would tip a bucket of boiling water over yourselves!

    Disclaimer: I am extremely pale and burn so easily. But I slather myself with suncream. I have been caught out and have burnt myself badly after I fell asleep on the beach in norfolk, therefore I am not perfect!!

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  • C
    Chris White ·
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    Melanotan II use before a wedding is a foolish recipe for tan. Melanotan II will indeed help you tan with the least amount of UVR...and the glow is amazing. Nasal sprays are snake oil for the most part. Injecting melanotan peptides is discussed:

    Before something memorable and serious such as a wedding, Melanotan II is completely off the table. Melanotan I however is a lot more subtle and will not leave you looking like a disaster have you learn the hard way tanning with MT-II

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  • Naboo
    Naboo ·
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    I had a st tropez done before my wedding and went a lovely natural golden colour, this will now be my tanning method of choice for the future as i prefered it to the spray tans I used to get.

    Re your injection-a-tan they had a discussion on daybreak about it between a very orange woman and a Dr and [pretty much the outcome was that this is not approved so no one knopw long term effects, as it is unlicenced it could have anything in it so could be cut with any manor of toxic crap, unless you are diabetic you will unlikely be trained to self administer anything with a needle risking harming and infecting yourself and it sends you orange if the lad6y on telly was anything to go by. she also said she found that it made her feel extremely nauseous and fatigued! Sounds Awesome!?!?!?!

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  • (Claire)
    Beginner July 2011
    (Claire) ·
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    Injecting yourself so your skin colour turns brown is one of the most hideous things I have ever heard! How can anyone subject themselves to injections for a tan! I am so pale it is ridiculous and I am very self consious at this time of the year at flashing my pins, arms etc but I just use a self tan lotion if Im on a night out then Ill use St Tropez, if its a nice week and I want to wear short sleeves, skirts, shorts for work etc then I use a gradual tan like Dove / Loreal and it always looks fine - I echo what trcikers says it doesnt rub off on your clothes providing you shower the following day.

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
    Panjita ·
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    I saw a girl on Daybreak yesterday talking about how she does this and it causes her to feel sick etc. I wouldn't fancy it.

    If you are naturally very pale I would never bother with sunbeds, it's a pointless and unnecessary risk for a minimal result.

    All you girls who say their fake tan doesn't rub off on to your clothes... what are you using? I've tried St Tropez, Fake Bake, Sol Glo and they have all come off onto my clothes (only in certain areas such as under arms and onto white underwear). Am I doing something wrong or buying the wrong brands?

    I am using sunbeds on the run up to the wedding which I am okay with in the short term, but in the long term, it would be nice to find a fake tan that A) doesn't stink and B) doesn't rub off onto clothes. When I have used the ones I have mentioned above, I always wake up in the morning feeling really sick from the smell. Any recommendations are very welcome x

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  • M
    Beginner June 2012
    Mrs B 2 be ·
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    I saw her, she looked ridiculous! She was a grubby orange colour, looked like she needed a good bath. It just seems way too extreme to get a tan, spray tans are definitely the only option I would consider.

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  • (Claire)
    Beginner July 2011
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    I use St Tropez, but you do have to make sure to wash off all the excess tan the following day, especially under your arms.

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
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    I'll give it another try in the summer.

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
    Panjita ·
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    No doubt it will continue to be forever as long as new Brides to Be keep arriving. Get a Mod to do a sticky thread giving your guide to fake tans and mascaras/fake lashes.

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  • Naboo
    Naboo ·
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