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Beginner September 2014

Anyone been to Krakow?

MrsShep, 19 February, 2015 at 13:09 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 14

I'm looking at booking this for our first anniversary (a bit early I know but I like to be organised, and I really need something to look forward to!) Has anyone been? I'd be interested to know how long you would stay for, what area you would stay in, and what you would recommend to do while you're there.

14 replies

Latest activity by Charlene, 30 April, 2021 at 14:25
  • D
    Beginner June 2018
    Ddpunk ·
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    So organised!

    Nope, and no help at all but I did watch a fun show about a man who travelled around Poland in a Trabant, i wish i had a cool car!

    controversial, will you go to Auschwitz?

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
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    I've been to Krakow but probably wouldn't recommend it for an anniversary trip tbh. Maybe it's different for me because I'm Jewish and my family come from Poland but we went to Auschwitz, Schindler's factory, the old ghetto, the old Jewish quarter of the city. It is a lovely city but if you're not interested in that stuff then there are probably better places to go for a city break.

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    You don't get awards for being organised for nothing ;-) that wasn't just the wedding, that's my life! Haha.

    That's interesting peanut. I took H to Budapest last year as a surprise for his 30th, best city break I've been on by miles, despite ruining my feet with all the walking in inappropriate shoes! I must say we went to the horror museum in think they called it and it really got to me, the nazis and the Russians, so maybe you're right.

    Any suggestions?

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
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    Oh, and dpunk, I booked that trip about 7 months in advance despite it being a surprise! That drove me crazy :-)

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  • D
    Beginner June 2018
    Ddpunk ·
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    Ha i'm glad to hear you take your award seriously and have made organisation a way of life Mrs Shep. Ooh i loved Budapest, i was there years ago for New Year and it was crazy! Have you been to Geneva?

    Peanut - I worked with a Hasidic family last year and it was so, so emotional hearing what had happened to their grandparents. I'm not sure i could go to Auschwitz anymore. It sounds silly, but I kind of feel a wierd connection now. Must have been incredibly tough being there with your family heritage.

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  • SillyWrong
    Beginner October 2014
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    OT story: I used to go out with a jewish girl years ago. We went for a weekend to Prague and took a trip out to visit Terezin, a former concentration camp. It was very emotional ... but there was one part where they had a room with all the names of all the children who had been killed there engraved in to the walls floor to ceiling - my gf's name was on the wall. That was the biggest moment of realisation for me, despite seeing all the very sad reminders everywhere of what had happened, I think seeing that name on the wall brought all of those victims in to 3d for me.

    and to lighten my post a little ...

    MrsS - I guess you know what you and H want to get out of a weekend away - my W and I do well on any kind of city break, so long as we can eat and drink all weekend, and mooch and stroll and just kick back. If that's your thing, then why not Krakow!?

    Geneva is a beautiful suggestion. And not far from there on a train (like an hour or something) is Montreaux, the Swiss Riviera, stunningly beautiful. Not much to do there but a gorgeous day trip for a little walk around the pretty town/lake.

    I'd also recommend Prague for a weekend.

    I'm in the process of dreaming up our anniversary trip - we've said we're going to try and get to Spain each anniversary (somewhere different each time!?)

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  • Enjayee
    Beginner April 2013
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    H and I had a blast in Krakow. One of our friends bought it for us as a wedding gift, so we went on a pre-honeymoon. We absolutely loved the Old Jewish Quarter, lots of nice cafes, bars and restaurants which weren't so touristy and interesting architecture. We visited Auschwitz on the second day and I cried my eyes out, but I'm glad I went. Made me appreciative for the society I live in now. I personally would recommend it. Good (and cheap) beer, and I enjoyed the food too - quite heavy, but so worth it. People are wonderful as well.

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
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    Well yeah, if you just want to eat, drink and mooch around then it's as good a place as any, there's some nice architecture and it's relatively cheap. I think Flora explained it better than I did - if you want to experience the local history while you're there then it's quite a solemn place to visit for an anniversary trip. Depends how long you want to go for and what sorts of things you're in to really.

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    Nothing wrong with being organised! I have planned where we are going for our 1st anniversary, l just need my company to get their act together and approve it. I haven't been to Krakow so l can't comment, l guess it depends what you like to do during weekends away? My 3 favourite city break destinations (in no particular order!) are: Berlin, Lisbon and Paris.

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  • HelenSomerset
    Beginner September 2014
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    We went to Krakow for four days about 5 years ago. I would recommend it. We really enjoyed it and found it extremely interesting. We stayed at a hotel overlooking the castle and found everyone really welcoming and helpful. Must sees are the Old Jewish Quarter, Schindler's Factory (which was closed for refurbishment when we went), Auschwitz, the salt mines and the castle. The food and drink was great. Remember we went to a Ukrainen restaurant twice as was really good - think was called Smak Ukreniska. Also the old communist canteen cafes were great for a bit of history and for gnocchi. I would totally recommend it!

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
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    The older I get the more I enjoy being organised. I am my mother's daughter after all.

    Aww, SW, I'd have been a mess. What an emotional thing. Im a big soppy git at the best of times and would be in floods. Perhaps it is a little solemn for our first anniversary. On a happy note though, how adorable is the fact that you want to go to Spain every year?! Got any thoughts on where for this year?

    I hadn't thought of Geneva, I'll have a look at that.

    Germany is someone we keep considering too, whats good in Berlin Erin?

    Ooh, exciting!

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    Lots of history and culture. Plus cocktails, shoe shops and excellent chocolate. I want to go back!

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Ooh, that sounds good! *toddles off to look at easyjet*

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  • Charlene
    Beginner April 2023 New York
    Charlene ·
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    I have been in Krakow for several times, it is a magnet for tourists. But there is a reason for it. Krakow has a lot of beautiful historical places to see, shops to buy something and clubs to party (depends on your interests). Krakow is very lively at night and the bars and pubs are filled with both Polish and foreigners. The buildings in the main square are almost screaming ”I am royal” and everything in the city centre is made to suck out the money from tourists.

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