Yuk. The cat has ringworm and now looks like she has half a head where the vet shaved the infected area. Poor thing, I've just shampooed her and she looks a fright! The other cat is also on the tablets just in case (not showing any signs) but they have recommended we clean all the carpets etc to prevent the spores from spreading and limit the chances of us getting it.
We have limited their access, they now reside in the hall/landing/study when they are in, passing through the lounge and dining room to get there... I have leather sofas so have disinfected these and am taking the cushion covers to be dry cleaned. I also plan to have the hall, landing carpet done (was going to do this anyway) but do I need to go the whole hog and get the bedroom done too. The bathroom and nursery (which they are banned from) have new carpets anyway. Our bedroom really needs an overhaul but we can't do anything until we move the baby into her own room, there is so much stuff in there it would be a real faff to get everything out to clean a carpet that will be replaced in a few months anyway... Same goes for study, we have so many bookcases, PC equip, it would be a nightmare to move everything out to clean carpet.
All our bedding has been disinfected (cats used to sleep on it) and they have never been in the baby's crib. However, the lurgy cat had been sleeping under the bed for ages before this.
I'm totally rambling now - what I mean to say is what is 'reasonable' in this situation, H already thinks I have OCD about these things and that there is only so much we can do...
Comments/Suggestions - yes I am in capable of thinking about this rationally at the moment!