Bear with me, this might seem a bit out-there..
Because the venues h2b and I have been looking at are miles away from any registry offices, and the only approved venues nearby are mahoosive (read: expensive) stately homes and castles, we're thinking about having the legal civil ceremony bit a couple of days before we travel down. No dress, rings, or any of that. Literally just the 2 required witnesses, sign the register, then go off to have the meaningful bit with vows and rings in front of all our guests.
We like the idea of having a Humanist celebrant come out to officiate the 'proper' ceremony, but the expense is making df wrinkle his nose up a bit. The website says their fees are anywhere from £320 to £700, which is more than we can afford to throw away on something we don't technically need.
Now I desperately want SOMEONE to perform a ceremony of some sorts and host the bit where h2b and I exchange vows and rings. I'm fine with the legal register-signing bit being a separate part, but I don't like the idea of essentially having NO ceremony at all.
Has anyone else come across this? Is there a good compromise? H2b suggested having one of our guests read the gathering words and make nice speeches before we do our vows, but it doesn't quite feel right to me. Suggestions???