2010 is now in full swing!! If you want to be added, edited or removed, let me know. ?
If you're after the 2011 list, you can find it here: {click me!}
If you're looking for the 2012 list, you will find it here: {click me!}
2010 LIST!!!
9th – Puplet
22nd - xmissunderstoodx
6th - Ema78
13th - sazelbean
27th - moonpig25
8th - Joanne
12th - snowiecat
19th - Max2607; kirsty89
25th - Lou0408
27th - jomcd; MsJackson78; pom-pom
1st - kelkel; jla1051
3rd - loxtonm; MrsWinwood2B; CezzyB
4th - 22tango
6th - Dumblespud; bridgetvictoria
9th - Gillsy; charliechoo14; pamster83; kazndave
10th - *Tinkerbelle*; MrsLunney2b
17th - MrsShepherdtobe
22nd - laura_c86
24th - missdeedee; poodlegirl; MrsHill2be; futuremrspurewal; fancyfree; sarahv75; Kerfuffle
?th - akushlabill
1st - juicymelons; nicola 2010; charli1704; kim x; katie_83
2nd - Annajane; shwayney
8th - tmerc22; Rossatron; NoviceBride!; green eyes
14th - misskavla; Bringon2010
15th - mimimouse23; eskimopebble; jo2010; jem179
17th - casinogirl
20th - Ms Nic
22nd - wheels09; Tinkerbell C; KATELLIBULL; GeordieBarbie; Jumbly Girl; surfgirl
28th - bethanw; Rachyb
29th - Wife to be 2010; BonnieLass; sophy120; PennyFarthing; Future Mrs Andrews; Sarahloup; Jo174
30th - angelfins; RedKezza; Rehosgirl
3rd - Quartz
4th - aimex; Scooperwiggle; logiesgirl
5th - Mrs Cav 2 B; Sarah; hkj; sweetheart_sgc; waddle_thepengiun; itgirlno1; phnee
6th - Turnham2b
12th - ToothFairyCaro; clairemazza; k@tie; mandyrc
18th - Steelgoddess; Mrs Tonner 2010
19th - Jelly; frenchie19/06/2010
23rd - Charlie1104
25th - Moya50
26th - imogenlexi; muffinmoo; WeddingPrincess; Smith2Murphy; steff s
27th - BrideHannahB
?th - DancingQueen
2nd - MrsRob2be; kirstylouise86
3rd - babysarahx
4th - Lil Lianne
10th - kat100710; oakey1979; Miss Yellow Teapot; janbonjovi; laineywhu; ch4r1ie; budgetbabe
16th - bean22
17th - thefuturemrsclarke; AutumnRose; Keelz; Karen; mrslowndes2b; kerryanneellis; aliaisp; cbarlow
18th - Lilyfitz
23rd - sdwrds; Tahlia; meggles24
24th – bellus12; Cordelia; leanney; Chellemich1982; bladette
25th - Stazzle; brideseekingblush
29th - MillyMollie
30th - vickyc2711; bijou243
31st - WendyQ; Josephine; Blackkat; charsmith; hellsbells78; PJ444
1st - elle2pay; Nicole84; Namzy
2nd - sazvampire
5th - Mel B; mrsdrc2b
6th - Paris09; Martyne
7th - Zippy27; mrscampbell2be; jspid12; esser1; princess*jen; naomiowen; mrsjbw2b
8th - mrsb2b2010; RaeF
9th - Fordate
14th - Jenni14-08-2010; saracroft251; CC22; louisep; VickyS; GEMINIBEBE; cherry-blossom; wedding crazy; pearlymoon
15th - lateweddingdate
20th - nads261072; lornawilson2Bcarroll; Lizzieloumoose; fiona1984; lynziloo; emmy1979
21st - rsturmey900; IndiePrincess
22nd - millymolly83
26th - Sange; mccormfi
27th – debs1701; lellys23; Flowerfairy; emmamc01
28th - paulaf2; Amybop; HillierB2B; IcedBeauty; Marie; Jenna28/08/2010; BeckyG123; inalein; Gen28
29th - Cosmopolitan; juddtobe; terianna; MrsAtoB
?th - aweddingtotalkabout
2nd - sherbert
3rd - jen52637; Kirstin; cola; smyvicki
4th - darktobe; Shimmena; BoroKate; Beckyv83; FelicityChaplin; Natty89; laurahooke; lucypez
8th - Mrs Spink to be!; SophieB; lushgirlxx
10th - sarahl79; Smiley85; spangles83
11th - clairelno; Yikes; holls85
12th - xxxLiannexxx
16th - woo-woo
18th - knickers_twickers; vickstix; bertiebertiebertie; nicpep; Mezzy; Future Mrs Wheeler!; Cocochiquita 1984
19th - miss 2 mrs; sineadw
24th - sidsidney; Shleby
25th - Lauralil; emilyx1; KirstHall33; 33charlie; HorseFan; taylor-made; nic
26th - Bailey_wailey
?th - sparklepants2010
1st - drifter; Chez2k; MrsFeatherbyToBe; Lateralus; libcam
2nd - Amethyst; Shell; lizzyleek; Trickers; Bell2010; Welshthistle; stacer86
6th - leccy1uk
8th - butterfy
9th - NearlyMrsJ; annes
10th - zobo1010; shoegal01
13th - debmci;
16th - Straberrye; littlelady01
22nd - Lisa221010; mrsmiller2b
23rd - Charlied; Pastel; LauraJaneRush; *Lou*; froggy24900
30th - excited; Charley78; Mrs Hart to be; Jan2010; frizzball; KatieK
31st - spinspinsugar; darkivy
5th - cosmo87; mrsaniekwe2be
6th - babycakes991; littleredhead
9th - delvesje
13th - sameeraraaa; Bobbins30
15th - Shnarfy1
19th - shagalizard
20th - Sergzy
26th - atlonglast; Mrs McLeod to be
27th - Bambibride
10th - xxS+Jxx
11th - Goldilox77; hello sunshine
17th - Kitty1987
18th - littlemiss2711; Kirsty Smith; MrsRush2b; car822499
21st - Josiep00
23rd - kj82
30th - Han85
31st - anglefish
?th - SamanthasTiaras(HIB)
To Be Added:
Some stats:
Most popular dates:
- 14th & 28th August - 9
- 17th July; 4th September - 8
- 5th June; 10th July; 29th May; 7th August; 18th & 25th September - 7
- 24th April; 22nd May; 26th June; 20th August; 2nd October - 6
- 26th June; 24th & 31st July; 27th August - 5
Please let me know if you want to be added!