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Beginner June 2018

2018 Brides (or Grooms)

Tigsy87, 20 June, 2016 at 11:54

Posted on Planning 219

I was just wondering if there were any 2018 brides or grooms out there! I was originally 2017 but we had to postpone so now we are 2018! So I thought I would start up a wee forum thread and get some names and dates added so we can start sharing ideas and pictures! January February March April - 21st...

I was just wondering if there were any 2018 brides or grooms out there! I was originally 2017 but we had to postpone so now we are 2018! So I thought I would start up a wee forum thread and get some names and dates added so we can start sharing ideas and pictures!




April - 21st MrsR2B18

May - 5th Caramel18

June - 2nd Tigsy87

29th Mizzi1904



September - 16th wifey_for_lifey




219 replies

  • M
    Beginner August 2018
    MrsFtoBe x ·
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    Hi everyone! We're getting married 17th August 2018 :-) Very excited! After reading all the posts on here feel like I should be more organised! We've booked the church, venue and a videographer. We're meeting with a photographer tomorrow (it's taken ages for us to actually get to the meeting stage with anyone as we've both been so picky.. Fingers crossed!)

    looking forward to reading and sharing ideas! X

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  • L
    Beginner May 2018
    LuxuriousBrownStationery664 ·
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    Hello Everyone!

    I'm new to this site as I just got engaged on 14th July.

    We're getting married on 25th May 2018 in Menorca. It will be our 10 year anniversary. We met in Menorca, got engaged there and it holds a special place in our hearts.

    As of yet, nothing booked but have been going to see some venues for the at home reception. Glad to hear some of you are well into your planning as everyone around me thinks I'm mad getting into the planning already! Planning a trip to Menorca in May 2017 to make some plans there!

    Happy Planning!

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  • L
    Beginner May 2018
    LuxuriousBrownStationery664 ·
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    Hello Everyone!

    I'm new to this site as I just got engaged on 14th July.

    We're getting married on 25th May 2018 in Menorca. It will be our 10 year anniversary. We met in Menorca, got engaged there and it holds a special place in our hearts.

    As of yet, nothing booked but have been going to see some venues for the at home reception. Glad to hear some of you are well into your planning as everyone around me thinks I'm mad getting into the planning already! Planning a trip to Menorca in May 2017 to make some plans there!

    Happy Planning!

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  • L
    Beginner March 2018
    LuxuriousPinkCakes651 ·
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    We are newly engaged and getting married in 2018. We are hoping for 31st March but as yet have nothing booked. We are looking at somewhere next weekend and again the following week. I'm so excited I think I could have the whole thing planned for next March!

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  • Maz
    Beginner April 2024 West Midlands
    Maz ·
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    Me! May 2018 although I want it to be sooner!

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  • C
    Beginner May 2018
    cyn_cc ·
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    Hi all!

    everyone is so organised - well done you all.

    I am planning wedding for Summer 2018, however, we have no date, no venue no nothing sorted just yet. I have just hundred ideas saved on my Pinterest board for now, hehe.

    I am waiting to finish my part time studies before I can plan anything, as with full time work and part time studies I barely have any time left to myself.

    I would appreciate that those brides who get to wedding invitation stage, please let me have your recommendations.

    Smiley smile I wish you all a very happy planning

    C x

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  • E
    Beginner May 2018
    ExpensivePurpleDiamonds677 ·
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    I am hoping to be a 2018 bride, providing I can get it all together!!!

    Me and my other half are hoping for may 2018, havent selected an exact date yet though.

    Where did everyone start with their planning, what was the first thing everyone did?

    I literally have no idea what I am doing, even though I have been planning my wedding since I was 12 lol!

    Good luck all and lovely to meet everyone xxxx

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  • R
    Beginner June 2018
    RomanticBrownCakes683 ·
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    Hi from me - we're renewing our vows around June 2018. This time, unlike our wedding, its going to be exactly what WE want without trying to please anybody but me and my husband. That in itself excites me greatly - no guests, as to not upset anybody, no trying to please people (People are two faced - let them be, smile and move on) with Menus (first time round, I the bride didnt eat a thing! I couldnt breath in my dress!!) or wondering what favors everybody will like (Let me tell you now, it makes absoloutly no difference!!)

    So - were looking at renewing our vows in Vagas.

    I wont share my previous username on here - because that was 'that' wedding this is now Smiley laugh

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  • S
    Beginner August 2018
    sam4718 ·
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    I have a date set Smiley smile 18th August 2018. Ceremony is booked and have a draft of guest list. Haven't done anything else as of yet mainly because we are still a few months too early to book the reception venue we want. Plus I haven't got a clue what I'm doing haha!

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  • MrsR2B18
    Beginner April 2018
    MrsR2B18 ·
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    Welcome everybody new to this thread!

    Hopefully your names will be added by Tigsy at some point!

    I started planning over two years before our wedding date and now i'm coming up to the 18 months mark so I can see why people say it goes by so quickly!

    I look forward to hearing about everyones planning!

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  • L
    Beginner March 2018
    LuxuriousPinkCakes651 ·
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    Hi everyone,

    How are you all getting on with your planning?

    I went to visit my first venue at the weekend, it was't one I was really too keen on but after visiting I really liked it, I'm not sure if it's just the excitement of it being the first place I have looked at. Off to see another option. Has anyone else booked the first place they looked at. I'm just worried I'm getting caught up in the moment.

    I am also super excited about dressshopping but think it is still a bit early so I'm going to try and wait until the new year.

    i look forward to hearing what everyone else is up to.

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  • MrsR2B18
    Beginner April 2018
    MrsR2B18 ·
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    I'm extremely organised and have everything booked that needs to be booked already, we're April 2018, we wanted to get everything booked so that we didn't have to worry about people already being booked up, I saw our band last week at a wedding fair and they said they're now already completely booked for April 2018 so I was so glad I booked them early, plus we have had 2016 prices rather than 2018 prices and we can budget for everything.

    I can't really do alot more till next year now! That's when I will sort bridesmaid/flower girl dresses and mens suits, I have my invitations designed as I am making them myself so can do bits to them when I feel like it!

    I started planning with over two years to go and now its 18 months to go, I can't believe how quick that time has gone so i'm sure next year will flyby!

    We only looked at two venues, I originally wasn't going to look at the venue we're having, it's only 5 minutes up the road from us and I had always said I would love to get married there as it's stunning but because it was expensive when i've looked in the past, I had ruled it out. We looked at one but were treated very poorly when we went there for an open evening that we said we wouldn't want to have our wedding there, my mum had been looking at our venue packages as she knew how much I loved it and we realised they had come down in price and so much was included in the package that they were offering so it made it affordable for us, so we made an appointment to see it and as soon as we walked in we fell in love and knew that was the one! I'd say look at others but if that's the one then you'll know! If I had known that we could of afforded our venue in the first place I would of only looked at that one!

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  • E
    Beginner January 2018
    ExpensiveGoldDecor708 ·
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    Hi everyone ? we only got engaged on Sunday but are so excited have started thinking about our wedding. We have chosen 20th January 2018 to get married as quite fancied a winter wedding. Have written guest list so we know what we need for a venue but other that have no idea where or what we want. Have become obsessed with Pinterest already though lol.

    We are also looking for a house so we can finally live together. We have 4 children between us though so it's proving tricky !

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  • MrsR2B18
    Beginner April 2018
    MrsR2B18 ·
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    Congratulations! Winter weddings look amazing! I don't know how I would of planned a wedding without pinterest! There are some amazing things on there, you could quite literally spend thousands looking at the things on there!

    We have just bought a house, it's a new build and we bought it off plan at the end of January, we move in 5 weeks so feels like we're finally there now! That's why we decided on 2018 to give us enough time to save after we've moved in!

    It's all so exciting! I look forward to hearing about your planning!

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  • E
    Beginner January 2018
    ExpensiveGoldDecor708 ·
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    ? aw thanks MrsR2B18. I just know that it's going to be very busy and at times stressful 15 months and hoping all works out. House is priority but looking at wedding things are much more exciting. Have bought a wedding planner notebook and going to first wedding fair on Sunday.

    My fianceè is my best friend and it will be very hard not having her to help me choose my wedding dress and discuss hair etc but will be worth it ! On plus side we get to have hen night together ?

    Hope your house move goes well. Will be reading all the forum to see what everyone is doing and maybe get ideas.

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  • K
    Beginner September 2018
    Ker2018 ·
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    Hi Everyone!!!

    We are getting married 1st September 2018! We have the venue booked and the string quartet, contacted photographer we want, going to book the registrar Monday.

    Haven't really done much else yet due to house renovations that took over this summer!! Hoping to get a lot of it booked by Christmas - there is just so much choice trying to research hair & make-up! Wondering when to start dress shopping don't want to start yet as I have a major diet to complete first ha ha!

    It is amazing reading the replies how everyone is so different some have everything sorted some have not so much like me ha ha every now and then I do worry about getting it all sorted!

    Oooo I forgot to say I am in the process of talking to the cake man who is free to do our cake! So hopefully that gets booked next week (love, love, love baking and cakes so this was quite high on my list...maybe that is why I need to diet ? )

    Ker x

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  • L
    Beginner March 2018
    LuxuriousPinkCakes651 ·
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    Wow Ker2018 you are doing great. I've only been to see 2 venues so just starting to warm up to planning but I am lucky because I'm friends with my photographer, my mums godson runs a brilliant disco and events company, OH's mate is in the band we like and I used to be a florist so once we have the venue I don't think there will be too much else to think about for a while. I'm just becoming obsessed with Pinterest. I just hope I don't get carried away.

    Good luck to those planning moves, so much exciting stuff going on!

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  • K
    Beginner September 2018
    Ker2018 ·
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    Lol love pinterest! You'll know with the venue trust me we saw four and virtually searched the country on here, that's lucky makes it a lot easier if you have people in the know!

    I found the venue bit the most stressful so far because the one I have looked at for years and always thought we would book when the time came was a complete let down, ended up with something I didn't think I would,good luck with your hunt and keep us updated!

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  • M
    Beginner May 2026
    MissChipmonk ·
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    Hey Everyone.

    We got engaged just over a year ago, but have recently relocated from Brighton to Manchester so planning has taken a bit of a back burner for now. We always knew we wanted 2018, but we have an appointment next week to go and book the venue! Our date is 13th October 2018!

    I'm so excited! Can't wait to have a date set!

    Congratulations to all you other lovely 2018 Brides and Grooms ?

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  • MrsR2B18
    Beginner April 2018
    MrsR2B18 ·
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    Thank you! I hope everything works out for you with the house and children etc! Wedding planner is a good idea it really helps with ideas and hopefully you found your first wedding fair helpful!

    At least your dress, hair etc will be a complete surprise for her and she'll be blown away when she sees you for the first time! It is a bonus that you can have your hen night together though!

    Hope all you plans come together and everything goes well!

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  • MrsR2B18
    Beginner April 2018
    MrsR2B18 ·
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    I bet you can't wait to book your venue and set the date! I look forward to hearing plans!

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  • FutureMrsO'L
    Beginner April 2018
    FutureMrsO'L ·
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    I have just been catching up on the comments on this post - it is all so exciting! Some of you are SO organised, it is amazing. I hope everything is going really well for everyone so far ?

    I am glad to see some of you have sorted out your dresses already too! I am really looking forward to going to try some on but thought it might be a bit too early. I am now convinced otherwise ? I have seen one online that I just cannot get out of my head & I know I have to go & try it on. I can't wait! ?

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  • MrsR2B18
    Beginner April 2018
    MrsR2B18 ·
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    I'm one of the organised ones!

    I say go and try the dress on because you'll only regret it as you'll always wonder if that was the one and if it gets discontinued you'll kick yourself! It's so exciting, I was so worried about finding a dress that I actually liked but it was so easy in the end I just knew! You'll have so much fun! The dress that I have chosen takes at least 9 months to come in anyway and they just delayed the delivery of mine until October next year, I get married in April, so still gives me 6 months to get alterations. When I went dress shopping they said they had had brides in that were getting married in 2019 and they had chosen their dresses already!

    Good luck with finding your dress!

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  • S
    Beginner August 2018
    SoontobeMrsS ·
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    Hi all!

    Add me please! I'm getting married on 25th August 18, in Berkshire.

    We've booked our venue and paid £1000 deposit

    Bought rings (did this two years ago!)

    Narrowed togs down to three - need to decide and will try to pay a deposit this week.

    That's pretty much it!

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  • L
    Beginner March 2018
    LuxuriousPinkCakes651 ·
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    I saw your beautiful venue on your earlier post. Would you mind sharing where in Berkshire it is as I'm currently on the hunt for my venue for a march 2018 wedding.

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  • S
    Beginner August 2018
    SoontobeMrsS ·
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    Hi there Smiley smile

    It's Monks Barn, in Hurley. It's a medieval barn and completely bare hire so you choose your own suppliers etc and there's no corkage or bar.

    Also, we'll get the keys on the Wednesday before til the Monday after the wedding, so plenty of time to decorate then clean up!

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  • E
    Beginner January 2018
    ExpensiveGoldDecor708 ·
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    Congratulations to all new 2018 brides. 1st wedding fayre was fun although eye opener as to how much every thing costs !! have chosen 6 venues to look at in coming weeks and will be very excited once chosen. how much on average is your venue costing including food and drink?

    We have booked a magician for entertainment as we love magic and met him at wedding fayre and he amazed me with somehow putting my £20 note into a kiwi!! Without us knowing.

    We both want to lose weight so I am putting off dress shopping for a while although have liked lots of dress shops on Facebook so getting lots of pictures pop up to tempt me.

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  • S
    Beginner August 2018
    SoontobeMrsS ·
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    Our venue is £2500 bare hire (£3000 if you want to marry there), with no corkage. Think we've costed out about £4,000 more for food and drink above that, plus maybe another £1000 for furniture hire/decor.

    Which makes it £7.5k for 120 guests, if we come in under/on budget I'll be quite satisfied with that as it'll be £62.50 per person including 1 proper meal, evening nibbles and as much alcohol as they can put away.

    I'm not sure whether I should start looking for dresses now or not. I don't need to lose any weight but I'm worried my taste will change over the next year, things I like now will be done to death by my wedding or something amazing will come out after I've bought mine.

    I am quite tempted to go and try ones on now and then look out for sample sales/an ebay bargain but I'm worried I'll accidentally come home with a dress!

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  • FutureMrsO'L
    Beginner April 2018
    FutureMrsO'L ·
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    I know - I am so impressed with everything that you have got sorted MrsR2B18! We are getting married in April 18 as well Smiley smile I am going to make an appointment for sure! You are so right, I can't stop looking at pictures of it so I need to try it on. There is no point in not Smiley smile! I literally cannot wait although I am a little nervous at the same time. I will keep you all posted on how I get on.

    We are meeting with one of two photographers that we like tomorrow morning - does any one have any advice as I am not really sure what to expect?

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  • S
    Beginner August 2018
    SoontobeMrsS ·
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    We haven't met any but I've spoken on the phone to two and here are my Qs:

    Do you have a full wedding we can view?

    Do you charge any extra to travel?

    How long have you been shooting weddings?

    Do you hover in the background or create photos by moving us around? (I asked this as I hate having my photo taken and don't want to spend time posing *shudder*)

    How long before we get the photos?

    Who chooses which are edited - you or us? Do we see all of them or just a "finished bunch"? How many would you usually get from 10 hours?

    Will you have anyone with you on the day?

    Do you have backup equipment/backup plan?

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  • S
    Beginner August 2018
    SoontobeMrsS ·
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    We haven't met any but I've spoken on the phone to two and here are my Qs:

    Do you have a full wedding we can view?

    Do you charge any extra to travel?

    How long have you been shooting weddings?

    Do you hover in the background or create photos by moving us around? (I asked this as I hate having my photo taken and don't want to spend time posing *shudder*)

    How long before we get the photos?

    Who chooses which are edited - you or us? Do we see all of them or just a "finished bunch"? How many would you usually get from 10 hours?

    Will you have anyone with you on the day?

    Do you have backup equipment/backup plan?

    Have you shot at our venue before? If not, will you go beforehand to have a look?

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  • FutureMrsO'L
    Beginner April 2018
    FutureMrsO'L ·
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    Aren't Wedding Fayre's so much more fun than you thought they would be?! I thought they'd be a bit naff but I have absolutely loved the 2 I have been too! I feel like it might be all I do next year hahaa! Although you are so right, it really is crazy when you see the cost of things.

    Our venue came to £10.5K but that includes 24hr exclusive hire of the whole venue, both the wedding breakfast & the evening food for all guests, 2 reception drinks per person, canapes, the DJ, & all the tables, chairs, candelabra's etc.

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