Ladies of Hitched. I have just drafted what appears to be the longest wedding report in Hitched history. I'll split it into segments, so you can scroll the the bit that interests you (the bit with the photos!). Do bear with me, this is as much for my memory and enjoyment as it is for your interest. Good luck to anyone who decides to stick with me through the whole thing!
In the beginning: John and I met in Key West in February 2007 when we volunteered for the same mental health charity. The short version is that we met in a mental health institution and moved in together the day we met. John openly admits that he was initially quite annoyed at the thought of me joining him. He had been volunteering there alone for 3 months already and was enjoying having the 3 bedroom volunteer apartment and car all to himself. Not to mention that the allure of a British accent made him quite popular with the local (non-resident) ladies. He was quite the man around town and having me turn up was going to seriously cramp his style!
However, his attitude changed when I arrived, he swears blind that the thunderbolt hit him as soon as he saw me, and it was love at first sight. Within a week of us meeting he told me he was going to marry me. Lets just say at the time, I was less than convinced. I liked him a lot, but with a 22 year age gap between us, I was fairly sure that this was never likely to be more than a fling in the Florida sun.
As time passed I was proved wrong, we grew close and although we tried to remain professional in our work place I don't think we fooled on site and being on call 24/7 it was near impossible to keep anything a secret.
This pic was taken by one of the residents soon after we got together. I wonder how they all guessed!!
The proposal: Emigrating had always been part of Johns game plan, something I knew from before we got together, but being so close to my family it was a hard decision to make. In Sept 2009 he took me to visit New Zealand and our mind were made up. We were going to go for it, on one condition: that if we were going to start a new life together we'd do it as a married couple. I should point out at this stage that marriage was something we had always discussed, so it's not like I blackmailed him into it, more like laid down the timescale.........or tried to.
We contacted immigration and learned that I'd need another 2 years work experience in my current job before we were eligible to apply for NZ residency, and then that the application process could take a further 12-18 months. Plenty of time for a proposal and wedding to take place.
We both knew that conventional wedding jewellery wasn't for us, then John surprised me. He had sourced a solid silver US dollar coin, minted in 2007 we took them to a local jeweller who designed 3 rings, and engagement ring and 2 wedding bands and made them out of the coin. I love the fact that the symbol of our commitment to each other comes from a symbol of our meeting. The rings were ready in Feb 2010. I wanted to put my engagement ring on immediately and start wedding planning, but John said that he wanted to give me a proper proposal. So I waited...........
Then in July the goalposts moved. NZ immigration offered us a special visa based on the specialist nature of my job, but it was only valid as long as we entered NZ within the next 6 months. My world was turned upside down. I thought I would have till at least 3 years go mentally prepare for this huge leap, now I only had 6 months......and a wedding to plan in that time too. Still no proposal......
As emigration preparations got underway it became clear that trying to plan a wedding at the same time was an insane idea. So we agreed plan B. We would be engaged before we left the UK, and we would return to the UK for a wedding sometime in 2012 after we had completed our first year in NZ. So I kept waiting........
Our flights were booked for 9th January 2011, months passed and December approached. By that time I had given up all hope of an engagement. We had agreed that we would spend Christmas 2010 separately with our own families, and celebrate New Year together. That winter was particularly bad. We were snowed into the village for several days and were constantly checking the long range forecasts, praying that by January the rail networks and airports would be clear.
When there was a brief lull in the weather I decided to take advantage and get on the train to my way was I missing that last Christmas at home. The night before I was due to travel, John told me to get togged up as he was taking me to my favorite restaurant. We got in the car and had a treacherous drive only to find it closed. Determined not to be beaten John said we'd eat at the posh pub in the village. A sign saying 'sorry, no food' greeted us on our arrival. I was unaware of the plans that were afoot, but having been thwarted twice, John needed a pint to steady his nerves. Post pint, john came up with plan C, a trudge through the remaining slush and snow to the 'less posh' pub in the village. The staff there told us that due to the snow they'd had no deliveries for 2 weeks but they did have one steak and kidney pie, and one microwave lasagne left, but the only veg they had in was brussels sprouts! I was starving, so we ate, and trudged home. By this point I was cold and mardy. I stomped upstairs to put my pyjamas on. John called upstairs that he was going to open some champagne. I told him not to bother, I didn't want any. I came back down and he had put on some music. He made a big show of popping the champagne cork and pouring 2 glasses despite my grouchy half hearted protests. Then he handed me my glass and got down on one knee..........and my phone started to ring! Even from a distance my mum knows how to spoil a moment!
The interruption was enough to give me a minute to let it all fall in to place. Our last night alone together before we leave the country, a (thwarted) dinner at my favourite restaurant, champagne cooling, and play list of all the songs that mean a lot to us from when we met.........he had imagined the perfect proposal, and in a fashion unique to us it hadn't quite gone to plan, but we got there, it was lovely.