I want to start this by saying that OH and I are completely aware that we are being unreasonable and possibly even a little bigoted. But I kind of want to get your reactions as I don’t feel comfortable talking to anyone I ‘know’ about it.
A *** (ETA - lesbian - hitched did not like my use of the word lesb0) friend of mine, who I’ll refer to as J, has recently got in to a relationship with a trans woman (for those of you not in the know on the trans lingo – this is a male to female transsexual.) They came over to ours for dinner the other night and she seemed nice enough, a little strange in manner, but we put that down to nerves as we were the first of J’s friends she’d met. She also, and it makes me feel a bit sick to note this, is a very obvious trans woman. The type who gets comments/jeers from strangers.
J is invited to our wedding, and has a plus one on her invite – she was single when we invited her, and she was going to come with a friend who I’ve met and who is lovely (she got a +1 because she doesn’t know anyone else coming to the wedding – and it’s abroad.)
J has been going through a funny time over the last year or so, not doing too well mentally and has recently been thrown out of the house she shared with friends (the reasons for this I can’t seem to get to the bottom of), moved in with new gf and looks like she could lose her job due to continued unauthorised absence any time soon. I try to support her, I’ve tried all sorts of recommendations for therapy, tried to help her keep the appointments she has for therapy, I’ve bought her books on coping with anxiety and CBT self help books, I’ve just been here for her .. but to be honest, the friendship can feel a little one sided when all our meet up’s consist of are her listing everything that’s going wrong in her world. She’s one of these people who likes to list how the world has done her wrong … If you know what I mean? You know when you try to make allowances for someone if they’re having a hard time, but after so long you have to ask yourself what’s in the friendship for you??
Separately from the new gf issue, I have started to regret inviting her to the wedding, and honestly, I think I only did it in the first place because I felt like I couldn’t not invite her.
However … OH and I had a talk last night, and we have confessed that for us the new gf is an issue, in terms of the wedding. J hasn’t said yet that she is going to bring her to the wedding, but since they’ve now moved in together, I can’t imagine that she won’t. She hasn’t booked her flights yet.
I know that of our friends that are coming, there are some who are indiscreet and say it how they see it. I don’t mean in a horrible way, but I know that throw away comments are likely to be made. Most of our friends get by on taking the pi55 out of one another. I know that my mother will make an issue of it, in a ‘look at how liberal I am, making friends with a transsexual’ kind of way. Totally inappropriate.
I know it’s not my cross to bear, but I am the kind to concern myself with whether everyone is OK and having a nice time, particularly if it’s my event. I know I will be constantly worrying about who is saying what. J’s gf is obviously used to the reactions she gets in public and knows how to deal with them, on the other hand, J has said she finds it hard. Still though, that’s hers to work through.
Finally, the bridezillas in us are struggling free; when people are talking about ‘the dress’ I want it to be mine or my brides, not the transsexual’s. I want the focus of our wedding to be our marriage/wedding, not the fact that a trans woman is in attendance.
I’m so uncomfortable with these feelings, because only a certain number of years ago, this same conversation might have taken place about whether my girlfriend (wife to be!!!) and I should be invited to someone elses wedding, because we’re gay. And that’s not OK.
I think I’m just testing the waters on you guys, I want to know what your reactions are.
I feel like J is going to mention inviting her soon, and I want to be ready with my response, though I don’t yet know what my response should be!
How would you feel in this situation?