Ok, we were talking about seating plans and the difficulties that arise (divorced parents and their sensitive new partners, yaddy yadda..), and I was weighing up the merits of a sweetheart table but then wasn't sure how to seat everyone else, when OH went "Why do we need to tell everyone where they have to sit?" I said "Coz.. you just do." But as we were discussing it, I was thinking... do we really have to? We're not having a wedding breakfast, and the idea is for around 40 guests for the ceremony then speeches, and another 30 for the evening and buffet- by which point, everybody has already got up and moved around anyway, haven't they? And I do agree with OH that it's very 'us' to have a blank seating plan with a sign hanging over it saying something like "Note- Tables seat 8. Step 1- find 7 people you like talking to. Step 2- Pick a table. Step 3- Sit. Enjoy!"
What do you think, crap idea, genius, or somewhere inbetween?