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Any 2017 Brides to be around?

RoseArcana, 7 May, 2014 at 13:11 Posted on Planning 0 24

Hi all.

Joined this forum after lurking for a while. We have finally set a date for our 10th anniversary - Sunday 23rd April 2017. We have a mortgage to pay, I'm still at uni until next year and we have a young daughter so we couldn't rush the saving part! Our budget is £5,000. We have an ideal venue, just waiting to go see it. I have picked my dress from ebay so just hoping they still make it in 2 years! Major details are pretty much decided. We have a family friend photographer doing us a great deal. The major expense is the sit down meal my future husband wants.

I may be a bit too organised so I'm sure some things will change in the next few years whilst planning. Any other brides for 2017 want to chat away and discuss plans?

24 replies

Latest activity by Mrsjones2024, 11 August, 2015 at 19:51
  • A
    Beginner February 2017
    aimeeh20 ·
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    A potential 2017 bride here!! - venue hunting has just begun, but like you we cant rush it!! Ive just finished uni and qualified as a teacher so I dont start work until september! Our first step is getting a mortgage and a house next year!! thats confusing enough!!

    The wedding stuff is all very exciting though isnt it!? xxx

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  • RoseArcana
    RoseArcana ·
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    Yes it is exciting! I think we've found our venue. They are being really helpful even at the quote stage Smiley smile Got a lot of things sorted in the case of budget and guest lists. We're currently asking family and friends about staying over at the venue if we book this one - Somerford Hall in Staffordshire. We're having the ceremony around 4pm, 3 course sit down meal and then dj party where we're doing our own cheese/paté cracker type buffet being as we're eating later. 60 guests or so at the moment.

    Have you decided anything yet? X

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  • k.j.w
    Beginner June 2017
    k.j.w ·
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    I'm a fellow 2017 bride and we are getting married on our 10 year anniversary too in the June Smiley smile

    We havent booked anything yet, but got a colour theme already & a few ideas, including a photographer I like (that photographed a friends wedding).

    Its nice to see fellow 2017 brides- I think theres a few more lurking around on here!

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  • A
    Beginner February 2017
    aimeeh20 ·
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    Ohh wowee! that looks lovely!! Similar to what I would choose!! You are very organised!! We've drafted a guest list to help us get an idea of prices for venues! I thought we had made headway with venues but OH is a pain in the bum! We are in Essex as is his immediate family but the rest of his is all in Liverpool so he said it'd be better to look somewhere in I go searching my little socks off, falling in love with Wrest Park and Gardens and then he changes his mind!! We should look closer to home - it's easier haha! So searching has started again!! I do like Gosfield Hall though!! I think until we get an idea of venue cost we wont be able to establish a budget!! I LOVE your cheese and cracker buffet!! I'd be right there for that!!

    My mum is super excited about dress shopping so we're going to have a nose at dresses together on thursday so i can get a feel for styles and look at what sort of costs theyre coming out at! I know it's way too early to buy it but there's no harm in looking Smiley winking

    I'm starting to consider themes but still undecided!! Are you going to have a theme!? x

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  • A
    Beginner February 2017
    aimeeh20 ·
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    Hellooo k.j.w.! i hope you are well!! Lovely to meet another one!! I don't think we'll be booking until we get our mortgage sorted early next year!! hopefully by march!! But i'm still drawing up our invitations and save the date ideas as i'll do them myself Smiley laugh

    What colour are you thinking?! x

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  • RoseArcana
    RoseArcana ·
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    We've changed dates now haha. Going for a Thursday to save us £1000 and so people don't rush off early for school/work the next day. Thursday 13th April 2017 is the day before Good Friday so hoping that will help the guests. Still near our 10 year anniversary.

    Our colour scheme is ivory/white with baby blue. Not really a theme tbh. Thinking of naming the tables though Smiley winking

    How exciting to go look at dresses Smiley smile I'm planning on ordering a dress from China but will go shopping to get a feel for the style I suit beforehand.

    i'm pretty sorted with music I think. We like more rock type music and are having a DJ so hopefully he will play some set songs for us. Any ideas on how you want to have things?

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  • SakuraYuna
    Dedicated November 2016
    SakuraYuna ·
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    I got engaged last month, I'm hopefully getting married in 2017 too! We are thinking around March. I have been looking for rough ideas on venues and dresses but that's all, its only idea time at the moment Smiley smile I am quite keen to get planning but its silly to do too much too early plus I have lots of other things going on in my life to sort out first...

    Having said that I've got my eye on a venue but I suspect it'll be too expensive and it feels too early to do proper enquiries....

    I did very roughly work out a budget though. I'd like to do a very rough guest list to make looking at venues with budget considerations a bit easier but OH says it's too soon. He has picked his best men though! I haven't picked my bridesmaids as there's about 5 people I'd like to ask but I suspect for the size of the wedding and our budget having 3 will make more sense... so I need to figure that out.

    We are mainly leaving it this long to allow plenty of time to save up, we are not planning a big wedding but have an expensive honeymoon in mind (a month long adventure in a country we've both always wanted to visit). Also we're a bit rubbish at saving Smiley tongue

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  • RoseArcana
    RoseArcana ·
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    I've done a rough guest list of all the close friends and family so no harm there! I've planned so much already... It's not too early to start enquiring. I've already haggled with a videographer and things like that and got some great bargains! We're booking the venue this month too x

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  • Laura Ellen Photography
    Beginner May 2014
    Laura Ellen Photography ·
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    It's never too early to plan, ladies. Our wedding took a good 2 years to plan. Make the most of it & enjoy it too!

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  • C
    Beginner August 2017
    char9011 ·
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    I'm also getting married in 2017 (Would have loved It to be 2016 but life would have got in our way of saving) On Thursday 3rd august 2017, it has definitely saved us a good couple of thousand just because it is on a weekday. We have already booked the venue which is the main thing wanted to book first, next is the registrar but i'm not too sure how far in advance you can book the registrar Smiley atonished Its also in the summer holidays so hopefully that means the family and friends with kids at school should be about to make it (hopefully)

    I don't know about any of you but I am really struggling to not talk about it everyday or at the very least get my planner out and jot things down then want to buy things. I'm really trying to stick to my guns of not buying anything cause I know that in a year or 2 I will probably change my mind about something I've bought, I have a feeling that the next couple of years will just drag out Smiley sad

    Do you think it is too early to start going to wedding fairs? I know there will be people that say its way to early to plan anything but if I waited to book my venue they would have hiked the price up each year so this way I get this years prices for 3 years time.

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  • MadamRed
    Beginner April 2017
    MadamRed ·
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    Yup, April 13th 2017 here!

    So far, we've booked the venue, DJ and photographer, bought my wedding ring and sort-of booked a florist (by which I mean, we know who we're going to use, but because of the sort of arrangements I want she's said she'll give us a price & we can pay the deposit next year once we've finalised the designs and I've bought all of the containers). My sister's doing the cake, and we pretty much know who we want to be in the bridal party. I think we've more or less picked the music for the ceremony as well. We're not having a honeymoon, although I know exactly where we'd go if we could afford one - just a shame it'd pretty much double our budget!

    We don't have a colour scheme as such. It's going to just be a nice mix of (mostly pastel) colours. We do have a theme, though - it's basically all aspects of Japan, with nods to my British heritage and OH's Indochinese culture. It's all going to be very subtle references to games we enjoy playing, animes/films we enjoy watching, traditional Japanese culture etc.

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  • maywedding2017
    Beginner September 2017
    maywedding2017 ·
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    Hey hun, I am the same, my budget at is at the moment £10,000 im looking around the same time as you, i am looking and just want to book everything now but i am too organised too,

    I am having the same problem with the sit down meal, me and my boyfriend are looking at a bbq or hog roast in the day, be different than a sit down meal and specially if its in spring,

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  • JenCTR
    Beginner May 2017
    JenCTR ·
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    Potential 2017 Bride here!

    Currently venue hunting and also not rushing savings due to hectic 2015 and Best Friend getting married in Vegas in 2016!

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  • jem1994
    Beginner August 2017
    jem1994 ·
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    We're in similar situation I'm at uni till 2017, we're FX moving into new house in summer and I have an almost 3 year old so saving up has not proved easy! Have got 14th October 2017 in mind as a date but nothing official yet just looking at venues seeing what we can do. Looking at around £10,000 budget so 2 years to save like mad!

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  • RoseArcana
    RoseArcana ·
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    Congrats to all other 2017 Brides! As if we are date twins MadamRed! X

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  • L
    Beginner March 2015
    luckybs1987 ·
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    I'm a 2017 bride too!!! it feels very strange to say that ?hahahahaha. We have been to see a venue and ive drawn up a list and gone a bit mad on pintrest!!! Decided on a minty green and purple theme. A scottish wedding so there will kilts!! It's all a bit excting! xxx

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  • S
    Beginner February 2017
    SunnyPinkFlowers383 ·
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    Hi I am looking at a Feb 2017 wedding does anyone know when I can book register

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  • R
    Beginner March 2017
    RachelBarnes ·
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    Hi Girls,

    I love that I'm not the only one who just wants to talk and plan weddings!!

    We are getting married March 2017.

    Photographer booked, florist booked, venue booked (we only looked at one), church booked and so is our room decorator.

    We are trying to find someone to make our invitations at the minute....

    I feel like everyone thinks I'm mad getting so organised but I just want to plan plan and plan xx

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  • M
    Beginner March 2017
    MrsJFC2be ·
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    Hi all,

    Another 2017 bride here, 31 march 2017 so exciting! So far we have booked the venue, registrar, cars, photographer and videographer. Got good deals with the venue, cars and photography as its out of season and on a Friday! I also keep picking up bargains when I see them!

    Finding everything quite overwhelming as there's so much to do! Glad I've got ages to plan! I'm waiting to go dress shopping early next year with my mum which I'm very excited about!

    Laura Smiley smile x

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  • T
    Beginner January 2018
    ThroughGreenEyes ·
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    Hi everyone,

    September 2017 bride here, were planning on it being just the two of us plus our two dogs. Makes it easier on us money wise, less pressure and we only have to plan on what makes us happy on the day not others.

    I've already contacted venues I like for quotes, spoken to the registrar to see if they are ok with the dogs being in the ceremony room. I've looked into the style of dresses I want, flowers, hair already I'm a planner and even though it is only the two of us were not skimping on what we really want our wedding day to be like.

    People may think it's too early to plan but I don't I now know what price range of the wedding dresses I like are and now have a year to save before going wedding dress shopping.

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  • Daniellax
    Beginner July 2017
    Daniellax ·
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    I'm July 2017!

    ive booked venue, registrar, photographed, videographer, band and transport. We hadn't planned to book everything so early but we went to see the venue and they said we could have it at the 2016 price as they hadn't decided 2017. We've booked a lot of the big things as it has meant we can get them for this years prices. And also means more time to save, as like a couple others on here were also just getting a mortgage.

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  • 2BMrsC
    Beginner May 2017
    2BMrsC ·
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    Hello All! Another probable 2017 bride here... would love to do it in 2016 but finances dictate differently!

    Nothing booked or 100% decided yet but we are going to view my preferred venue tomorrow and I am stupidly excited!!!

    Good to know I'm not the only one already planning, plotting and (i'll admit it here!) obsessing about all things wedding already ?

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  • C
    Beginner July 2017
    Chantilly lace ·
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    Hey everyone surprised to see so many been lurking for too long haha we have a date the 23rd July 2017 and a venue where the ceremony will be and all the day till night through hoping for a garden ceremony if our beautiful English weather permits!? I have already been dress shopping and have already put a deposit on one down. We have a dj sorted so just the photographer videographer cake bridesmaids outfits decor band and all the extras to go plus actually sitting down and doing the dreaded guest list let's all not forget about great great aunt Dorothy lol colour wise I like the idea of pale pinks. We have been together 10 years this year and have two children and I really want to include them in all aspects. ( two dogs too ha!) I love wedding stuff always have think I'm driving everyone crazy. Haven't even officially asked bridesmaids etc yet. Looking at doing save the dates on magnets as I have a bizarre liking and collections of magnets plus the wedding is a Sunday so best to give a heads up. Already had annoying comments from family members like if so and so can't bring their kids then they won't be able to go....please I haven't even done a list yet. Happy planning everyone ?

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  • Daniellax
    Beginner July 2017
    Daniellax ·
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    It depends what county you are in. You'll need to ring them to find out. Ours let us book it more than 2 years in advance but I've heard some brides say they could only do it a year in advance!

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  • Mrsjones2024
    Rockstar June 2024 Essex
    Mrsjones2024 ·
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    I'm getting married 01/07/2017!

    So far I have booked the venue and the registrar and bought wedding insurance. Our caterers and DJ are included. We have picked our bridesmaids, best man and ushers. And I've bought my veil! I saw it on eBay for £16.99 and I couldn't resist!

    I have been researching photographers and florists and I have an idea of who I would like to meet with. We are also sorting out accommodation for everyone for the night of the wedding so we are going to look at barns and a hotel in a few weeks time.

    I've spoken o a friend of a friend about making our wedding invitations but am waiting to hear back from her.

    Does anyone know where I can get nice save the date magnets from? I've been looking on eBay but I can't find any that I like.

    I feel like it's too early to do anything else yet though! X

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