We adopted a cat from the local Cats Protection place on Sunday - been meaning to get round to it since I moved in over two years ago! She is gorgeous and seems to have settled in quickly, i.e. she is eating, sleeping, playing, and using her litter tray.
The only problem really is night time, when she is wide awake and wants to play! Both nights she has sat outside our bedroom door and meowed incessantly - not an anguished yowl or anything, I think she just wants attention and fuss. On the first night we let her in but she didn't settle down and go to sleep, so last night we stuck it out and didn't open the door to her (ear plugs helped here).
We can't let her outside for a few weeks, so I'm hoping that things will change when she can roam around outside at night, as she has displayed an interest in going outside. I also wonder if she's looking for reassurance that we haven't left her, now that she's gone from a shelter to a comfy house. It is also early days (this is only her second full day with us) so although she appears happy, she might still be adjusting and developing a routine. On the other hand, I'm worried that she's just incredibly sociable and affectionate and a constant attention-seeker!
Has anyone had a similar experience?