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Lady Zith

Any gaming widows on here?

Lady Zith, 24 May, 2015 at 06:59 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 21

(Please - reassure me I'm not on my own!)

How the heck do you cope? Bit of an odd story on the relationship front - been with boyfriend 4 months, due to combination of circumstances he has moved in with me temporarily until he can get his place sorted. He's been here 3 weeks now and while that's OK in itself (although not ideal for either of us!) - I really struggle to cope with his gaming! Seriously - he can sit on there for 12 hours at a time! I am not, and have never been, into gaming at all. I've tried - I've done the dutiful girlfriend thing - but it's just not me. I struggle to sit still & concentrate through a 1 hour tv programme - anything more than that really drives me nuts!

But if you live with a gamer how do you cope? What do you do while they're gaming? It doesn't help that we're in a 1 bed flat with 1 TV, so when he's on there I kind of have to sit & watch it, or sit in the bedroom. I've read a lot of books & spent more time online than I have in a long time, I know that! But seriously - can anyone explain the attraction and ability to focus on that for soooo long, to the exclusion of anything else going on around?

I. Just. Don't. Understand....

21 replies

Latest activity by Ddpunk, 26 May, 2015 at 23:52
  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Oh yes, I too am a gaming widow, that's partly why I spend so much time here! We are also in a 1 bed flat but have 2 tvs, I make him play on the little one! I also make him wear headphones so I don't have to listen to all the explosions etc but it's when he's playing with other people and talking (read: shouting) at other people that bugs me a bit, especially as he has a tendency to play with foreign players so it's often late at night!

    To be honest we've fallen into a pattern now. He'll play for half an hour in the mornings while I get showered and have breakfast, then most nights he'll play when we get home from work until I've made dinner, then Thursday nights and Sunday nights he's plays till long after I've gone to bed. I don't get it either! But whatever makes him happy.

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  • Lady Zith
    Lady Zith ·
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    I'm so relieved I'm not alone! I think it's harder because of the situation at the moment. Neither of us were really ready to live together but the situation made it the only realistic option. Unfortunately he's also out of work at the moment (couple of options but waiting for them to actually happen) - so his gaming is kind of the only focus he's got, and I understand it's his chillout.

    Half an hour?!?! I'm impressed. I think the shortest time I've ever seen BF play for is 3 hours. And that was cause I threw a strop... Lol!

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    I have the tv during the day and H has it in the evening. That will change if and when I start a full time job but it's about give and take isn't it? I could never put up with H gaming for that long and he couldn't put up with my tv tastes so we work it out between us. If there is something I want to watch live, then I do and he doesn't object - he may grumble but that's all.

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    Haha, yeah, that took some training ;-) it took some getting used to and some give and take but we got there. Not so easy for you sadly as its temporary.

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  • Lady Zith
    Lady Zith ·
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    It is difficult tbh. Trying to compromise when actually what we both want is our own space isn't easy. If we had a 2nd room we'd set that up as a games room and it would be fine. But we don't so have to just go with it. I do work full time, and he's not working at the moment - so has the tv during the day. Problem is when I get home and want to interact or even watch tv, he'll switch it off, but then be so obviously "I'm only doing this so I don't get told off" that I crack and just tell him to put the damned thing on anyway. At least he's smiling when he's gaming. I lose the will to live personally, but he's happy, which makes it easier I guess.

    Roll on him finding a job and getting his own place again... Smiley winking

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  • bubblerawk
    Beginner July 2016
    bubblerawk ·
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    Me and my OH met at university on a computing course so i knew what i was getting myself in for and tbh i used to game. not so much now though.

    hes also a software engineer so when he isnt gaming he is on the laptop lol

    he also plays online alot with his mates so he catches up with them too

    i go upstairs and watch youtube videos or netflix on my laptop, then i check facebook and come on here or do a bit of wedding planning or shopping.

    it doesnt bother me anymore tbh. we see it as our space from each other Smiley smile

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  • Lady Zith
    Lady Zith ·
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    I know I need to get my head round it really. I guess because this is still a new relationship I find it odd that he's spending all his time on there rather than wanting to do stuff together. He's back in bed now because he was up til 4am on it (having started at 6pm). I have an incredible evil urge to unplug it and hide the power lead...

    Ah well - at least it's quiet at the moment.

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  • HelenSomerset
    Beginner September 2014
    HelenSomerset ·
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    Do it Lady Zith! ?

    I seriously don't know how you lot cope. Husband doesn't game or even like football (thankfully) but he does work on his laptop constantly. He even types away in bed last and first thing. Drives me insane. I should probably be grateful that he's conscientious though.

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    My H does play games, but restricts it to the hour between him getting home from work and me getting home, or occasionally in the evening if there's really nothing else on TV. During that time I read or use my own tablet/laptop - it's only ever an hour at most. If he was doing it for 12hrs at a stretch I'd consider it a serious problem!

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  • Lady Zith
    Lady Zith ·
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    I know. It is a big problem for me, but we're at a delicate stage right now where neither of us can do anything about being here at the moment. If I'm totally honest (which I've been trying to avoid but what the hell...) fairly often I'll leave for work around 7am, get home sometime between 4 - 5pm - he'll get up around 3 - 4 pm and start gaming. He'll stay there til somewhere between 3 - 6am, then go to bed. If I really insist he'll switch it off for a couple of hours mid evening (usually when we're eating) - but only if I really push, which he sees as me being 'in a mood'. I've told him. The sanction is if this carries on I'll switch off emotionally to us being together. We're stuck here physically at the moment, but it means I'm not necessarily thinking about 'us' in a healthy way any more. Which is a shame because we do have a good time together (when he's not gaming!)

    As I spent Saturday night in front of his gaming (I went to bed about 11pm) I've insisted we're going out tonight for dinner. I am fully expecting him to eventually get up this afternoon and go online until about 15 mins before I want to leave.

    Not sure what I can do tbh - I refuse to be the 'nag' who stops him doing things he wants to do. It kind of hurts that he doesn't choose to spend the time with me though. We'll get there I'm sure.

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
    Helenia ·
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    Oh god yes. We have had some serious arguments over it during the course of our relationship, and at one point I told him I'd rather he was watching porn (which I hate) than playing "that f***ing game" again!

    H mostly plays PC-based games - he's been a gamer since he was a kid, and League of Legends is currently the worst offender. At least it's on his computer in the spare room though, and not taking over the TV and/or living room! Still drives me nuts when he plays online with his Skype friends though, the half-conversations I hear from him are totally ridiculous. As I work a lot of nights and weekends, I can't complain about him having a hobby when I'm not there, but it really annoys me if I've been working a long day and come home to a house like a bombsite and no dinner because he's been playing all day.

    After a couple of arguments, he has now realised how much it annoys me, and is pretty good about remembering to make dinner, and not playing if I want us to go somewhere or do something together. I don't think I'll ever get him off them though. I spend a vast amount of time on forums, which keeps me busy while he's gaming, so I can't complain too much!

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  • D
    Beginner June 2018
    Ddpunk ·
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    Ugh, I like to think of myself as fairly tolerant but there's no way I could put up with this LZ. You must have some patience!!

    Surely if he wants to play for that long he can use the 7+ hours that you're out of the house working rather than sleeping all day!? This would defo leave me feeling bitter if it were me!

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  • daisymoo86
    Beginner July 2016
    daisymoo86 ·
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    My OH is a gamer. So much so I decided when we bought our home to make the box room his 'nerd' room so that he can be in there out of the way when he plays! He has a day off in the week where I don't and he will usually spend most of that day on his games, then in the evenings when I am at the gym, but that's about it now, he used to be a lot worse and it least its all timed for when I am not around!

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  • Calella
    Beginner August 2016
    Calella ·
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    My OH is a gamer. He loved messing with games and modding them. I get so peed off, because sometimes I want to play them but he's put it up to a zillion difficulty and keeps taking the controller so he can adjust levels and fix textures and I sound like him haha!

    I usually watch the games like a movie or go on my ipad. Recently it's all Jericho, Dying Light, Skyrim, Dark Souls.

    I got the sims so I can chuck him off and let me play Smiley smile

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  • Lady Zith
    Lady Zith ·
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    Patience of a saint... or ... just given up and frankly can't be bothered any more.

    Sadly I think it's the latter. This has not been an easy relationship and frankly him moving in has made it less so. Yesterday he was in a right bad mood, so I went out in the morning. He went to bed for the afternoon, got up around 8.30pm, started gaming, and I left him still sat there when I got up and left for work at 7.15 this morning.

    Not really a relationship - just co-existing. Ah well.

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  • bliss_balloons
    bliss_balloons ·
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    My oh is a gamer but 12 hours is ridiculous. I also like playing on the playstation but different games to him, we work slightly different shifts so usually go on when the other isn't around. Other than that a couple of hours in the evening is ok, then we spend the rest of the time doing stuff together so it's not a problem in our house.

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    I'm sorry to hear this lady zith, it sounds like you're coming to a realisation about this relationship. On the other hand, perhaps it's better that this has come about now, rather than finding out further down the line, particularly at the point of naturally being ready to move in together. x

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  • Lady Zith
    Lady Zith ·
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    Well - the problem is that at the moment there isn't any escape. So yes in my head I already know this isn't going anywhere and frankly I want out. It's a shame because we have the potential to be really good together - but it's where I'm at.

    Sadly until he finds a job, and then saves up a deposit to get his own place, I don't have an option. There simply isn't anywhere else for him to go - he doesn't know anyone in this area, no family etc. Which is kind of why he ended up staying with me for now. So I'll smile sweetly, let him do his thing, and just live with it for now. Fingers crossed it won't be for too long but I suspect it could easily be another 2 - 3 months. So in the interests of not making life impossible for both of us, I'm not telling him how I feel at the moment. But yes - I've already decided for myself. This is not the right relationship for me.

    So much more I could say - but it's kind of counter-productive.

    So sorry hitchers - you'll be my whinging platform for now. (I'll try not to overindulge...!)

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  • ebony_rose
    ebony_rose ·
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    My H spent our wedding night on his Xbox... Enough said.

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  • Chucklevision
    Beginner July 2015
    Chucklevision ·
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    I would be mighty peeved & I think you are being very understanding. Fair enough your in a relationship but he is a guest in your home and I wouldn't tolerate the whole staying up all night & sleeping up all night.

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  • Lady Zith
    Lady Zith ·
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    I know. I got home from work about 5.15, and he's just got out of bed now. Just in time for me to think about going to bed well - in an hour or so). I guess he'll be up tonight as well. Might as well not be here really. Not happy.

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  • D
    Beginner June 2018
    Ddpunk ·
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    This makes me so bloody mad on your behalf. He's taking the royal pi55!

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