(Please - reassure me I'm not on my own!)
How the heck do you cope? Bit of an odd story on the relationship front - been with boyfriend 4 months, due to combination of circumstances he has moved in with me temporarily until he can get his place sorted. He's been here 3 weeks now and while that's OK in itself (although not ideal for either of us!) - I really struggle to cope with his gaming! Seriously - he can sit on there for 12 hours at a time! I am not, and have never been, into gaming at all. I've tried - I've done the dutiful girlfriend thing - but it's just not me. I struggle to sit still & concentrate through a 1 hour tv programme - anything more than that really drives me nuts!
But if you live with a gamer how do you cope? What do you do while they're gaming? It doesn't help that we're in a 1 bed flat with 1 TV, so when he's on there I kind of have to sit & watch it, or sit in the bedroom. I've read a lot of books & spent more time online than I have in a long time, I know that! But seriously - can anyone explain the attraction and ability to focus on that for soooo long, to the exclusion of anything else going on around?
I. Just. Don't. Understand....