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Beginner December 2012

Any one getting married December 2012?

MrsMaddock2b, 5 February, 2012 at 11:07

Posted on Planning 312

Just wondering if there are any b2b's planning their big day for December 2012? Jess xxx

Just wondering if there are any b2b's planning their big day for December 2012?

Jess xxx

312 replies

  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
    Kriek ·
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    So glad you got a new dress MrsHFA!

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  • Cakeycase
    Beginner December 2012
    Cakeycase ·
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    Hello ladies!

    I had my first dress fitting on friday!!! ? I was actually more nervous than what I thought i'd be, but have made some alterations to it and can now honestly say that I ❤️ it sssooooo much!!

    Friday was a bit of and up/down day as my bridesmaid dresses had arrived also, but from a different store. They were very vague about the cost of the alterations, and said that the seamstress was away until mid November and that it takes approx 6 weeks for an order to be completed.....This obviously is a bit tight for timing of the wedding. I contacted the lady from my dress shop and she said to bring the to her and she could do them, and that they'd be a fraction of the quote from the original shop. When I arrived to collect them I paid off the remainder of the balance and then asked to have a look at them before I took them away. Dress 1 was perfect so we moved on to dress 2......I instantly noticed a very small mark at the front of the dress. The lady said that it must be glitter and tried to pick it off (it clearly wasn't glitter). She then said that heat would remove it and put it on her ironing board - She was clearly trying to get rid of this mark and prove it was nothing. The heat from the iron wasn't working on the mark, so she then produced a bottle of something and started to spray the dress!! ? I told her not to do it as I needed to go to my dress fitting and take the bridesmaid dress with me as she was having her fitting - I was also starting to lose it a little with what she was doing, but kept calm on the outside.

    The lady could see that I was not happy with the dress, and basically told me that there was not enough time to order a new one ?. I said that I wanted to take the dress with me as I needed it, but would return it later to discuss the issue. As she was putting it away I then noticed four tears to the side of the dress down the seam!!! At this point I was completely gobsmacked. The lady said that she had never experienced this before from the manufacturers, and again it was too late to order a new one! I left the shop angry, upset and late for my own dress fitting [:'(]

    I explained all to my dress lady and she assured me that it could all be fixed, oh and with the news that i'd probably have to get the dress dry cleaned now due the lady's attempt at trying to remove the mark!

    The shop haved since refused to offer a discount to me, so in steps my oh who manages to get £45 credited to our account (The dress was £170).

    So.........Still outstanding is: sending out evening invitations, getting page boy suits (waiting for a little growth), food tasting session, final meeting with the florist, some gifts for the wedding party, alcohol for reception.

    Oh, and to top Friday off my hairdresser decided she doesn't want to do my hair or the bridesmaids - I only booked her in July, so its not like she didn't have notice! ☹️
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  • Mrs-HFA
    Beginner December 2012
    Mrs-HFA ·
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    Thanks, hey, I'm in Glasgow too. getting wed at House For An Art Lover, what about you?

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
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    House for An Art Lover is a gorgeous venue!

    Our reception is at the Crutherland House in East Kilbride.

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  • L
    Lemon Violet ·
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    How lovely. A winter wedding.
    Have a great day


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  • Rosie1211
    Beginner December 2012
    Rosie1211 ·
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    Hey Ladies

    I've been reading all your updates on my phone and have been dying to reply but for some reason best known to my phone it wont allow me to type replies Smiley sad.

    All your plans sound absolutely amazing and so exciting with all the dress fittings going on. I can't believe how organised you all are!

    I've become completely stressed over the last few days with how much we've left to do and how little time we have what with work getting in the way. So just an idea of some of what we have left to do; Order suits for the fellas, find 4 fur shrugs for the bridesmaids, two pairs of kitten heels for two of bridesmaids, exchange one of the bridesmaid dresses which now doesn't fit them, find fillers for the centrepieces (have posted a separate post about this as has been a nightmare moment), gifts for a child attendants, gifts for our parents, finish the favours, pay the tog and have pre wedding photo shoot, pay the venue and have our meetings with them, write the itinerary for the day, write our vows, finish getting OH his wedding gift, find a hairdresser, buy hair accessories for myself and BMS, buy the makeup and the list goes on and on and on.

    Please tell me I'm not the only one to have soooo much left to do. It seems to be just little jobs left (minus suits and BM outfits) but they seem to be the most difficult to get done if that makes any sense at all lol.

    I know it will all work out ok and will be done on time but i have to admit I'm not easily stressed but once I am thats it then Smiley atonished.

    Hows everyone else getting on? xx

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  • RachTN25
    Beginner December 2012
    RachTN25 ·
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    I Still have loads to do too and I havn't got another day off with my OH for 3 more weeks now. Im taking 1 bridesmaid to get her dress altered tomorrow but the other one can't make it so have to leave her dress there!!

    Theres loads of little things to do still but I seem to have run out of energy and enthusiasm at the moment oh and money lol.

    Really need to get the christmas shopping done as soon as possible so I havnt got that left to worry about but no idea where I would put it all as we already have a shed and spare room full of wedding things!!

    Rachel xx

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  • Puddycat
    Beginner December 2012
    Puddycat ·
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    Rachel, I know ow you feel. I am exhausted. To add to the stress my soon to be Brother in law is moving into our house on the 19th Nov. Not great timing! I am not sleeping and having someone else in the house won't exactly help that one!!!! So extravagant I know but last night I booked the OH & I a day at a spa midweek so that we can spend some non-stressy time together before all hell let's loose!! Can't wait to spend some quality time together ?

    We also have loads to do:

    Buy underwear, hair bits, make-up trial, prezzies, pay for things, sort the chair covers, orders of service, get DAY RSVP's (Grrrrr), dress fittings, sort decorations, finish Christmas shopping, write Christmas cards (have bought them but am trying to be organised!), & so it continues.......

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  • RachTN25
    Beginner December 2012
    RachTN25 ·
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    Not just us thats still waiting for day invite RSVP's then!! They seem to be the ones that keep asking if everythings sorted. Well no cause we're still waiting on people like you!! lol When we have asked people if they are coming we have had 'well obviously', no not really obvious!! lol.

    Rachel xx

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    Feel like I'm not doing too bad organisation-wise, had my final dress fitting today and men's outfits were sorted last week. Still need to get rings, order menus/table names, put together favours when they arrive, meet with TOG, get presents for the parents and get people's menu choices for the caterer.

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    P.s. glad you managed to get a new dress Mrs HFA. Any flashes?

    And MrsPearceToBe you are the closest one I've found to being my date twin, I'm the day after you!

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  • Mrs-HFA
    Beginner December 2012
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    Thanks. I absolutley adore it. This is it here, however, I have had the train removed, and I'm wearing it with a fish tail underskirt. I was just away getting my 1st fitting today, so it's being altered so it's more fishtail styled, if that makes sense. The applique parts are ultra sparkly too....

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  • Puddycat
    Beginner December 2012
    Puddycat ·
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    We met with the Photographers today and we were wished a MERRY CHRISTMAS ? It's getting closer ?

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    Wow that's gorgeous! I can imagine the sparkly detail is stunning in real life.

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  • M
    Beginner December 2012
    mrsbadger ·
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    In EXACTLY 1 months time, I will be walking down that aisle with my Daddy!!

    I'm a giddy kipper.


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  • Fergo
    Beginner December 2012
    Fergo ·
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    Mrs HFA your dress is stunning.

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  • *AJS*
    Beginner December 2012
    *AJS* ·
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    17 days left to go for me and I am in panic mode! Time seems to be flying by and I keep thinking of things we need to do.

    We have still to do....the table plan, order of the day, place name cards, table number cards, sweets for the sweetie buffet, flower girls shoes, copy all the music to discs, send our song choices to the dj, send our music preferences to the VOG, our page boys suit fitting, my hair and make up trial and my final dress fitting!!

    The fittings and trials are all booked in for this weekend. Please tell me I will fit everything else in!

    Also a couple of months ago we had an issue with our chair covers and our venue told us they now had them that they could provide. We need 70 but they had 50 and they said they could borrow the rest from their supplier. All is well I thought until I emailed yesterday to check a few things and she dropped it on me that the other 20 borrowed may not match. Argh why did they not just say this and I would have ordered them from elsewhere!

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  • ImagineIt
    Beginner December 2012
    ImagineIt ·
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    39 sleeps for me! ?

    I must be missing something coz I don't feel we have that much left to do. We have our final meeting at the venue tomorrow nght. OH is taking a day off to do the table name place setting thingys. I'll do our table plan at some point earle Dec.

    We're meeting my friend in a few weeks to go through the cake she's making us & my day with her as I will be getting ready at her house. OH has ordered his kilt & it's due 13th Dec, same day as my dress. (Just hope mine wont need altering coz I dont know how easy that will be in the 9 days we have left!)

    & that's it....all sorted. It's all been hassle free really. Whoop whoop!


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  • M
    Beginner December 2012
    mrsbadger ·
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    I feel exactly the same!! I shouldn't be as organised as I am right now, I don't do organised!!!

    I need to go for my second - and hopefully final - dress fitting next week, make all the jam jar snow domes for the tables, make and write all the name cards and table plan cards, wrap everyones presents, find some nice boxes to put the parents champagne in, and visit my friend who's making our snowman cake - who is apparently almost a metre tall now!! Can't wait to see him!!

    I had my hen last weekend and OH is having his stag next weekend. We actually only have 2 sundays without something going on between now and the 14th!! Every other day is FULL!!!

    The only thing after this is making about 80 gingerbread men for favours, and sorting all the stuff for each table into boxes ready to get laid out!!!

    Stress free!!! ................ Hmmmmm.....?

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  • L
    Beginner December 2012
    LEA2012 ·
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    I've had a very productive day today tying off some 'little bits' that were left to buy. Ordered guest book, card box, favour bags, sweets, tags, scatter crystals for tables. Also booked an appointment for in a couple of weeks to go and meet with the registrar and so next job is finalising the music for the ceremony so we can tell her what we are having. Feel very organised, not much to get together now and I've still got 6 weeks!

    It's my hen do this weekend, very excited but for also some reason a bit nervous..? Nothing a glass or two of wine wont sort I'm sure! ? x

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
    Kriek ·
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    Snowglobes sound ace! I wanted to make a bride and groom snowglobe to sit by our cake but I don't know if I will have time.

    Had a productive weekend too. Bought pine cones to make name card holders like this but will be spray painted gold

    Went for bridesmaid dress fittings and ordered my veil and side tiara. Stupidly didn't take any pictures though.

    Next week I have my (hopefully) final fitting, meal tasting and my hen night. So excited about it all now!!

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  • M
    Beginner December 2012
    mrsbadger ·
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    They're dead easy to make!!! We got a bride and groom cake topper, and some other bits and bobs like rings, champagne flutes and glitter from the Little Cake Shop and a big old beetroot jar, stick it all together and Robert's your Dad's brother!

    Have a look at this we've got a selcetion of santas, snowmen and reindeer, and we've been collecting little jars for months. They're gonna look so cool.

    We also bought some spherical vases/bowls fo the tables that we're filling with cadbury Snow Bites and marshmallows. Should look pretty cool!!!

    I love the sound of the pine cones aswell!! My OH is a bit against them though as I went a bit mental with them at christmas a couple of years ago, and he's got a bit sick of them now.

    We knitted some heart christmas decorations for adult favours, and got a load of candy canes for the kids (this is on top of the gingerbread men, I've gone a bit over the top!) so I'm going to make same star shaped name tags from air dry clay and attach them to these.

    I must admit I was also a little nervious before the hen do, but it was an absolute blast!!!

    Have fun!!!

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
    Kriek ·
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    Thanks Mrsbadger I'll look into it over the weekend!

    Thought I'd do a wee moodboard flash since most of our bits and pieces are starting to come together. BM dresses are aubergine with gold sparkly shoes. Flowers are going to be a mix of reds and purples with a few white ones and berries mixed in. Cake is wrapped in white chocolate, tiers are going to be white chocolate and raspberry, chocolate and mint, and chocolate and peanut butter on the top.

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    It all looks gorgeous Kriek! We bought our rings yesterday, very surreal seeing OH wearing a wedding ring as he never wears rings normally!

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  • S
    Beginner December 2012
    S44mth ·
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    Hi Iam getting married 12.12.12 starting to panic now that i havent done everything....eeeekkkkk

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  • micranisi
    Beginner December 2012
    micranisi ·
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    So..... When I should be concentrating on final wedding plans I find out I am completely and utterly upduffed! Crikey.

    Now my head is not in a wedding space at all and I havent a clue what on earth I have left to do. Plus I'm terrified I'm not going to fit into my dress. My diet's completely gone out the window though I am trying to keep up with the exercise....

    I THINK my list is something along the lines of Christmas shopping, final meeting with florist, sending back ceremony forms (have to choose vows, etc), 1st dress fitting, table plan and place names (which involves finding a photo of everybody coming to the wedding), buy guestbook, underwear, centrepieces need assembling, foliage collecting but that can't really happen until much nearer the time, I havent done anything about changing my name but I'm not really sure what I need to do.

    Ah, thats better. Writing everything down has really helped!

    Hope everyone's getting on ok!

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  • Fergo
    Beginner December 2012
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    Congratulations! It'll be lovely to look back and know baby was at your wedding.

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  • Cakeycase
    Beginner December 2012
    Cakeycase ·
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    I'm 6 weeks today!!!! ??

    I feel like I have ridiculous amounts left to do ?

    Tomorrow is hair and make up trial......Saturday is final confirmation with the florist.......Next week is food trial and the following is final dress fitting.

    I still have to get page boy outfits for 2 little ones (waiting for last minute growing!), my wedding underwear, favours and gifts for groomsmen!.....I am sure there is more, but my barin box is a little frazzled right now!!

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  • H
    Beginner December 2012
    Hannah72 ·
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    23 days to go for me and I feel like I still have so much to do - had a bit of a meltdown last night after the bridal shop said my bridesmaids dresses wouldn't be in until a week before the wedding! They called today though and the dresses are in - phew!

    I still need to finish off the places names, table names, table plan and menus. I have my hair and make-up trial this weekend and then its just bits and pieces - I do feel like I am going to forget something though which is a bit scary!

    Oh - and I dont have any knickers to wear yet!

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
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    Hope you find some time to relax before the wedding.

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  • *AJS*
    Beginner December 2012
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  • RachTN25
    Beginner December 2012
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    We had this surprise 7 weeks ago and it was only on Monday when we had the first scan that it finally sunk it. I'll be 19 weeks gone by the wedding so admitted defeat and got a different dress so that was one less thing to stress about. One thing I havn't come to terms with yet is the sober hen night Smiley sad lol


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