Blimey it's all getting mega exciting now!!! It's 18 days and about....... 20 mins till ours now!!
We had yet another bereavment last week, OH lost his Graddad on Tuesday so we didn't go into work for the last part of the week, which has meant that we've been able to get a lot done to try and keep our minds off it all.
I've made the name tags (out of air dry clay, cut with a star shape cookie cutter) and sanded them all down so they now look beautiful, al the jars and decorations are clean and sparkling ready to be made into snow domes, the flower girls feather capes have been cleaned up and new bows sewn on, and we've managed to buy some really cheap fake trees for the top of the aisle!! They're beautiful little skinny fir trees, all frosted and glittery, and we've got some glass icicles to hang off them. Nothing left to do now but wrap presents!!! Oh, and somehow transport a 4 tiered snowman cake from the other side of town!
We're getting a bit concerned about the weather as half of Sheffield now seems to be under water, but we're getting married on the edge of Chesterfield in a beautiful hall - which is on top of a hill!!! So hopefully everyone will be able to get through. If it snows................ well we're gonna have to deal with that when it happens. We're not far from the city centre so it might come down to trains and taxis. I would love it to snow so we can have some fancy photos, and build a snowman with the kids, just as long as the roads stay clear enough. I might have to coerce some of the officers at work to ferry us there in the 4x4's!!!!
I went for my final dress fitting on Wednesday and it fits like an absolute dream!!! I'm so happy with it. It's so sparkly and frosty and perfect for the season. I've got a little feather cape to go with it, which I was going to put on for the photos but I'm considering getting rid of the veil and just wearing it all the way through!!
I got a bargain tiara the other day too!! The woman who WAS making mine went out of business so I popped into our local bridal shop and there it was sat on the shelf! It's like icicles made of AB Swarovski crystals, and should have been £130, but because there's a couple of crystals missing (which I've replaced) I got it for £20!!! BARGAIN!!!!
It still doesn't seem real though, it's like I've been planning this for someone else, and in 2 weeks I'll be walking down that aisle!!! Eeek!!!!
I have to admit that I have been lurking and not a regular poster despite being the thread starter all that time ago!
I get all your replies to my phone so I have been keeping abreast of all your updates and goings on!
Huge congrats to those that have a surprise bubba! Wowee! I think I would keel over with any added stress. I am struggling to cope with my serving as it is!
As I have not been around with my goings on, I will give you a quick run down of me so far.
I'm from Merseyside and the date of the wedding is 28/12/12. I am pretty much all organised with just a few things to get sorted. Just clarification mostly with people like the florist, vog, wedding singer, Reverend, cake maker. Still need to do place names, fill the favours (we have opening Christmas baubles with personalised ribbon, which we hope to fill with 5 of something. Originally wanted to just put a quality street in but my traditionalist BM said it had to be 5 of something for supersticious reasons!)
Dress is all sorted. Had a fitting the other day but she was unable to sort the length as she wants to try a different larger hoop under the dress (not gypsy bride - don't worry although it is quite full) so need to go back next week for that. Also managed to get myself a bargain fur shrug to wear for outside and some photos from Debenhams in the sale and had a slightly damaged lining.
BM's dresses are all sorted and just being taken up a smidge. They are lace up backs so hassle free in that respect. My daughter has her dress and shoes and cardigan sorted and will be having a sash round the middle made of the rems of the BM dresses so they all match.
We have a dance lesson tonight to perfect our routine. We are both dancers anyway and had to pull something quite special out of the bag for our guests. Tomorrow is our final meet with the venue to pay and choose our food ect and go through the final details of the day eeeeek! I am a bit nervous about this tbh.
We met with the Tog last week to sort the pics out. Made it seem very real talking about set ups for pictures ect.
I need to make and decorate the post box and source some sparklers which we are giving to each of our guests to light in the evening with a little note on saying 'Let love sparkle'
Eeeeek so excited but I have been mega stressed! I had my hen weekend a month ago which was lovely. Not everyones cup of tea but at the ripe old age of 32, I am a bit over going out scantily clad with L plates ect so I opted for a nice chilled out weekend away at a big house in North Wales with 10 friends. We did various activities and managed to squeeze in some fun games and dirty boozing! A few that couldn't come along to that have organised a more local one for me this sunday which I know nothing about! Excited about that!
H2B had his stag this weekend which was kind of thrown together last minute. His mates were being terribly awkward when he mentioned wanting to go to Newcastle and so after them still being difficult no matter how many times he chanegd the date/venue he opted out and said he wouldnt bother. Then we lost one of his ushers and closest friends to cancer which kind of threw everyone a bit as albeit is expected, we were hoping he would make it to the big day. In the end I got in touch with his waste of space best man and told him to organise something local. It ended up being a night at the dogs in manchester and the following day was an all day sesh in Liverpool and finishing off in Chester which is wear he orginates from.
Wowsers! That turned into a bit of a waffle. Sorry guys but hope I have caught up now.
Hi MrsMaddock2b! We are date twins I think I remember right from the beginning of this thread?? I could go back and look through but Im a bit lazy! Lol! The reason I remember is not cause I'm a crazy stalker but because I am also from Liverpool and I'm sure that we were going to view your venue but we cancelled as we were set on our date and when I checked they already had a wedding booked which turned out to be yours!! Can't remember the venue off the top of my head but it was somewhere with nice beams on the wirral..? Hillbark maybe?
Anyway, glad to hear things are moving along although very sorry to read your sad news regarding your OH's friend. Best of luck with the next month! x
We went upwards instead of downwards in the end and we are at Formby Hall Golf Resort and spa. Just had a call from them actually, our wedding coordinator has left! Ah! She has done a full handover and I trust she will have done but means we will have to go in and meet someone new soon!
Yes I'm a date twin with you - 28/12/12, at the Alma Inn, Laneshawbridge, Colne. Like you I'm definitely an older bride (my ripe old age being 48) & never married before though that can't said of h2b. Been on here a few times but not so much later and things now seem to be flying by - just about on track with everything and it should be the last dress fitting this Saturday as we have hung on given I've been loosing wight
Ooh Formby Hall! Very nice! Yes our whole wedding team left and they knew nothing about our day! Someone actually emailed me to ask me when the wedding was! Needless to say I was far from pleased! They seem to go through staff like socks in that place!
Since then one of them has come back and I am putting my trust in her as she gave me a big cuddle last time we were there and told me not to worry. I like that approach!
Must be the season for wedding co-ordinator changes - ours did the same and we ended up ring them as we had not heard from anyone re finalizing the day. Like you got it sorted and in hand now and being to trust the lady who's taken over - though she does seem a tad young or is it me.
So excited today when I see people talking about the good luck threads!
I think this week is the most expensive week with paying the venue, florist, candy stall, airport transport and all the thank you gifts. I also have my second dress fitting on Sunday so I am sooo excited!
Only have to finish thank you gifts, fix the table places, print table plan, finish my lists for my brother and mum (my ocd is getting the better of me and i dont want anyone meddling on the day!), make the favour sweets and sort my honeymoon stuff - not much then!!
Wooooooo not long now!!! Rain rain go away !!
5 more sleeps getting excited now just need to finish work on Wednesday & it will become even more real
Good luck to all getting organised xx
I'm going through to try my dress on Thurs, so excited! You'll probably remember I literally got my 2nd one just a couple of weeks ago, my friends Mum has been doing my tweaking/alterations for me.
Spent today cleaning the house, scrubbing from floor to ceiling. Really want to put the Christmas Tree up this weekend, and figured I'd kill two birds with one stone this week. Hopefully manage to maintain the housework between now and the big day, eeeeeek.
Got hip flasks for the male bridal party yesterday, just need to get them engraved.
Make a start on my crafting of things, have templates made for bits and pieces, just need to print out and get sticking. Put favours together, have still need to decide on red material for over the tops of the jars. Make up hot chocolate drinks.
I also need to be making a start on my cake as I'm making it myself, I had decided on my design but it was based on my previous dress, and so now need to plan out another design, and decide on flavours!
We finalised wording for Order of Ceremony, all but what we use as a title for my cousin who is giving me away, any thoughts?
All the fun things now to work on, yay. Not nervous at all but getting quite excited. Particularly when I got up for work the other morn and Jack Frost had been and everywhere was shimmering white, gave me butterflies :-)
Sorry to hear about your OH's Grandad Mrs Badger. ?
Know exactly what you mean about feeling like you've been planning for someone else. This snowman cake sounds amazing, can't wait to see some pictures!
I'm confident that the weather will be fine for all of us. Everyday in December is going to be a beautiful crisp winters day, with possibly a sprinkling of snow that never turns to slush. That said, I'm keeping my wellies on stand by.
Feel like I still have a million things to do. Going to see the priest on Thursday so hopefully we can tick a lot of stuff off the list then. Still need to book hair and make up trials, eeep I'm running out of time. I'm actually so excited I can't concentrate on anything at work this week, wish I could just take the month off.
So.......we went for our final appointment with the venue last night and paid the remainder of the balance. I must say I feel a lot calmer about it all now! That was really playing on my mind in case the price was hoiked up with the things we hadn't thought about! It was ok in the end though and I got to see the suite that I will be in the night before the wedding which was exciting! The last place I will sleep as a Miss! We also snuck a peak at the bridal suite and it was surreal thinking about being in there when we are Mr & Mrs!
Got a meeting with the Reverend this afternoon to go through the order of service and choose readings and hymns etc. Another thing ticked off the list.
I have ordered the bridesmaids gifts and the activities for children on the day and sparklers for our guests.
Started to feel less nervous and more excited now!
O my, my ticker has just started counting days & hours, seeing it has just made me well up! It's real. It's happening..... I get married in a month ?
What make's it even better is I finished at one of my contracts yesterday so I am now working part time and it is fantastic. I can finally start getting excited ?
The days will fly by Puddycat! I thought this week would drag, but before I even realised, tomorrow is Friday and I'll have to do all my last minutes wedding bits and pieces this weekend.
I just had my final dress fitting which is really exciting!
Unlike yourself, my work has gone off the scale! I've been in tears today because I am so stressed with everything and not sure how I am going to get everything done before I go on annual leave next Wednesday. I think you have these ideals that everything will be nicey nicey and people will cut you some slack, but that was a very naive outlook! There was me thinking I was supposed to be stressed about the actual wedding itself...!
Anyway, got it out of my system - onwards and upwards!
XKellsBellsx I feel for you. My stress levels were also off the scale. 2 weeks ago the Doctor said that I was suffering with exhaustion and the least stressful thing in my life was organising a wedding!!!!! I even cried at the Doctors lol [:'(] ?
I have my final dress fitting next Wednesday. The last fitting made me cry, so I can't wait to see it this time. I am excited that I can only now start to get excited.
Hun, put your rose tinted specs back on and smile at the world....... It's your turn ?
Well one more day to go! After todays guest cancellations, finding new guests, nails screwed up at salon & sorted out myself, church rehearsal done, house scrubbed & the world wanting to text & ring me!! I am finally in bed ready to spend my last day as a miss!! I've had a good evening with family & friends drinks, food & thoughtful bridal gifts! Tomorrow is not too hectic, just checking over decorations before taking to venue, filling sweet jars, dress fitting, few bits to do in the house, take everything to venue then relax go see my friends for tea/drinks(guests are travelling between 3-7hrs) then bed to get some beauty sleep!! With me luck it goes to plan x
Ah Puddycat, that's awful for you. I'm so pleased you are able to start getting excited and have time to de-stress and get into the wedding spirit.
I bet your next dress fitting will have you in tears too! It just gets more and more wonderful each time it starts to fit you better!
Good luck Kelskii - I don't know where you are based in the country, but we have light snow forecast for tomorrow. How perfect! Those pictures would be beautiful!
Whooo Hoooo so now that I have been able to switch into wedding planning a couple of things have popped into my mind that I hadn't thought about!!
My brother is giving me away / walking with me. OH has his "Best Man". What do I call him?? ie "Father of the Bride"....... I want to get him something to say thank you but we are all about laughter....... Ideas needed pleeese ?
I have to admit I to have been terrible at replying on here but I have been reading all the posts on my phone (part of the reason why I haven't replied as the phone still won't let me!). Have just done a mass post on the good luck threads - trying to catch up with everyone.
How exciting for you beautiful brides who are expecting. Congratulations! Just think how special it is going to be to look back at your wedding photos knowing the little one was there with you.
We've had a fairly productive few weeks. Had our final meeting at the venue and paid of some more of the balance. Had our pre wedding photo shoot with our photographer - it was amazing, so glad we have booked her. Finally sorted out the page boy suits and BMs shrugs. Chosen our hair accessories and hairstyles. Brought the children's gifts etc. All productive but should have probably been done several weeks earlier lol.
A few mishaps with bridesmaid dresses which involved us ringing round most the BHS stores to find a replacement and ended in us picking up the same dress we had returned - turns out they are changing their designs and have nothing but sizes 8s or 22s in stock. Fingers crossed our fabulous dress maker can sort it.
Getting so excited now, can't believe its under 4 weeks away - time is going sooo quickly.
Haven't even thought of Christmas yet, which again is probably going to be a recipe for disaster. Thankfully we only have the nieces and nephews to shop for this year as siblings and friends have been very understanding re lack of money due to the wedding lol.
Hope everyones last bits of planning goes well and if I don't speak to you all before - good luck with your wedding days. Hope you have the most amazing time and all of your dreams are fulfilled.
I got to work this morning (it took 3 hours because the M1 was shut), and my OH had had a beautiful buunch of flowers delivered with a little card that says "5 days...."; it all feels real now.
My OH was in a yuk mood this morning!! It's long & complicated but his best man who is also his brother has disappointed him in a massive way and he is regretting asking him to be his best man........
5 days how exciting, enjoy those days and of course the day itself Kells!
I've had a little cry this morning as I got a call from my nan that her and my grandad might not be able to make it as she wont let my grandad drive. He's adamant he is fine but it is a long way and he had a fall recently and has been a bit shaky since. I agree I dont want him driving but I'm not having the explanation that there is no way they can get to us. I have said I will go and get them boxing day if someone can get them home, my mum thinks its just my nan being stubborn and wont offer to help but I want them to be there so much ☹️ The reason for my tears was that I am very close to my grandad and in the past it's been kept from me if he has not been well and so I'm unsure whether he just cant drive or whether he's quite poorly and wouldnt be able to manage the day and nobody is telling me?
Other than that I finished making our favours this morning and received the first draft design for our table plan which I am really really pleased with! x
We're shooting 3 weddings this month- we love December weddings- you need to be aware of the timings of your day, and leave enough time/light for photos- we tend to advise couples to have their service no later than 1.30pm if possible, to allow for photos... that said, you get a lovely feeling of warmth and emotion with winter weddings! Hope it all goes well!
PuddyCat - that is not a stress you need right now. Is it something unforgiveable? Do you think they can resolve it before the wedding? I really hope so.
Lea - that is so sad. I know it is not on the same level as grandparents, but I had the same issue with my great aunt and uncle who I am close to. I kept being told they were too ill to come etc etc. Luckily, they have come up with a suitable arrangement which means they can come, so hopefully you can find a solution to. We have had to call in a lot of favours to get it sorted, but somehow it has worked out. I think you need a frank update from someone about his health - you deserve to know.
Foden - yay, my ceremony is at 1:30 and the sun is set to be out, so hopefully we will be OK; albeit absolutely freezing!