Just a quick query, we've got two male rabbits that live together quite harmoniously, however the past couple of weeks they've been behaving a bit strangely and wondered if anyone could shed any light?
Normally when I feed them in them in the morning they are falling over each other to get to the food, no they just have a bit of a sniff and that's it.
Secondly, sometimes when I'm getting home they haven't finished all their food, this again is strange because they used to scoff it really quickly.
Thirdly, when I'm feeding them I normally give them a stroke or whatever, usually they go a bit crazy and run off in the hutch but they aren't doing that, they are letting me fuss them no problem.
I know it doesn't sound like much to an outsider but they are definitely behaving differently, any ideas? Could it be the time of year maybe? They've been snipped (otherwise they were humping the hell out of each other) but wondered if maybe its that time of year when they would normally be mating?