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Beginner July 2011

Any rabbit owners about?

Holey, 19 April, 2013 at 13:37 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 17

Just a quick query, we've got two male rabbits that live together quite harmoniously, however the past couple of weeks they've been behaving a bit strangely and wondered if anyone could shed any light?

Normally when I feed them in them in the morning they are falling over each other to get to the food, no they just have a bit of a sniff and that's it.

Secondly, sometimes when I'm getting home they haven't finished all their food, this again is strange because they used to scoff it really quickly.

Thirdly, when I'm feeding them I normally give them a stroke or whatever, usually they go a bit crazy and run off in the hutch but they aren't doing that, they are letting me fuss them no problem.

I know it doesn't sound like much to an outsider but they are definitely behaving differently, any ideas? Could it be the time of year maybe? They've been snipped (otherwise they were humping the hell out of each other) but wondered if maybe its that time of year when they would normally be mating?

17 replies

Latest activity by 1234ABC, 24 April, 2013 at 07:27
  • Agouti
    Beginner September 2013
    Agouti ·
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    Not sure I have an answer but I've got one suggestion - have their teeth been checked recently? I've had bunnies in the past who have gone off their food because their teeth have overgrown so it's uncomfortable for them to chew. You can usually tell a teeth problem as they start dribbling.

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
    ATB ·
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    Changes in the seasons can make animals go a bit 'off colour'.

    In regards to food, can you try them on something different, give them fresh stuff and maybe try and mix things up a bit by giving them new toys or something to do?

    Can't offer much other advice than that, my rabbit thought it was a dog and lay in front of the fire eating biscuits and drinking tea!

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
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    This is a good idea, that didn't occur to me.

    RKB is the rabbit expert but she's not about here much I don't think any more!

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  • T
    Beginner August 2014
    taylorj79 ·
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    I had the same problem with one of my male rabbits, in the end he just needed his teeth filing as they had overgrown and made it uncomfortable for him to eat.

    I hope you get it sorted soon!

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  • 1234ABC
    1234ABC ·
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    Thanks for the vote of confidence ATB! Just so happens that i'm here today! :-)

    The weather may have a big impact on their behaviour. It's amazing what a sudden change in the weather can do to animals.

    Have you given them anything new to eat recently? Sometimes they can get sore tummies and not want to each much, but as long as they are eating something you shouldn't be worried. Rabbits need to have food in their digestive tracks at all times or it can cause serious problems for them. One of my boys went off his food recently and hid away from me instead of being all excited about getting fed, but he was fine a day or two later. Also, just as a point, if they're not finishing their dinner before you feed them the next day, then they're not going to be hungry, which is why they're not interested in food IYSWIM? - It might be worth keeping an eye to see if it's both of them that isn't eating or if it's just one of them. that's one of the biggest problems with shared accommodation. It's difficult to tell who's doing what!

    Another possibility is that they've had a fright. If you keep them outside, there could be a wild animal that's been in the garden that's put them on edge a bit which has altered their behaviour. Make sure their hutch is secure in case there is another animal about that fancies them as a meal. Or on the complete opposite foot, there could be a wild girl bunny visiting. Even though they've been done, they will still get excited about seeing a girl.

    And of course, as Agouti has said, Their teeth might be sore. It's very easy to miss when a rabbit is having problems with it's teeth. My mini rex has an offset jaw that means he'll need vet care every couple of years to keep his teeth in check.

    I hope that helps a little? If there is anything else you can think of that might be worth mentioning, however small, let me know.

    I know it's easier said that done, but don't worry.

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  • Kjay
    Beginner August 2013
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    Can't really add to the advice but hope they get better soon.

    My bunny is going mad at the moment but he is an only bunny so can't really compare- but am sending some of his crazy rabbit vibes your way!

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
    Holey ·
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    Hi, just wanted to thank you all for your advice, I was lurking on my phone over the weekend reading all your suggestions. We've booked the pair of them into the vets tonight because they definitely aren't themselves and this has been going on over a week now. One of them is definitely worse than the other but thought we'd book them both in to have their teeth looked at. Please can you keep your fingers crossed and send lots of bunny vibes that they are ok ☹️

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  • samjh87
    Beginner October 2012
    samjh87 ·
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    Sending lots of bunny get well vibes! Keep us updated on how you get on x

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  • Agouti
    Beginner September 2013
    Agouti ·
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    Aww lots of bunny vibes heading your way! Hope they get on ok at the vets!

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  • 1234ABC
    1234ABC ·
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    Sending Lots of Vibes to your boys. Hope you get an answer from the vet! Keep us posted!!

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  • Kjay
    Beginner August 2013
    Kjay ·
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    Vibes from me and my bunnykins too x

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  • 1234ABC
    1234ABC ·
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    How did you get on? Was thinking about your boys last night while chasing my pair around the living room to get them to go to bed. Hopeverything went ok! xx

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
    Holey ·
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    Thanks for all the vibes guys, thankfully the vet could find nothing wrong with them, he said they were the picture of health! Didn't help that one of them starts legging it around like a spring lamb when I could barely get them to do anything for the last few days! He did comment that the other one did seem perhaps a bit quiet considering he is a young rabbit but said there was nothing he could find. So just got to keep an eye on it and see what happens and take them back in a couple of weeks if they are the same.

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  • Kjay
    Beginner August 2013
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    Aww glad they are okay physically- hopefully they buck up (see what I did their haha) at home soon!

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
    Holey ·
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    Hehe Kjay I like it! Yeah hopefully they will be back to normal soon. Cost me £40 to have them checked out though but at least I've got peace of mind. I've told them they'll have to start posing for calendars to earn their keep! (That's right, I am a crazy rabbit owner!)

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  • 1234ABC
    1234ABC ·
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    Glad to hear they are physically ok. £40 is a lot, but it's essentially £20 per bunny for piece of mind that there isn't anything sinister as you say. hope they perk up soon! xx

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