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Anyone bought a car using the scrappage scheme?

spacecadet_99, 30 July, 2009 at 11:14 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 3

I've got a 13 year old car and would like to get a new car through the scrappage scheme. We did have a look with Nissan (would like a Micra, I love having a small car) but they told us they couldn't reduce the RRP if we were doing scrappage scheme - is this correct or have others found differently?

Are there any particularly good deals out on super mini type cars that I should be looking at?

Oh and how long does it take - does the scrappage scheme aspect mean it takes longer to actually get your car?

Am aware that the money may run out before I get something sorted but hopefully not, am looking to sort this out in the next month or so.

3 replies

Latest activity by spacecadet_99, 30 July, 2009 at 12:04
  • Hawhaw
    Beginner February 2007
    Hawhaw ·
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    We couldn't get a deal on a Kia either as ours was under scrappage.

    We had a delay on ours as we'd moved house and not changed the driving licence address. As long as your V5, insurance and driving licence are all in your name and current address there shouldn't be a problem.

    I love our Kia Rio, I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I do, it was cheap and didn't have to wait months to get it.

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  • swedish leprechaun
    Beginner August 2006
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    We got our Hyundai i30 on scrappage scheme and are very happy with it. We had negotiate a good price then the scheme came in and it was a set price - better than I had haggled prevously though.

    Very happy with it so far

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  • E
    Beginner April 2007
    Easter ·
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    My SIL has just ordered a Fiat 500 through the scrappage scheme - she said that the price including the scrappage allowance was about £7K.

    She won't get the car until October though as they're so popular.

    Don't be fobbed off by the salesmen though - one Fiat dealer told her that she couldn't order a car through the scheme and that she could only have one of the ones they had in stock (they didn't have the colour she wanted, and were obviously trying to get rid of the pre-registered ones they had inteh showroom). A quick phone call to a couple of other dealers proved that this was a load of rubbish, so she was able to place an order for the car she wanted.

    The 500 is a good little car - a bit cutesy for my taste but then I'm not a small car fan really - might suit you?

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  • spacecadet_99
    spacecadet_99 ·
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    Haw Haw - good call on the driving licence actually, stoopid me didn't realise that it was needed to buy a car! I have lost the photo section of mine and the paper part is on an old address (oh and it's in my maiden name), I've been putting off sorting it out as that combo of factors doesn't seem to be covered on their paperwork but clearly need to get it done - will give the DVLA helpline a ring and ask what sections I need to fill in!

    Good to hear that people are getting good deals, I'll have a look at a few manufacturers I think as for one thing it may give Nissan an incentive to drop their price if I say I'm off to Kia, Fiat etc!

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