I'm 21 and I passed my driving test last March. When we bought my car, the cheapest insurance policy we could find was nearly 3k so we registered the car in OH's name, he insured it and added me as a named driver. This brought the policy down to about 1k (I can't remember exactly off the top of my head). Our insurance is now up for renewal as the policy was a 10 month bonus accelerator but even though we haven't claimed, the premium has gone up to near enough £1500 for another 10 month policy.
I've been searching for quotes and the difference between different insurers and policy types is mind boggling. For example, I got a quote from Swift Cover, insuring the car in my name only and the premiums were £97 per month. I then got another quote with me still as the main driver, but with OH as a named driver. This brought it down to £85 per month. I then got another quote with OH as the main driver and me as a named driver. This came out as £147 per month! Surely it should be cheaper with him as the main driver as he's had his licence for 5 years and he's never had any accidents etc?
Now I'm not going to argue if they'll insure it in my name for £85 a month (that's a bargain to me!) as this means I get the no claims discount but OH can still drive it if needs be(OH has a company car which is our main car) but why is there so many price variations? I'm so confuzzled, it's not like I'm driving a flipping tank either, it's only a little 206.