H2B is really excited now, its so sweet.
He was on call on Saturday so we couldn't get anything weddingy done, I went and stayed there with him, but you can't go more than 15 mins away in case of emergencies. It was quite nice actually I'm sure if we were at home we would have been rushing about, but because we knew we couldn't do anything we had a nice relaxing time....went fora pub lunch, went bowling.
We dropped the wine off at the hotel on Sunday & had a walk around the grounds, it was lovely and sunny & looked beautiful, fingers crossed for Saturday!!! also dropped my dress off to be pressed at the dress shop - can pick it up on Thursday.
Just got to finish off putting everything into boxes. My family is coming down on Thurs and H2B's on Friday. Haven't seen them for a while as we've been so busy, so really looking forward to that.
Really excited about having a good luck thread already as well!! Thanks ladies!!