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Beginner October 2011

August 2011 brides

laurz12345, 23 November, 2010 at 13:14 Posted on Planning 0 532

Hi ladies, just want to be nosey and see how far along you all are and check if i have a date twin!! So far i have booked my venue, registrar, photograher, florist, venue decoration and centrepieces, have bought bridesmaid dresses (which were a massive bargin, woo! ) have got my dress, shoes and mens suit hire sorted. Think thats it lol!!

532 replies

Latest activity by SarB, 22 August, 2011 at 21:39
  • A
    Beginner August 2011
    amythest76 ·
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    im 6th aug 2011

    we have booked venue, booked, registrar, food sorted, transport booked my dress is ordered, invites, centrepieces and decorations i am doing myself so slowly working my way through them! friends husband is doing photos.

    think thats all for now!


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  • MrsBear2b
    Beginner August 2011
    MrsBear2b ·
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    Hi I'm a 7th August bride as well as a 14th bride, but really the official one is the 7th!

    Had a mahoosive scare from kayl yesterday who will no doubt pop into here because she's an August bride too, and give you a list of what she has and hasn't done! Scary unnaturally organised lady that she is!

    Anyway to my piddly list of acheivements so far:

    Booked church and reception venue

    Got dress, veil and tiara

    Got my Vietnamese dress for evening reception

    Wedding guest list is made

    Invites are all ready to be sent out next year including info sheet

    Booked photographer

    Have our wedding rings

    That's about it really, hoping to get transport sorted by next week. Waiting to do the bridesmaid dresses after Christmas with the lady in Birmingham. Oh so much to do and so little time. That's not even mentioning the Indian wedding for the week after where the planning hasn't even started!


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  • laurz12345
    Beginner October 2011
    laurz12345 ·
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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    Haha thanks for the intro MrsBear ?

    I see you didn't reply to yesterdays tab, have I literally scared you that much?!

    We have all the main big things booked now and are working on the little details which I feel is an awful lot. (Have a peak in the Septmeber 2011 topic if you want to be scared with the full list).

    EDITED TO ADD: MrsBear, I hope I didn't make you feel bad (that wasn't my intention) - your acheivements are huge! Especially considering your organising one wedding you don't know a huge amount about! Seriously, be proud!!

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  • laurz12345
    Beginner October 2011
    laurz12345 ·
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    2 weddings Mrsbeartobe? wow that sounds fab, lucky you. Sounds like you have a lot sorted so far, still plenty of time, although i keep telling myself that but time seems to be flying by very quickly!!

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  • A
    Beginner August 2011
    amythest76 ·
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    im making these out of jam doing 30 i think-3 on each table

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  • laurz12345
    Beginner October 2011
    laurz12345 ·
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    I agree with you there Kayl, you dont realise about all the little details which need organising too!! I will most certainly have a nosey at your list, it might promp some things which i had forgotten!

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  • E
    Beginner August 2011
    emmamac73 ·
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    Hello August Brides!

    27th August 2011 for us :-)

    Flowers and Centre Pieces
    Ordered invite bits, making them over xmas hols

    BM Dresses, appt on Sat
    Suits, he's picked just need to order
    DJ, recommended from a friends wedding
    Hairdresser, BMs cousin, will have a "girlie night in" as a trial

    To Do...
    Rest of my outit - veil, shoes, undies
    Make Up
    Favours - think we're having shortbread biscuits with names on from the local bakery

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  • laurz12345
    Beginner October 2011
    laurz12345 ·
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    They look lovely amythest76, well done you, i love candles, im hiring candelabras

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    Amythest - they are seriously sweet! Just what I am looking for to light our (OHs) outdoor smoking area.

    Can I be nosey and ask how do yu get the 2 coloured glazing? So that the heart shows up.

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  • MrsBear2b
    Beginner August 2011
    MrsBear2b ·
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    Oh not a problem at all kayl. Thought it would serve as part introduction and part warning for other hitchers who think they're doing well, and then suddenly get hit with that utter sense of despair when they look at what you've done!

    Told MrBear off yesterday night and was reeling off a whole list of things that we haven't done yet, and he's in a bit of a snit saying I never mentioned half of those things to him before...all thanks to you.

    Putting my shock aside, it has been a great help looking at your list, some things I hadn't even considered yet so I think I'll have to go through my list again and add some of yours in.


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  • A
    Beginner August 2011
    amythest76 ·
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    its frosting spray, i got it in an art shop but i think b&q does cut the shape you want out of the sticky clear plastic stuff you use to cover books (?!) stick it on the jar, spray the frosting spray and when its dry peel off the plastic shape

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  • E
    Beginner August 2011
    emmamac73 ·
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    I need to see this list!!!........<Scrambles to the forum to look>

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  • A
    Beginner August 2011
    amythest76 ·
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    Kayl- did i read somewhere you are nr high wycombe?? im not far from you, in maidenhead!

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  • Katscamel
    Katscamel ·
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    Wow, you are all so organised. I'm getting married on 20th August in Tanzania where I'll be moving to (hopefully) in April. I haven't actually done a great deal yet but here goes:

    My dress - been to the dressmakers, had first fitting, second one due next month ready to be finished in Feb - I know it's early but with moving and not knowing what will be available it'll be one less thing to worry about.

    Have asked my best friend to be bridesmaid and we'll go looking for dresses when I'm back in the UK at Xmas, save the date cards sent, photographer booked, reception venue chosen and almost booked, fab shoes bought - they were in the sale so I HAD to get them ? and um that's it - oh and diet type thing started.

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    MrsB - seriously if I am not helping please ignore me, I feel really bad now.

    As I added before, I think you are doing really well. The reason I have this list is not because I think I am going to be superduper at wedding organising, the opposite is true in fact, I have got it to make sure I don't mess up anything!

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    Yep amythest, I am kind of here there any everywhere but sometimes Wycombe based.

    I'm not going to lie - no idea how far or close you are, but heya!

    Am going to have a quick look for that frosting spray online - looks so much better than the cheap ones me and OH spied in Ikea!

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  • MrsBear2b
    Beginner August 2011
    MrsBear2b ·
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    Oh no don't be silly kayl, if anything it is possibly the best (and biggest) kick up the ass that I needed to get my wedding organised! In regards to MrBear being in a snit, I think he needed it too. Your list has been helpful to me, and I'm sure others will be pinching things from it too. My sister is also an excel fiend and gets teased for it constantly, but our parties and events wouldn't be so well run if she hadn't done them! We've had a spreadsheet for family Christmas parties since she was about 13years old, and we even had time sheets for when the gingerbread house had to be made!

    Laurz, yes it's lovely that we're having 2 wedding and it'll be beautiful, but when you consider the hassle and expense it doesn't seem so fantastic! Altogether there is a guest list of about 550 people and we're looking at the total cost for both being over £50k. So when you think of it like that and the masses of organising to do it's not that fun! I'm sure it'll be great on the days, it's just the bit before and the paying after that I'm worried about.


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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    Aw MrsBear, I seriously have no experience in the kind of wedding your trying to organise (except for one 15min video viewing), but if there is anything that I can do to make it less overwhelming or stressful then please shout!

    I literally love organising our wedding, it's so my thing and so even though I know we have loads to do (and I keep wanting us to do it ourselves) I know it will be worth it in the end. ?

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  • MrsBear2b
    Beginner August 2011
    MrsBear2b ·
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    Thank you kayl, no doubt I will be ranting and asking for lots of help and you'll wished you'd never mentioned it!

    With the Birmingham church ceremony and reception, if that was the only thing I had to focus on then my list of things is definitely achievable. I wouldn't be such a stress pot and organising it would be a lot better. I love weddings, I have so many ideas but I'm trying so hard to get everything done early so that I can do both that it's just not possible to have what I want.

    Not being Indian I would hope that my IL's would be a bit more understanding and help out and be reasonable but they aren't. I've had a talk with OH and his parents but things still haven't moved forward...we haven't even got a venue sorted yet. With 350+ people it's not easy to cater for that many. They seem to want to spend lots on certain things and skimp on others for example...his sisters outfit (which they have budgeted into our wedding) they've said will be about £1k about the same as my bridal outfit. We don't need fancy wedding transport as we'll be getting ready at the venue in the morning before guests arrive anyway, but they want a fancy car nonetheless! But they are happy to let their guests eat form cheap plastic barbeque type plates. Argh rage...sorry bit of a rant.

    But yes, on a calmer note I will let you know if there is anything I need. Thanks


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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    Hit me with the requests and rants, seriously, anytime!

    The Birmingham service seems perfectly manageable, but I do know what you mean about having to take on and organise something your not entirely sure about.

    I was worried as we are having a military wedding (luckily still only 1 wedding) and there are lots of rules, insurances, things to consider and silly bits re: Seating and addressing people and people who MUST be inviited but won't RSVP and probably won't come, but might possibly.. Grr.

    I hope the inlaws do get involved and help - it certainly sounds like you'd appreicate it. My friend has been to a good few indian wedding recently but as far as I know she is closer to the grooms via her cricket club but I can ask if she has any friends who would be willing to discuss if that helps at all?

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  • MrsBear2b
    Beginner August 2011
    MrsBear2b ·
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    Wow you have your own little niggly worrisome bits too! I envy the easy weddings don't you?!

    I'll take you up on the offer of an ear to rant into/at.

    I just wish they'd be more supportive and realistic with what they want. That would be lovely if she has some tips for me.

    Thanks again kayl


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  • L
    Lynetobe ·
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    I am an August 2011 bride! so excited.

    I am getting married on 20th August.

    I have so far

    Booked venue and deposit paid
    Booked registrar and deposit paid
    Seen venue decor lady who is in process of sorting me out my table decor and venue decor costs.
    Dress has been chosen and deposit paid
    BM dress material has been chosen and lady on standby ready for making them early next year
    Best friends dress material chosen and bought and again lady on standby to make them
    Make-up lady booked (friend of friend)
    Photographer sorted (very good friend of mine)
    Car for me sorted (above photographer has a vintage rag top beetle in cream that she uses as a wedding car!)

    I haven't done

    Shoes (having a mare as need low heels as dodgy ankle)
    Something for my head (again don't want a veil so thinking band but what on it)
    Groom and other important men's outfits (chosen colour but not stressing about this as where I got dress from hires them out probably get them from there apart from step-dad, my bro and my dad who want to buy theirs)
    Flowers for people
    Sweetie table (instead of favours on table)
    Invites to be made - have finally decided on what they will look like now need to make them - templates are done.

    I am loving sorting out all the twiddly bits. Just got my MIL and Mum to sort out some old wedding photo's of grandparents etc to put up.

    soooooooooo exciting.

    Have I missed anything really important????

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  • SusieWong
    Beginner September 2011
    SusieWong ·
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    Woooo @ lyntobe, high five date twin!!!!!! ok so far ive..

    booked ceremony and rest of the day

    sorted food drink cake...cake is free as a gift

    booked dj

    sent STD

    got my shoes, headband, dress on order...

    got bridesmaid dress

    favours\place names sorted

    centre piece's sorted

    flowers and vases arranged

    half grooms

    cravats brought

    TOG arranged

    honeymoon and first night done

    chaircovers and bows sorted

    notice given

    make up booked

    transport arranged

    invites done (send out what 2 months b4 ish????)

    erm i think thts it so far sorting out rings next weekend, got rest of the grooms outfit to choose, pressies to choose for mummys, NOT flowers!, have i forgotten owt???? got to say really really nervous about the dress, got it from indesigngown online, its made to measure due in bout 3weeks...what if its a heap of s**t???????

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  • L
    Lynetobe ·
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    Hey Soozphes! woo hoo a date twin!

    You sound all sorted and don't panic about the dress I am sure it will be wonderful. Saying that mine is from a shop and ordered and I don't have a fitting until 3rd June! So I have little wedding nightmares.

    Does anyone have wedding mares? I keep having random dreams. At the moment its bridesmaid dresses and that I had forgotten to get dresses. I think this is because I am having a small drama about my older BM and if I really want or need them to be BM. I have 5 young BM who are close family friend x2 and family x3. The two older BM are both friends (good friends) who I have been BM for.

    Right sorry totally random drivel there on my BM issue.

    Back to August 2011 Brides!

    I should really write a list of whats left to do!

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    Have got your email addy saved MrsBear so feel free to remove.

    Just spoke to my friend, she said they are very private about weddings but is going to ask around and see if one of the girls, or even the guys might be able to help. If not she'll have a chat with you about her experiences at the weddings (she had 3 in the summer taking up 6 weeks as they were structed very simular to your own). She is an english girl and even had a Sari made so really got into the spirit!

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  • raincloud
    Beginner August 2011
    raincloud ·
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    Whoo hoo I am a 20th August bride too - so date quads! I have so little done compared to your guys though!

    Reception and church booked.

    Dress ordered - but having changes so really hoping it looks in real life like it does in my head! Shoes have (three pairs - can't choose!) but may need to bling them up. Hoop borrowed, hoping to borrow a veil and tiara too.

    Started looking at BM's dress - only having one.

    Started to look at togs - saw one yesterday, another this week and have been in touch with a few more who I will meet if these two local ones are not what we want.

    Invite half designed. Once it is totally sorted it will be the basis for everything else O of S and so on so getting that done will be a huge step in the right direction.

    Started making my bouquet and collecting things to make BM's bouquet.

    Friend is making the cake but I seriously have no ideas for this!!! Help would be appreciated and will be asked for at a later date!

    Got ideas for the table and room decorations and the favours - though only having favours if money is spare - unlikely at the moment!

    Not sorted - DJ, groom party clothing, honeymoon (not sure if we are having one) - all these are thing my OH is in charge of!

    What else is needed? So unorganised - think once christmas is gone I will start to be more on track. Where are you all getting married?

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  • lovelygirl
    Beginner August 2011
    lovelygirl ·
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    Hello I am getting married on the 13th of august... need to have a sort through and work out what i need to do/have done may need to go find that list of kayl's wishing everyone happy planning

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    Lovely girl - you are the closest we've come to a date twin! We're Friday 12 Aug.

    The list may seem comprensive but I could sit here and add to it all night long!

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  • Tanya77
    Beginner August 2011
    Tanya77 ·
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    Hi August ladies!

    I'm getting married on Friday 5th August 2011. Got loads sorted at the beginning of the year, but now real life has kind of taken over and I just don't seem to be able to find the time to do much. Am sure things will get back on track once Christmas is over!

    Anyway, have done the following so far:

    • Got my wedding dress and shoes
    • Got bridesmaid dresses and shoes
    • Got cake topper
    • Sent out save the dates
    • Given notice at registry office
    • Booked venue, caterers, photographer and band
    • Organised a florist, but need to finalise details
    • Booked honeymoon
    • Got a few bits a pieces like table decorations and a couple of gifts

    Still need to:

    • Sort out mens' suits and shoes
    • Get wedding rings
    • Sort out cake
    • Get flowergirl's dress (am waiting til nearer the time cos she'll have grown by August!)
    • Sort out hair, make-up and jewellery for me and bridesmaids
    • Organise and send out invitations
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  • SarB
    Beginner August 2011
    SarB ·
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    I thought I was organised until I read this post! My wedding is Sunday 28th August 2011!!

    So far I have done:

    Venue (having ceremony & reception in one place)


    My dress, tiara and veil



    Wedding cake

    Bits for sweetie table

    Glassware for table centrepieces

    Got all the stuff to make invites but the lady who is making our table plan, menus, order of the day, postbox & table numbers is assembling them for free for us!

    Chair cover & sash hire

    Flower girl dress and jewellry


    Need to do:

    Flowers - awaiting 2 quotations

    Mens/page boy suit hire

    My undies

    BM dresses

    Make food choices

    Considering getting a videographer


    Need to give notice

    Need to sort out hair, makeup & jewellry for me and all 4 bridesmaids

    Sarah x

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  • lovelygirl
    Beginner August 2011
    lovelygirl ·
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    Kayl - can you email me this mythical list as i can't seem to find it Smiley sad

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