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Beginner August 2016

Average Shop

pinkypoo85, 15 October, 2014 at 10:22 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 40

What does everyone spend on their average weekly shop? Mine is getting out of control. We used to shop online at Tesco but then were topping up on a Saturday in our local store. I then changed to Asda online and found I got more for the money but again topped up on fresh fruit and veg later in the week. The last two shops I have tried Aldi and were surprised at the price differnace.

We tend to spend £60-£70 a week and I don't know where it all goes to be honest Smiley sad Money is tight with saving for the wedding etc so I want to get it down to £40. Is this possible? It's just me and my OH. We have two cats but we buy their food separately. Any advice on saving on the shop?

40 replies

Latest activity by Mrs Bass, 17 October, 2014 at 16:37
  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Make a list and stick to it. I spend about £70 a week on average in Aldi and we have anywhere from one to six children to feed depending on the day of the week! I keep a running list during the week of anything that runs out and then pick a weeks worth of dinners and shop specifically for the ingredients I need. I do top up during the week on vegetables from the farm shop and milk etc.. From the local co-op because I get student discount there or Tesco express if I have a voucher. Keep an eye on the daily mirror as they often have aldi vouchers too x

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
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    Just myself and H in our household and we rarely spend over £40 a week - and we usually shop at Waitrose. It's just about being smart really. A 500g pack of mince will do us two meals. Plan your meals before you go shopping, and I actually find that if I eat a big meal before I go, I wont "impulse buy" on naughty stuff.

    Everyone always laughs at me because my fridge is empty at the weekend, but that's because I shop on a Sunday and I only ever buy enough to last the week. I hate waste too, which is why I only ever buy what I need.

    It also helps having a tiny kitchen because I don't have anywhere to store extra bits - my wine is in my baking cupboard! haha.

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    We spend about £50 in Asda and sometimes top up a little bit in Tesco Metro. Being a vegan, I probably spend another £10-20 in Holland & Barrett on things like burgers, sausages and cheese. I'm fully aware that we have bad habits, don't cook enough and waste things because of bad planning though. Sometimes I give myself grief about my inability to behave like an adult and plan and cook, but then sometimes I don't worry about it Smiley smile

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
    Pompey ·
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    Honestly? It works out between £20 & £30 pw for 2 of us and 3 cats. I bulk buy meat from the bucthers and try to plan meals.

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  • *Pugsley*
    Beginner March 2014
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    About £50.... More like £65 when H comes with me, can be as low as £35 if I go alone as I tend to stick to essentials or things on offer.

    Things like alcohol or bulky bits like loo rolls, washing power, dishwasher tablets etc pushes it way up.

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  • SallyLou
    Beginner August 2014
    SallyLou ·
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    It's usually between £50-£70 per week (2 of us and 3 cats)

    We do meal plan and we try and spread the cost of toiletries/household products etc over the weeks.

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
    kharv ·
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    About £70 a week for two of us plus 2 dogs. Maybe a bit more now we have the second dog, actually. We're useless at shopping.

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  • SillyWrong
    Beginner October 2014
    SillyWrong ·
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    No idea - it's the wife's area! ?

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  • TreacleTart
    Beginner May 2015
    TreacleTart ·
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    We're generally between £50-70 for two of us and two cats...if we buy beer/wine, or if we've run out of the big stuff like washing powder or loo rolls that'll bump it right up. I like to stick to a list becasue it means I forget less and I find it helps with the not over spending. I used to shop at Morrisons but got annoyed with it (which made me feel middle aged, getting annoyed with a supermarket) so have been doing some online shops with tesco which has been pretty good. I dislike paying the delivery charges, but got one for a pound the other day, bargain!

    We are guilty of wasting things sometimes and I do hate food waste. Tho I generally blame OH for that. For some small and petty examples he made a batch of soup at the weekend, then instead of having some for his lunch Tuesday he bought something so it just went off or if I chop him some fruit up for his packed lunch (Im well aware that makes me sound like a 50s housewife and him like a child) he'll not eat it so in the bin its goes...

    We seem to be spending money like its going out of fashion at the moment so I'm trying to be conscientious of things like food shopping. Planning meals and sticking to your shopping list is definitely the way forward in saving some food pennies tho.

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs C ·
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    Anywhere between £50 and £80 a week depending on whether we need nappies, loo rolls and washing stuff!

    Mr C eats a lot of meat and very few carbs so I can't bulk out dinners with things like pasta or rice.

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  • Cupcake26
    Beginner August 2015
    Cupcake26 ·
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    Roughly £50 a week for the two of us and a dog (although we buy her food separately). That's shopping at Lidl and we do buy a lot of meat.

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  • CrazyRatLady
    Expert September 2014
    CrazyRatLady ·
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    Ours varies from £40 - £80 per week depending on if we need toiletries/washing powder etc. That's for 2 of us and 2 rats. Even on an expensive week we are struggling for dinners by the end of it. We do buy expensive fresh blueberries etc for the rats though. that we wouldn't buy just for us. OH usually does a top up shop to buy meat for himself during the week, whereas I live on pasta and could live very cheaply!

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  • daisymoo86
    Beginner July 2016
    daisymoo86 ·
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    For me, my OH, my rabbit and 2 cats we spend approx. £50 each week, our budget is no more than £60 Is allowed. We do this by planning our meals, making a list and sticking to it, no tempting into offers which aren't really offers. If we spend less than the allotted £60 we 'roll over' to the next week etc etc. Then if we get a big build up of 'roll overs' we have a takeaway or meal out.

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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    I take it from most people's comments that meat is expensive then! I became vegetarian when I was 16, so I've never bought it. I always think the vegan alternatives are quite expensive, but I have nothing to compare them to. When I was very poor I used to live on pasta, mashed potatoes and unbranded super noodles.

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  • pinkypoo85
    Beginner August 2016
    pinkypoo85 ·
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    Yes meat can be expensive I could happy be a veggie but my OH loves meat to much and it's a waste just to buy for him.

    I like the the idea of a budget and if it rolls over and it's done so till the end of the month you get a take away!

    I think ink we need to plan more meals and only buy what's needed and not pay attention to offers which are not offered! I want to start making a batch of something a freeze half as then we will always have options in the freezer. Any suggestions on healthy meals I can prep and freeze half of?

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    About £50 for 2 of us and a cat. Used to be more but we have recently cut down on the amount of meat and junk food we eat which makes a massive difference.

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    There are 3 adults and a cat in my house. We spend around £50 - £70 a week depending on if we need cleaning products or loo rolls and other bits like that that are really expensive. We plan our meals for the week, everyone gets a say and as it's only ever me or H2B who cook, we tend to choose cheap things that we enjoy making. It's definitely cheaper to make stuff from scratch and then freeze any leftovers for another time. I am forever doing that. Also, a slow cooker meal can go a long way.


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  • Sambarine
    Beginner May 2015
    Sambarine ·
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    We used to do a weekly Tesco delivery shop, and spent anywhere from £50 - 80 a week for 2 of us plus a cat. And we never bought alcohol in our weekly shop, so that was extra. Now we do a daily Aldi shop, and it works out loads cheaper. We're lucky that h2b passes an Aldi on his way home from work, so he picks up dinner stuff every day, and I buy lunch bits from the Asda near my work on Monday mornings. It's not only cut our food bill, but has stopped us wasting food as if we decide to go out for dinner we don't have to waste a meal we bought for the week. We also don't have a freezer, otherwise I would batch cook. We generally spend less than £40 a week now.

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  • Arpee
    Beginner August 2016
    Arpee ·
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    We spend about £70 a week, that normally includes some toiletries or a bottle of wine which increases the price significantly. We get our shopping delivered by Ocado, I write a meal plan every week and a list and only buy what's on the list. I don't get tempted by things like half price cookies or BOGOF chocolate fingers because I'm not walking past the aisle ends in a supermarket.

    OH gets cross about how much we spend, but as I've told him, if he had a smaller appetite we would spend less. I try to cook things that will last two nights, or that can be frozen, but he frequently eats a double helping which ruins my plan. I once made a chicken curry with 8 thighs, so four portions. After he'd finished his dinner, he wanted the second portion, which he ate, and then ate my second portion too. Six chicken thighs in one go! I'm amazed he's not obese.

    I am keen to try Aldi or Lidl to see what the price difference is, but OH is a bit snobby and doesn't want to go.

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  • D
    Beginner June 2018
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    i started using LIDL a few months back and have been saving a fortune! The fruit & veg seems to last so much longer than when we go morrisons/tesco. They do sell some branded products so OH still gets his precious Heinz beans! When I get the chicken/mince home I portion it up for each meal, cling film and freeze it till we need it. Although living in a flat, we only have a teeny tiny freezer so I can't really bulkbuy or freeze leftovers. Leftovers usually get refrigerated for lunch the next day.

    We were definitely overeating at meal times. I used to worry about not giving OH enough & then my portions were gradually growing to match his! But i've got better at that since he's gone on a massive health kick and wants to eat less. I've been weighing out pasta/rice portions because we were getting through loads!

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    We realised we needed to start planning our meals so now I literally plan for a meal for every day, and it has saved us quite a bit, and we now waste very little. We still spend way more than the average though, through a combination of eating a lot of meat, including steak etc, we're re really into our food! and H likes a drink

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  • *Funky*
    Beginner January 2001
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    There are 2 of us and it used to be about £70 but I've noticed it creep up to around the £80-£90 I had an Ocado delivery this evening and it was £120 but that included lots of toiletries and cleaning chemicals. We do top up in the week too.

    Our biggest problem is we both work very different hours and hubby comes home late so we buy lots of ready made stuff for ease. Hubbys also fussy and I get bored eating what he likes all the time so we have lots of different food for him and for me.

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
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    My H does the weekly shop so i can't be certain but i think it's probably about £70 a week on average for the two of us. That is one full shop though, we never top up during the week.

    We shop at Morrisons because we are happy to buy everything there, meat, veg etc whereas i don't like the meat in Tesco so couldn't do a full shop there. We've tried Aldi but don't find we can do a full shop there and it just seems painful traipsing between there and Morrisons for the bits we can't get.

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  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    £40 per week including nappies. Aldi shop for everything now. I used to shop at Aldi and Tesco but Aldi have really upped their game and now sell a lot more of the items I had to go to Tesco for (like herbs, spices, risotto rice etc)

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  • H
    Beginner July 2016
    HeavyMetalMaiden ·
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    Aldi shopper here.

    On average we spend about £50 a week for the two of us and the little man. Last week though the shop costed me £35!! We like our meat too, we will get stuff for a chicken roast dinner, and beef mince etc. Then we will buy cheaper meats such as sausages or gammon.

    I plan the meals prior to shopping. I don't plan what we will eat on which day, as it depends what we fancy on the day or what the dates are on the food. But I do plan 5 dinner meals for when I am not working in the evening. Make a cake rather than buying choccy treats, buy the larger packs of loo roll so you buy them less often etc. I find it a lot cheaper to cook meals from scratch rather than 'bung-in-the-oven-jobbies'.

    I used to have an awful habit of buying stuff we already had, simply because I wan't sure. So check how many washing up sponges and tins of beans you have left before you go shopping!! Lol!

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
    Pompey ·
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    We have meat in almost every meal, so I don't understand why peoples' shops are so much more than ours? Maybe it's because we go to the butchers and buying bulk? £5 worth of the good mince from the butchers does 3 or 4 meals.

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
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    Between us, we will have a whole pack of mince (500g) in a bolognaise type meal, but more meat than most as no or very little pasta.

    Chicken dishes use a pack of 3/4 breasts (450g) between us.

    These will usually do dinner that night and lunch for Mr C the next day.

    Not sure of local butchers prices and no farmers market nearby for giant chicken breasts!

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
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    I see. I must admit that I put a lot of veg in my cottage pie and bulk out bolognese with spaghetti and mushrooms.

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    Definitely. I try to cook a meal in the slow cooker on my day off and make about 4 portions.

    We spend about £80 a week but that is for pretty much everything -breakfasts, lunches, dinners, toiletries and cat litter. I buy the cat food in bulk on a great website. I do 12.5+ shifts at work so l typically take 2 or 3 meals with me to work. Luckily Mr Erin gets a lunch allowance at work so he doesn't spend much at lunch.

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  • pinkypoo85
    Beginner August 2016
    pinkypoo85 ·
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    Erin where do you buy your cat food from in bulk?

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
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    I'm the same as you PP. Less meat and more veg.

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
    Erin8 ·
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    View quoted message They are great value and if you spend over £29 then delivery is free

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