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Beginner September 2015

Baby planning

LoweToBe, 2 November, 2014 at 20:35 Posted on Planning 0 14

So me and my OH really cannot wait to start having children. However he really wants me to come off of the pill now. I said that this was a terrible idea as I will be heavily pregnant for the wedding!! But he is more broody than me! He lays there in bed rubbing my belly and I love that he can't wait for us to start but the timing is awful

14 replies

Latest activity by joeybrooks, 3 November, 2014 at 15:03
  • M
    Beginner July 2016
    MellieMoo ·
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    Don't mean to cast a downer on things but it's not always so easy to get pregnant. Sometimes it can take a long time, or you may even find you have fertility issues. I think if you're both feeling broody then go for it. You will work out the details if and when you get to them. If you put it off you may lose precious time x

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  • samidolls
    Beginner September 2015
    samidolls ·
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    I'd be very careful. I know several people who came off the pill and never even had another period, they were pregnant straight away. If you did this now you would have a baby even before you got married! Planning a wedding is stressful enough without adding a baby or pregnancy hormones into the mix, I would wait until after you get married, then you can focus on one thing at a time! Get married, have fun and enjoy all the perks that come with it that you might not enjoy if you were pregnant! (hen party, honeymoon etc!)

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
    Holey ·
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    Although lots of people do struggle, lots of people don't and you could be one of the lucky ones who falls straightaway.

    Personally, if it were me, I'd put it off maybe another 4 months so if you did get pregnant straightaway you'd be more like 6 months on the day rather than about to pop.

    Also, from your post I get the impression that you aren't that keen to start right now. It needs to 100% be a joint decision, I don't believe it's something you can go into half hearted.

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  • S
    Beginner November 2014
    Sazzle24 ·
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    I am getting married in 2 weeks and have a one year old. I was lucky enough not to have any problems falling pregnant but my goodness I was miserable! My hormones were all over the place, I couldn't stop being sick and I became very depressed. I was excited to meet my now one year old but I didn't do pregnancy well! If I were you I would wait until after the wedding. Enjoy the day as a couple and your honeymoon trying to conceive. I was terrified of being pregnant on my day and I work in the wedding business and all pregnant brides are exhausted more so by the evening do. However maybe I'm selfish and want to be able to eat what I want drink what I want and not have to worry. If kids can't wait a few months then go for it! But be prepared that your day will be slightly different xx

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  • MrsShep
    Beginner September 2014
    MrsShep ·
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    I would definitely hold off until the wedding if it was me! Enjoy getting married and being husband and wife for a least a couple of months! I also think they recommend that if you come off the pill you use other protection for 3 months before trying, don't know if this is still the same but if that's the case (check with your dr) then I would say come off the pill before the wedding, then stop using protection on honeymoon, you could have a honeymoon baby! I would hate to have morning sickness while planning the wedding, or worse, on the wedding day itself! You would also have a nightmare fitting into your dress as you'd be constantly changing size. Good luck either way though!

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  • km329
    Savvy August 2021
    km329 ·
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    Weve been tyring for 6 years with no success

    Yes theres a very small chance thet you could conceive in the first couple of months but for most women it can take upto a year providing there are no complications.

    Something to consider as its not always as easy as you think......

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  • CrazyRatLady
    Expert September 2014
    CrazyRatLady ·
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    I came off the pill in March, having been on it continuously for 17 years, thought it would take a while to get back to normal anyway as I'm 34. We decided to have one try the month before the wedding just to get started. I was 6 weeks pregnant on our wedding day! Still can't believe it was that quick! It was great because we announced it at the wedding but I did feel pretty rubbish for a lot of the day and could hardly eat anything.

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  • CBeckford
    Rockstar July 2015
    CBeckford ·
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    Me and my OH are also really excited to start a family. We had a false alarm last year and were really gutted when we found out we weren't expecting after all. After thinking it over and talking about it we've decided to wait until after the wedding. Many of the reasons mentioned above popped up. If I'm anything like my mum, I will have morning (noon-and-night) sickness something awful! I want to be able to enjoy the day (drink some bubbles and dance the night away) and I'd be gutted if I couldn't do that because I was feeling tired/hormonal/sick.

    We may start trying on our honeymoon, but ideally I would want at least a few months of us just being husband and wife.


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  • InkedDoll
    VIP January 2015
    InkedDoll ·
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    It's very easy for your OH to say he can't wait to get started, he won't be the one who has to get married whilst carrying a baby, potentially feeling fat, knackered, sick, with swollen ankles, terrible skin, bad back, etc...have you pointed that out to him?...

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  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    Not a chance! I would not have gotten married if I had been pregnant. We waited until afterwards and after the honeymoon.

    Pregnancy is tiring, and emotionally draining and it can be time consuming. And we paid good money for the drinks at our wedding I was damn sure I was getting involved in sampling them!

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  • Lottie2409
    Beginner November 2014
    Lottie2409 ·
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    If I was you I would wait until after the wedding to try. Hitched says you are 22 so if that's right then you have loads of time to try for a baby afterwards. Nobody knows how being pregnant will affect them, I know people who have suffered badly with all day sickness and tiredness. Would you really want that on your wedding day? I don't think I could cope with the stress of planning a wedding and getting everything ready for a baby at the same time.

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  • MrsKHbutterfly
    Rockstar September 2014
    MrsKHbutterfly ·
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    Have you considered a "sort of" compromise? some ladies do get pregnant straight away, some wait years. what about coming off the pill now but using condoms or similar? that way you are giving your body time to get back to "normal" without the risk of giving birth at your ceremony?

    I came off my pill on our honeymoon and we both now wish that i had done it months before. Just another thought for you to mull on x

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  • joeybrooks
    Beginner December 2014
    joeybrooks ·
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    My suggestion would be similar to PP in that a compromise might be a good idea.

    I got engaged in 2010, at 29 and when I realised how long we'd have to save to have a wedding, I worried that I'd be leaving things too late if I waited until after hte wedding. So, we decided to continue saving, but for me to come off the pill. I got pregnant 4 months after coming off the pill and as a result, will have the most amazing little 2 and a half year old as part of our big day. Ironically, after having him, all the expensive wedding stuff just didnt seem a priority anymore and we have now managed to plan what I hope to be an amazing day, on a budget I never thought possible.

    I will also say that trying for a baby can be completely consuming. It takes all your focus and every month it doesnt happen, you worry more and more and I'm not sure I'd want that stress on top of trying to plan a wedding. Therefore, I think if it were me and if I were feeling ready for a family soon but not right now, I'd come off the pill, allow your body to have natural periods again, learn about your cycle and family planning as that too will really help when trying for a baby and see how it goes.

    All the best whatever you decide.

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