Dearest Otters
I don’t know where to begin… I’m in shock and awe… so bear with me! You are a fabulous group of people who have spoiled me rotten today and made me one very happy lady.
From the beginning…
Today started for me at 9.30 (yes I’m lazy) with a text from the lovely footlong along the lines of “twiga are you up? If not, get up” My response was “I’m up, I’m eating toast”. This may have been a wee lie - I was awake. I was eating toast. But I was not quite up. Anyway 30 seconds later my doorbell rings. My first thought was “sh*t, footlong has come to see if I’m up” Anyway I rocked up to the door and there was a man giving me the most humungous box I have ever seen. It was massive!
He managed to get it in the house and I peered at it for a while, slightly overwhelmed. Then the frantic hunt for scissors commenced, I was getting a bit too excited by this point.
*Just realised this is sounding like a wedding report* Meh, whatever!
Anyway finally got into the box and was greeted by this beautiful card:
It’s so pretty! I’ve read the message five times now and have cried every single time – I’m soppy. I don’t know if you all know what the message was, but if you don’t, I’d really like to share it with you if you don’t mind. I don’t have to though. Needless to say I like being ‘a very tall otter’ (see avatar)
Beyond the card there were 6 bags/boxy things, all beautifully wrapped. The amount of wrapping that it must have taken… I have visions of an otter wrapping factory:
Anyway bag number one was all of my favourite foody things and tipples. Yum yum! Bag number 2, I shall call the snuggly bag, was things like socks, hot chocolate, puzzle book and, best of all, my very own otter hot water bottle and giraffe pyjamas. I would rather like to jump into them now. Bag number 3 – jelly and angel delight. I love you for that bag. Jelly made me cry. Box number 4 – the most amazing amount of beauty products I have EVER seen, I’m never leaving the bath again. In fact that would make me very ottery, no? Bag number 5 made me nearly faint. Things got serious with this bag. I am now the very proud owner of my very own tablet!!! Arrrgh!!! Seriously?!?! I’m still in shock about it. It is a perfect present, and I’m learning about all these wonderful things I can do on it. Just thank you so so much, I’m going to have so much fun with it and check me out being super-2014.Whoever thought to also include a detailed list of apps and instruction manual, you know me well (is a bit simple with this stuff but will learn!) Bag number 6 was my very own otter rock. I’ve heard rumours about otter rocks but it transpires that there is only one other otter in the world who has one of these, and she is a very special lady. I shall treasure my rock, and especially think of her when holding it.
All of my goodies:
Seriously, I have never ever seen so many presents, and each one was so thoughtful. It took me 3 hours to unwrap them, and I loved every second. Poor footlong, must have been thinking I’d still be unwrapping in April.
I cannot actually say thank you enough. You have given me all these wonderful things and been so generous, you have made me so happy (I genuinely feel like today is my birthday), and you’ve made me feel grateful to be part of such a warm and loving community. I don’t care if it’s fluffy, I love you all and this place means so much to me. I’m incredibly lucky.
Right before I cry again (ahh too late) I shall stop. I bet you are grateful there was no wedding report, eh??
Thank you special special otters
Twiga xxx