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Little Madam

Best decision you ever made

Little Madam, 3 June, 2011 at 20:57 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 29

Following on from Tinks worse decision thread, what is the best decision you ever made?

For me, I think it has to be leaving school at 18 and beginning work rather than uni. It's saved me thousands of pounds in debts and earned me tens of thousands extra in the process too.

29 replies

Latest activity by ajdown, 7 June, 2011 at 18:24
  • Tray1980
    Beginner July 2013
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    Keeping my son rather than giving him up for adoption as I had originally planned. I was rather messed up - he was a "mistake" I was going to be a single parent and I didn't find out until I was 6 months gone (I bled all the way through my pregnancy) and I had prenatal depression. Just glad I changed my mind when I did....definitely the best decision I have ever made. He's now nearly 10, and whilst not perfect, he's mine!

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
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    To leave the tiny village where I grew up, change my university course to one in a big city and live the proper student life. If I had stayed living at home, followed the original course I wouldn't have experienced as much as I have now and be married to an old farmer!!!

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  • Blackkat
    Beginner July 2008
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    To spend a year travelling by myself.

    I'd been planning to do with my best friend since I was 13, but then, very unexpectdly, she got her 1st boyfriend & became a completely different person, lying to me that she couldn't afford to go travelling (despite booking a holiday behind my back with him that I found out through friends even though we lived together), it pushed me to decide that I wasn't gonna let her stop me doing what I'd always wanted to do.

    I had a complete blast & don't regret it 1 bit!

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  • ebony_rose
    ebony_rose ·
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    My best decision was to have my son.

    I was 18, and didn't have a maternal bone in my body. Everyone around me thought I was barmy as I was so anti kids, they didn't think i'd cope. Most also held on to the typical sterotypes you hear about teen mums. All the way through my pregnancy I doubted myself, and kept wondering if i was making a mistake. I kept thinking i'd mess up somehow, and be met with "we told you so".

    Was hard as he was born 13 weeks early and nearly died numerous times. I had to learn to be a Mummy to an ill baby, covered in wires, and constantly being surrounded by nurses. But I did it and I proved all my doubters wrong, including myself.

    He's now 7, and is my proudest achievement.

    I'm still anti kids though, I only like my own ?

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  • W
    WhiteSparkles ·
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    Mine is and probably always will be packing up our lives in the UK to relocate to Dubai for a few years. I know this is an opportunity for us that will secure my children's futures and make sure we will be 'comfortable'. Most important thing for my H and I is to give our babies everything they need (and a few things that they will inevitably want!)

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  • crafty em
    Beginner June 2008
    crafty em ·
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    Divorcing my first hubby, although really sad and heart breaking at the time, the love had gone and there was a few other problems that couldn't be resolved. Now I'm really happy with hubby #2 Smiley smile

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
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    I'd not hesitate to say that my best move in terms of my future (relationship aside) is the investment in my education. However, I don't really view this as a 'decision' as I never considered not doing it... I guess my current position has resulted from a particular job application several years ago, where I decided to take a bit of a punt on a past-deadline enquiry in a slightly new field so maybe that!

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  • sapphire_22
    Beginner September 2011
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    My best decision has been to be with my OH. Not just because i love him and he makes me happy, etc, but because he brings out the best in me. i don't know why, but ever since I've been with him I've suddenly become so ambitious, so independent and have so many ideas of what I want to do in my life. We've had so many little adventures together, I wonder whether I would ever had got up the courage to do these things if i had never have met him.

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  • Blackkat
    Beginner July 2008
    Blackkat ·
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    Such diversely happy/sad stories. It's strange to think how making 1 decision can often affect so many future ones. I love the therory behind the 'sliding doors' film.

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  • leni-lw!
    Beginner November 2011
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    Best decision was booking my flight to Oz for a 5 week holiday- best time ever in my life ?

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  • happy_feet
    happy_feet ·
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    Joining, taught me I was attractive to men, and could choose who I liked, rather than accept who liked me... plus got to meet OH

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  • lovelygirl
    Beginner August 2011
    lovelygirl ·
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    To leave my ex fiance of 8 years to be with my H2b - it definitely was the best decision i ever made - much as i blame being in a long distance relationship to why the previous one broke down - it was more about my needs were never put first. I never imagined having children with my ex whereas my current mantra is "must get married first and buy a house!"

    Also to pack in my PhD in the final stages as i just couldn't cope with the pressure i put on myself

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  • ashlil
    Beginner February 2011
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    Kicking out my 1st hubby after 19 years (9 years married) together. Such a destructive relationship and he became an alcoholic..worried it might turn nasty. Has made me a much better, stronger, independant person, according to H #1 no-one would want me! I have lost 5.5 stone in weight since.

    Met Hubby #2 (again, knew him first when I was 15) and having a blast.

    Only good thing out of marriage #1 - my lovely daughter who is nearly 13 now

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  • Flowmojo
    Flowmojo ·
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    Going to Uni...its become less about the degree and more about the fact it taught me to live on my own, grow up, accept people as they are and look after myself!! Sure, id have learnt it along the way at a later age, but between 18 and 21 i learnt ALOT of lessons in life that have helped me since!!

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
    Knees ·
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    Four weeks before I moved to London to start a very good job, with excellent salary and progress potential, I met OH whilst spending my last summer at home with my parents. We decided to give the whole long distance thing a go, although we didn't expect that it would work out. We soon realised we were getting serious, and the plan was for me to do two years there and qualify and then move back. 6 hours on a train twice a week (and it was me doing all the travelling) was running me down and making me tired and sick, so I decided to move back home after 7 months.

    I gave up a brilliant job and prospects, but I'm certain it was the best decision I ever made. Had I tried to stick out the two years, I don't think our relationship would have survived.

    Having said that, had I not made the decision to come home, I may have found another man of my dreams and be quite happy in London. It's all a "Sliding Doors" kind of question really.

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  • W
    Beginner October 2011
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    When I met my OH I had been out of a 7 year relationship for 6 months and had flights booked to travel around the world for 6 months later that year. We started dating and I know its easy to say but I knew he was the guy I was going to marry.

    I really struggled with the idea of then going away for 6 months and potential ruining a new relationship that I thought was 'the one'. However, I still went as it was something I had wanted to do forever, trusting in the fact he would be there waiting when I got back. He was ?.

    He strongly encouraged me to go and my trip made me realise I can be amazingly independant AND be in a relationship at the same time - that was a life changing realisation for me.

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  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
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    I think the best decision I ever made was doing my nurse training. I've always wanted to be a nurse but after Dad died I thought I wouldnt be able to cope so applied for Biology at uni. Luckily changed my mind a year later just before uni was due to start.

    The second best decision would be deciding to do A+E as my management placement just before I qualified. Didn't think I'd like it but thought it would make me more confident. I loved it and have worked in A+E/Minor Injuries ever since. I love it.

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  • W
    WhiteSparkles ·
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    Wow, I applaud you both! Having a baby at 27 was hard enough!! I enjoyed my sleep far too much at 18 ?

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
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    Leaving my @rsehole of an ex-boyfriend after 7 years of mental destruction from a pig-headed, arrogant meat head... it was simply the hardest decision I have ever made (partly from a personal safety view!!) but has made me a much stronger more confident person.

    I feel like me again...!

    Some amazing stories on here... ?

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    It's funny how most of these decisions are about children, education and ex's, but it seems everyone worked out just fine.

    It's also interesting to see how people saying the opposite to what I say re:education - it's something we regularly debate at work as I work with people coming straight from school and post-Uni students too.

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
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    I never went to university and work alongside a girl same age as me who spent 4 years studying and we are now in equivalent jobs.

    I think it may depend on the subject matter and job field but it wasn't for me.

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  • Tray1980
    Beginner July 2013
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    It wasn't for me at the time, which is why I am doing it now as a "mature student" on my terms via the Open University

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  • Flowmojo
    Flowmojo ·
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    totally, i went to uni more for the experience then to gain further eductaion. although i came out with a marketing degree, ive not worked in marketing until now and they couldnt care less whether i studied for it or not cos things have changed so much in 10years!

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  • fizzypop
    Beginner July 2011
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    The best decision I've ever made was to leave school at the end of Year 12 when I was 17. On my first day at Sixth Form, I remember sitting in assembly thinking "what am I doing here?". I always got good grades at school, so it was just kind of expected I'd stay and do A Levels. But I picked all the wrong ones, and really burnt myself out. I was very depressed, on medication and I could barely bring myself to get out of bed. I remember my "friend" said "you do realise, if you leave, you won't see us as much anymore?". It was the worst time of my life, I was pushing my OH away (we'd only been together 6 months) and I honestly think if I'd stayed at school, I would have gone under.

    As it was, I left, I worked at Boots for a year and then went back to college, got my A Levels, worked at a hospital for 7 months, fell in love and am now a qualified nurse. If it weren't for my supportive and understanding fiance I wouldn't be here now, he's given me so much, and I think that time when I was 17 made us stronger. He's my rock ?

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    I'd agree MrsC - where I work (accounting), for the first (and hardest) 6 months it's an advantage to not have a related degree - it means I did my exams 6 month later and meant I didn't have to rewind back to the basics and just started at the beginning, as the degree students had kind of picked up half way into the process at Uni and nelected the basics.

    When I started working I took home £2,000 per annum less than the post-uni grads, which felt unfair at the time, especially as only 1/5 had related accounting degrees until I realised, that worked out about £150 a month after tax which covered their loans. By the time I qualified 2.5 years in we were earning the same, but I had no debt. I was then lucky enough to do a degree via my membership to my professional body at Oxford Brookes which cost me £150 and I came out with a first. When people read my CV - It does make them wonder how I achieved all that by aged 21 though as usually people have one or the other, but with explanations, they do believe me!

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    Taking my Canadian friend Carla's advice and giving Match just one more go, and paying for one further month's membership.

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