Excuse me, but I need a little rant about my OH's best man. He is his longest friend since they were in school and I understand why OH picked him, but he's so unorganised and its driving me mad OH and I went over in May and bought suits for them both from a lovely tailor in Belfast as OH is from NI and BM and family etc are all there. At the same time OH arranged to go back over mid August for his stag party and to pick up his finished suit. This seemed the easiest as the alternative was everyone travelling over to us and we didnt want everyone paying twice as they are paying to come to the wedding here. Best man rang round people at the time but it seems like he's done nothing since! Another friend of OH is now having a house party on the Sat on the weekend he is going over to NI and having phoned the best man he still hasnt arranged anything! it's really annoying me but OH is pretty laid back and doesnt seem worried, which is annoying me more
my night out was arranged months ago and i know who's going, where it is, what we are doing and its all paid for and i really want OH to have a good time too add to this the fact that he still hasnt booked his hotel and is bringing his wife and they are staying 4 days and he only booked check in luggage on the plane and i really want to go bridezilla on his ass! lol