You may remember that I was on a couple of weeks ago saying I was about to let my cats out for the first time (then again you may not…it’s not that interesting, to be fair ?). Well, I let them out on Saturday while we were doing some gardening. They were fine, really interested, jumping all over the place, chasing things etc. They came back in for their dinner and then back out again. This was all while the back door was open.
We’ve now fitted a cat flap and we’ve got it held open at the moment as they’re not quite sure that they’re supposed to push it open yet. Yesterday, they started using it for the first time. Fine. 10 minutes later…massive awful cat screaming and one of them comes running in twice the size she was when she went out. Then 2 mins later he comes tearing back in looking all disheveled and covered in mud (no scratches thankfully). It took me about 10 minutes to calm them down. Now they won’t go out cos there’s a blummin great black and white cat sitting in our garden. I've seen him before but he was there last night, and this morning.
Is this something they'll work out on their own or is there something I can do?
Probably ever so slightly over anxious cat mother, Walthamstow.