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Beginner July 2010

Big confession but can anyone say honestly they havent felt the same?

Karen1980, 6 July, 2009 at 07:03 Posted on Planning 0 29

Here goes... has anyone had ER envy??

Supposed to be going to an ER party where the lady had a £3.5K ring bought her and 2 months later it was upgraded at her request to a £5.5K ring as the £3.5K wasnt big enough.

I dont want to go to the party as mine was nowhere near £3K!! feeling like she'll be looking down her nose at me and be mean as clearly a big one is best in her eyes.

I dont even know the lady but definitely not keen on going.

I know im being silly but cant help it!!

I hate all this wedding stuff as for the first time in ages I really dont seem to like myself.

I fknow the ring isnt important just the man that your marrying but im turning into some awful person that feels like she isnt loved enough as her H2B didnt get her a ridiculously expensive one!

I hate writing this as its awful but its a little bit how i feel!

So has anyone felt similar? even a little bit? im hoping so or im really going mad.

... off to hide in the corner......

29 replies

Latest activity by boogiebelle, 6 July, 2009 at 16:24
  • teeheeyoucrazyguys!
    teeheeyoucrazyguys! ·
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    Forgive me for being blunt, but this woman who is throwin the party?

    shes a greedy b!tch who obviously cares about how she LOOKS as opposed to how she should be FEELING. She wants to make a statement through the size of her rock and not necc through what it stands for.

    You are not that person so get your silly thoughts out your head, your fiance loves you. Your ring will be gorgeous i'm sure. And mean more to you than hers does to her.

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  • K
    Beginner July 2010
    Karen1980 ·
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    Fiance said last night that she's the one insisting ion the engagement party and I wonder why - so she can show off that her H2B loves her more than everyone elses as he bought her the biggest ring... ?

    Im not enjoying wedding planning anymore as I spend most of my time worrying that peopl will think its naff or turn their nose up about it ?

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  • teeheeyoucrazyguys!
    teeheeyoucrazyguys! ·
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    Wait a mo... is this an ENGAGEMENT party or an ENGAGEMENT RING party.....?????

    why on earth would you want to go to a ring party??? Its clearly making you feel down so I woldnt bother going.....

    to show off that her hubby loves her more than anyone else could love their fiancee??? what pish!! why on earth would you even want to socialise with someone so shallow?????


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  • K
    Beginner July 2010
    kerryanneellis ·
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    Hi Karen

    This other women is clearly intent on showing off her status and only settles for the biggest and the best....!! Women like this arent worth associating yourselves with and clearly only care about me me me.......

    I received a rather expensive engagement ring and it was total shock i never expected or wanted it i would have been happy with a 99p ring from bastins if you get my drift... However my ring is lovely and wouldn't change it for the world but the effort my partner put into making it means more to me than anything... i wouldnt dream of shoving it under peoples noses going look at me isnt my ring so big and beautifull in fact i never show mine off and if people comment on it cest la vie.

    I agree with Teehee i wouldnt bother going.....

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  • ooh la la
    Beginner August 2013
    ooh la la ·
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    Karen, why oh why would someone hold an engagement ring party? What is the fooking point in that. Sad, shallow woman.

    Why had you been invited? Are you a friend of hers?


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  • K
    Beginner July 2010
    Karen1980 ·
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    Oops sorry its an engagement party but they got engaged 8 months ago.

    Im not going as told OH I dont know her and cant see the point on having the party 8 months after. Told OH this and he said that she's insisting on one but hey I dont ahve to be there.

    If the huge price tag for the first one wasnt enough then I dont want to put myself in a situation that a adds to her ego or b makes me feel inferior (all be it being my fault).

    I love my ring that OH got me and lord knows we had enough problems with the first one (poor workmanship from Samuels).

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  • ooh la la
    Beginner August 2013
    ooh la la ·
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    I suggest either don't go, or attend with your OH, but be confident and if she asks to see the ring just smile sweetly, let her see it and leave it at that. Whatever you don, don't say anything to boost her ego! lol


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  • bluewater
    Beginner August 2009
    bluewater ·
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    so why on earth are you going?!?

    a lot of my friends have bigger/better/blingier rings than me. so what? who cares? why should i care what ring they have and vice versa? do you like your ring? of course you do, because your h2b bought it for you, and proposed with it. why on earth should it matter whether it cost £3.50 or £3.5k? if she wants to show off, let her. from your post, it sounds like the cost of the ring is more important to her than anything - more fool her.

    ps when i read the first line of your post, i thought you were talking about the programme... ?

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  • summer_sparkles
    Beginner August 2009
    summer_sparkles ·
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    Who cares if anyone else's ring is bigger than yours, or if the diamond is the size of a small mellon? People who only care about that are missing the point, which is that your H2B loves you so much he has given you a ring to symbolise the fact that you're going to spend the rest of your lives together! It could be a rubber band around your finger but as long as that sentiment is behind it then that's all the matters isn't it?

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  • Amethyst
    Beginner October 2010
    Amethyst ·
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    If you don't want to go as you both don't know the couple that well then fine don't go - I've long given up going to parties I don't want to go to (unless my OH wants to go and would like me to go too)!

    But at face value not going to an engagement party because the bride-to-be has a more expensive ring than you is a bit daft.

    I love my ER - its unusual & the one my OH used to propose to me. It wasn't thousands of pounds but that doesn't mean my OH loves me any less than someone with a £3K or £5K ring. Or that I am less likely to have a lovely, happy marriage.

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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
    Spring ·
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    You're reply should be '5k!! Is that all'? ?

    I don't know the exact amount my H spent but i know how much it is insured for. I would never look at someone elses ring and think 'Wow that is small compared to mine'.

    She sounds like a loon. Are you acting like this in front of your H2B? I feel sorry for him if you are as he obviously bought what he could afford. I would go and show off the ring my H was lovely enough to buy for me! If she's acting like that then something else is obviously lacking.

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  • AliLindsey
    Beginner November 2009
    AliLindsey ·
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    Well said, Spring et al.

    I know exactly how much my engagement ring cost, and I couldn't care less. We all have different budgets. As long as the meaning behind the ring is there, then it really doesn't matter!

    (that said, I'd have been a bit miffed if it was diamonique simply because I'd have never lived it down at work!)

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  • Stazzle
    Stazzle ·
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    It honestly wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I would be a bit amazed as to how someone can openly act so shallow, but it certainly wouldn't make me feel any less proud of my own ring. I absolutely love it and find that actually the sentiment of the ring means more to me than the price or even the design (which I do love anyway). For what it's worth, it wasn't a cheap ring, but it wasn't ridiculously expensive either - but that doesn't matter. I think your engagement ring is personal to you and your OH and if people are making material judgements about it compared to theirs, you really should let it go right over your head. I just do not see why it matters at all.

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  • Mrs S*
    Beginner January 2010
    Mrs S* ·
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    Me too!

    I love my ER and i don't know how much it cost and i don't want to know. I know it wasn't near to the £5k mark! But as everyone said, it's not the ring, it's the plan to get married!! I wouldn't bother having a party 8 months after getting engaged! That's just madness! If you do go i would say "wow what i lovely ring, i'm sure i've seen it in accessorise... or was it claires"


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  • tahdah
    Beginner September 2009
    tahdah ·
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    Step away from the materialistic don't need to go to her stoopid ER (show off) party.

    the only time I had ER envy type thing was...

    C - oooh can I see your ring

    T - yes of course...<shows ring>

    C - it's just the same as K's

    T - NO IT'S NOT!!!

    C - Yes she's got..blah blah...just like yours

    T - But I designed it and had it made so it's unique to me

    C - ok..well I was just saying

    T - <stays quiet with feelings a bit hurt>

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  • AliLindsey
    Beginner November 2009
    AliLindsey ·
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    Just to add:

    Would anyone really want to wander around with a really expensive ring wondering if it's going to get stolen all the time?

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  • Spring
    Beginner February 2008
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    Nope. They would have to cut it out of my stomach after swallowing it ?

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  • Stupidgirl45
    Beginner July 2009
    Stupidgirl45 ·
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    I have the opposite in that I have quite an expensive ER and although I won't say what it cost, it was simillar to this rude lady's ring. However I wouldn't dream of being all like " My ring cost XX hah!"

    Everyone's ER is lovely and individual - it's the thought behind it not the size or cost.

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  • debs1701
    debs1701 ·
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    If my h2b had spent that sort of money on my ring I would be afraid to wear it!, the ring that I had originally wanted was 5k and I thought that was a bit much, something that we could afford a few years down the line but not before paying out for a wedding ?

    I would go to the party and look at the ring (as you would) and if she commented on the price I would screw my little face up and say "No offense but I think the jeweller saw you coming!" ?

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  • The Sock Chicken
    Beginner August 2010
    The Sock Chicken ·
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    I agree with everything Bluewater said (except for the programme thing, dont know what she's on about!!!)

    I also wanted to say that I have met SG45 and my ring was a very small fraction of what I imagine hers was, and I didnt once get ER envy! My ring is just as special as hers and anyone elses, infact to me it is more special, because it's from my h2b and it's there because he loves me and wants to make a commitment to me. I also dont get how the price of a ring reflects the amount the h2b loves you. I certainly didnt look at SG45's ring and think "Oh no, my h2b loves me a lot less than her h2b"

    (SG45 - Hope you didnt mind me using you as an example!)

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  • Laura_Lee
    Laura_Lee ·
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    My name is Laura and I too have had ER envy... but only over design. Sometime's I'll spot a fabby one and think how fantastic it is, but then remember the day that OH and I went to choose mine together and know I would not in a million years want to part with it for another...

    I really don't think its how much it cost that matters. I would never tell people how much it cost either - this woman obviously wants people to know how much they have. If her OH is some kind of Russian billionaire then she was done anyway.. she needs one 10 x that value, however say your OH's income is lower then a £200 ring would be like the crown jewels. Thats why I wouldn't compare - its what it means to you.

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  • I
    Beginner January 1999
    irrelephant ·
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    Well if she's insising on having her ring 'upgraded' then how does her h2b feel? he obviously put thought into it and she just seems shallow and petty. like EES the size or price of the ring doesnt matter. FWIW my ring was ridiculously low priced but who cares? i don't (also AliL i did walk around for a week or so terrified someone would mug me! but its the first time i've ever had a REAL diamond lol). My lovely mr delicious did his best and its the ring i wanted and loved the most in the shop. mr delicious was very impressed i didn't want the however many hundreds and hundreds of pounds ones, because he thought i would. The most important thing is that its YOUR ring that YOUR h2b bought for YOU. No one else. end of. Don't have ring envy, just think how lucky you are to have a h2b who cares enough to have bought you a ring in the first place.

    As for feeling like you're not enjoying wedding planning in case people look down on you, is this also anything to do with this girls 5K ring as well? do you feel like you couldnt compare to their wedding? Your wedding is about you and h2b and you don't need to spend loads. Spend what you can afford and just rememeber that its the start of your happy marriage. It should have nothing to do with how much money has been spent on X Y or Z.

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  • Stupidgirl45
    Beginner July 2009
    Stupidgirl45 ·
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    Zippy - haha, no it's fine. I love my ring but I feel awkward showing it to people in case they think I'm showing off, so it works both ways.

    Either way this woman is clearly completely mad.

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  • bluewater
    Beginner August 2009
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    ER - as in the US equivalent of Holby City / Casualty....

    you obviously spend too much time on hitched i obviously don't spend enough time on hitched.... ?

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  • The Sock Chicken
    Beginner August 2010
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  • summer_sparkles
    Beginner August 2009
    summer_sparkles ·
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    I did that too Bluewater, I thought " Why would I be jealous of a sitcom?" and then it clicked, god I'm tired today...?

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  • Braw Wee Chanter
    Braw Wee Chanter ·
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    My engagement ring is a plain silver band. It cost exactly £10. Have I had odd comments about it or looks of mild pity? Sure. Do I care? Do I feck!

    Go to the party, don't go to the party - thing is she won't care either way. It's about what you think that counts. Can you walk into a room wearing your engagement ring (whether it cost £10 or £10,000) and the great guy who gave it to you on your arm and feel happy because no-one else in that room has what you have? Now that's something to envy.

    This stuff seriously means nothing in the grand scale, I married an amazing husband and had a beautiful wee boy who are both absolutely priceless.


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  • Snow Patroller
    Snow Patroller ·
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    Shes shallow and he's a knobbe for agreeing to 'upgrade' her ER in the first place. Wonder if he'll be so accomodating when she wants to upgrade her husband!

    Ok, this is coming from a girl who has had 3 ERs from Mr SP but the first one the shop totally mashed up when the tried to resize it, the second one I lost : ( and the third one is now firmly glued to my finger.

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  • moomin8804
    Beginner July 2009
    moomin8804 ·
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    The woman who's having he enagement ring party sounds like a prize *** to be honest!

    She's obviously more concerned about money and rubbing it in people's faces rather than the actual engagement and what it means! I know my ER wasn't very expensive and i couldn't give a hoot because it's so beautiful, and it was bought especially for me. which means a lot more to me than how much it cost!

    if you don't know the woman anyway, you don't need to go to the party, problem solved!

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  • boogiebelle
    Beginner August 2009
    boogiebelle ·
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    I echo what everyone else says. Firstly, don't go if you don't want to and also it means diddly squat how much a ring costs.

    My ER wasn't hugely expensive compared to many - was under £400 and tbh it probably isn't a ring that I would have chosen myself but I would never change it for the world. My OH bought it thinking of me and it means so much to me because of that. When I think about the thought he put into it, I get all ?

    I couldn't care whether he bought me a massive ring that cost thousands or a haribo ring (although it probably would no longer exist) - the thought that he chose it means soooo much more to me that how much it is worth.

    I feel sorry for her H2B!

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