Here goes... has anyone had ER envy??
Supposed to be going to an ER party where the lady had a £3.5K ring bought her and 2 months later it was upgraded at her request to a £5.5K ring as the £3.5K wasnt big enough.
I dont want to go to the party as mine was nowhere near £3K!! feeling like she'll be looking down her nose at me and be mean as clearly a big one is best in her eyes.
I dont even know the lady but definitely not keen on going.
I know im being silly but cant help it!!
I hate all this wedding stuff as for the first time in ages I really dont seem to like myself.
I fknow the ring isnt important just the man that your marrying but im turning into some awful person that feels like she isnt loved enough as her H2B didnt get her a ridiculously expensive one!
I hate writing this as its awful but its a little bit how i feel!
So has anyone felt similar? even a little bit? im hoping so or im really going mad.
... off to hide in the corner......