My BM and I went in for her to try her dress on as it came in last week. As soon as we saw it, we both said it wasnt the same colour as we had ordered. The assistant said it was. We hadnt seen it since February, and as i have looked at more shades of pink in the last 6 months than ever before, we both areed we may have forgotten what it was like. My mum had a swatch of the colour that the shop gave us, when we ordered it. We have been back today and the swatch is a totally different pink than the dress!! Now, its still a hot pink, but a totally different shade. WWYD?
the assistant has said that colours all differ (obviously they do, but not to this degree i am sure) she then got the swatch book for the designer out, and the swatch we were given, doesnt match any of them?!! again she said that the colours are never exact. i am 99% sure she has given us a swatch from a different designer. My mum is going back tomorrrow as she is fuming, but as we only have 4 weeks till wedding i dont see what we can do. Its not a complete disaster, its still pink and i am sure no-one will notice its slightly different to the ribbon on flowers etc, but i am so mad that we have paid £130 for the wrong colour dress.
Shall we just forget about it, as really there is no time to sort it out, or should we complain further? My mum wants to complain, but i dont see what we can achieve from this??
well, we went back in and the girl has all but admitted she has royally messed up. The dress my BM originally tried on in the correct colour was there and the dress we have is no where near the colour. Therfore the assistant had to admit she had given us not only the incorrect swatch, but had also ordered the wrong colour. She has said she had spoken to the designers yesterday and they can get us the correct dress in a week?? Why did dhe call them yesterday when she was adament she wasnt wrong? anyway, not a major issue as its now sorted as we will get the correct dress. However, on telling the girls at work about it, one has said they are probably getting a sample sent from another store, and the dress we get wont be brand new aaarrrrgggghhhh! which seen as the incorrect dress took 4 months to come in, makes me think she might be right. Dont know how i will find out if this is the case, and am tempted to leave it. WWYD??