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Beginner January 2012

Breast feeding and bad science (BT)

ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, 30 July, 2013 at 09:06

Posted on Off Topic Posts 53

Breast-fed babies perform better in verbal IQ tests. Me: Check. Therefore, breast-feeding makes your child more intelligent... Me: Say what? ...because, like, there must be something, you know, in the milk that, kind of, makes a baby have a big brain. Me: Just stop. Arquard, interested in your...

Breast-fed babies perform better in verbal IQ tests.

Me: Check.

Therefore, breast-feeding makes your child more intelligent...

Me: Say what?

...because, like, there must be something, you know, in the milk that, kind of, makes a baby have a big brain.

Me: Just stop.

Arquard, interested in your thoughts on this study (you maybe able to guess mine). Are women who can't (or who just don't want to) breast-feed being guilt-tripped by foul means? I saw an advocate on the news this morning, citing this study as a reason to breast-feed. She suggested that some woman actually give up after only a week or so because it's too difficult - you could hear the disbelief in her voice and she practically put visual quotation marks around 'too difficult'.

53 replies

  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    I wasn't breast fed, neither was one of my sisters. We both had good grades, went to uni and have had good jobs.

    my sister who was breast fed married well and diddnt have to work much past the age of 24.

    I wonder which of us has the highest iq!

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    Also- why is it that middle class and upwards woman would be more likely to bf? It would make more sense that working class families did as its free no?

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  • Pittabre
    Pittabre ·
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    Def her!?C'mon she didn't have to work past 24, that's well planned?

    There has to be other factors taken into accoutn with regarding IQ - if you like sort of shite anyway.

    On the middle class front I'm sure I read somewhere that by the age of 5 you are most likely to have decided (influenced) whether you will eventually bfed or not and the working class families didn't have the role models/weren't influenced by the same people blah blah blah.

    I saw both my mum and my sister try bfing (my sister nearly completely put me off).

    I was well wazzed off when U started to refuse to bfed as it cost a fecking fortune to formula feed her☹️

    I have been pondering this further through out the day.

    Verbally better earlier actually entirely makes sense from another POV as well. Bfing involves using the mouth in a different way to FFeding. So if your are bfed you are having to use more and different muscles so therefore speech might be easier because you have used those muscles more before getting to the full on verbalising stage than if you were using a bottle.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    I went to a Catholic school.

    We didn't have lessons in critical thinking.


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  • MummyMoo82
    Beginner October 2012
    MummyMoo82 ·
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    I like how this has BT in the title now. Just in case anyone thought it was about weird fetishes....

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  • Pittabre
    Pittabre ·
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    It did have it in from the beginning. I don't think it was a worry about fetishists getting involved but a sensitively to those that have struggled with BT issues.

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  • Pittabre
    Pittabre ·
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    It is something I think people try and get in whenever possible but I can't imagine the government encouraging all children to think critically -sorry being very cyncial? We talk about reliability and accuracy and precision of research but don't often say this is what you would read in the paper let's trace it back to it's research.

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  • loadsagifts
    Beginner January 2012
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    Personal experience means I disagree with breast fed babies performing better in IQ tests. T was formula fed, at almost 12 he is on the gifted and talented register, has a reading ability of 15 and could sit his maths gcse sooner in his school years. He is hardly ever ill. B, breast fed until he started biting lol (around 15 months) same intelligence as his brother at that age, and very rarely ill.

    I do NOT agree with any mother being bullied into breast feeding, it is personal choice and if the baby takes to it, T didn't. Being a parent is about what YOU want to do. It saddens me to read that people have been made to feel awful by others. there is no instruction leaflet with a child, you learn just as they do!

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  • Pittabre
    Pittabre ·
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    BTW just wanted to add we all have ancedotal stories but the plural of ancedote isn't evidence.

    The research notices that children that were breastfed also correlates with children that do better in IQ tests etc People that do this research aren't thinking hmmm how can we upset the general population. There may be lots of other factors influencing the outcomes but they noticed a correlation and reported on it.

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  • Saisi
    Beginner June 2011
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    This doesn't really make any sense Dawn. Your personal experience is just that, your personal experience. You can't use that to disagree with results from a scientific study. You can say that you think the research methods are wrong, the sample was biased, etc, but again... just because YOUR babies don't fit the results doesn't mean they are wrong.

    And what Pittabre said.

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  • loadsagifts
    Beginner January 2012
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    That is exactly what I meant Saisi although I haven't worded it as well as you have!

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  • Saisi
    Beginner June 2011
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    Fair enough, it just read like you meant the opposite but looking again I can see what you mean!

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  • loadsagifts
    Beginner January 2012
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    lol, I know what I want to say but I think my brain works faster than my fingers so I end up making no sense!

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  • D
    Beginner October 2010
    drifter ·
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    I saaw this study in the news has anyone managed to get hold of the original?

    I have so many issues with how this has been reported and questions about the study.

    Some stats related some ethical, I am also curious as to how the headline relates to the actual science.

    Pittabre I love the work your oing with your students re headlines.

    A friend and I sometimes play the headline game with our research or random life events or musing as we used to get so pissed off with how science headlines can have nothing to do with the science or be so sensationalist

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  • *Bea*
    Beginner October 2011
    *Bea* ·
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    I have not read this study so can not comment on it directly.

    My thought process is , why would I choose all the added chemicals in formula if I can provide natural sustenance? Similar to fresh food v processed food.

    I always planned to BF , maybe I'm lucky I could, maybe I'm just determined, or perhaps just felt it was the 'right' thing.

    I will say though it is hard work at the beginning and not in the way I expected. Physically it has been fine, latch good, supply great. But I found it on top of a very traumatic birth hard emotionally.

    I'm not sure he long i will feed for but whilst I can and feel ok with it I will.

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