Those of you who know my friend, please don't mention this should you ever see her.
I'm so worried about her. She's suicidal tonight (though I've made her promise not to do anything without calling me. Mr Jk is away and my Mum's here, or I'd go over and spend some time with her.
It's been two years since her husband told her he had been having an affair. It's two years in Dec since he left. She is utterly unable to move on, to even get past the initial anger/grief bit. She's sobbing tonight because it seems he and his affairee/girlfriend have got a place up near his parents with her children. She's still in contact with his family who have said nothing. She feels totally betrayed.
I've run out of ideas, and TBH, steam. I hope I've been a support to her, I've certainly put in the hours and the emotion, though I'm not sure of the effect I've had. I've suggested CBT - she has a steel trap of a memory and remembers everything, and in this context, every bloody detail and date.
Oh and it's her wedding anniversary tomorrow. She's devastated because other people haven't remembered.
What on earth can I do? She's my best friend in all the world - she's my sister substitute as I'm sibling-free.