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Cat behaviour advice?

KJB, 10 March, 2009 at 16:26 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 6

I have an appt with the vet about this, but I thought I would see if any hitchers had any advice or suggestions too.

I have 3 cats. Sid and Stanley are sisters and I had them from kittens (8 weeks). They are now 3.5.

1.5 years ago I got George, also a girl cat, from a kitten (8 weeks). She's now, well, 1.5.

S&S are how cats 'should' be....they get on, they are no trouble, they are house trained, don't jump onto the kitchen surfaces or dining table, don't try to eat my dinner, etc etc . I've never had any stress from them.

George has been Trouble since I got her. She was litter trained when I got her but she soon 'forgot' this. She won't be 'trained'.

Despite introducing S, S & G slowly, she fights with them all the time. It isn't out of hate I don't think....she just wants to play with them. She runs up and jumps at them. They hiss, scratch and swipe her, but she doesn't get the message until I break them up. Even when S&S occasionally do fight her off, George doesn't get the message and does it again 5 mins later.

I've tried all I can think of over the last year and half. Sid lost a lot of weight last year, and tests etc showed no reason...I'm convinced it was the stress of living with George.

I was also hoping by now that George might have grown out of it. At 1.5 S&S were definitely more 'cats' than 'kittens' and had calmed down considerably. George hasn't calmed down at all. There are toys in the house, and they have access to the whole house and outside (largeish garden).

Is George just a bad'un? Or does this always happen with 2+ cats?

I wish, more often that I would like to admit, that I'd never got George. And I hate that as she is a lovely cat when she behaves.


6 replies

Latest activity by KJB, 10 March, 2009 at 16:50
  • P
    poochanna ·
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    No experience of cats but I do of dogs and I know that with them, just like people there are ones that just do not get along (I learnt this from bitter experience with a rescue pup that didn't work out!). I think they all just have their own personalities and George sounds as if she's just very mischievous and it's a clash with the other two.

    Is there such a thing as a cat behavourist? If so, I'd suggest getting someone out as it really helped us with Hugo, or at least it helped us to come to terms with what our choices were.

    I really hope you sort it as I know how horrid it is when your pets don't get along!

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  • Dooby
    Dooby ·
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    It sounds as though George is stressing the other two out (especially Sid). My mum had a similar problem with one of her cats when my aunt brought her dog with her to stay last summer. Mitzi (mum's cat) got totally stressed by having a newcomer and became very nervous, lost weight and started overgrooming to the extent that her belly area was virtually bald. It was not a good situation all round, fortunately it was only temporary and when aunt and dog moved home again (aunt was having an extension built at her house so moved into my parents' place whilst they were on holiday all summer) the cat started to recover. She is still pretty thin and nervous though, the fur has grown back again.

    Short of finding a new home for George i'm not really sure what to suggest to resolve the situation.

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  • MD
    MD ·
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    I could have written this, just substituting the names! Charlie is 7 and is still a cat from hell when the mood takes him - but an angel the rest of the time.

    Our two do get on much better in the last year or so, but at times it has been hard work.

    From a training point of view, when Charlie is being hyperactive he gets put outside. When he is jumping onto benches/scratching furniture etc he gets sprayed with water.

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  • K
    KJB ·
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    Thanks. One thing I will be asking the vet is about cat behavourists and if she can recommend any.

    Thanks for not thinking I'm awful for wishing I'd never got George. She really is a lovely cat. She's beautiful and is a complete tart when I have visitors. She's always on her best behaviour* then and flirts with everyone. They go away thinking I'm awful for calling George a pest. She really has a great character....I just wish I could turn it down a bit.

    *apart from when she jumped up on the dining room table and started licking some fresh hollandaise sauce I'd just put on it, whilst sitting down to eat one time.

    I don't want to train all her character out of her, and nor do I think finding a new home for her would necessarily work, as I think she'd go mad as an only cat. But then I'm clearly not an expert, so I'll see what/who the vet recommends.

    Edited to add to other replies:

    I've tried the putting outside/spraying with water thing - and it worked with S&S but G seems to delight in paying no attention to discipline. At least if she does, it lasts for 5 mins before she carries on.

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  • Puss
    Beginner September 2004
    Puss ·
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    I only have one, with a major attitude problem. I have lost count of the times she has attempted to go for my two children (who know to be nice to her and leave her alone when I tell them to) she is has been on the list for rehoming for a year now and nothing, I don't know what else to do as I can't bring myself to take her to a rehoming place where I can't help but think she will sit in a cage for the rest of her life.

    Have you tried that feliway stuff? Didn't work for Kit but might be worth a bash for George?

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  • K
    KJB ·
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    Yes, I've tried Feliway. Not for a while though so it might be worth another bash. I don'think it it stress that is causing George to misbehave though...just mischieveousness.

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