I have an appt with the vet about this, but I thought I would see if any hitchers had any advice or suggestions too.
I have 3 cats. Sid and Stanley are sisters and I had them from kittens (8 weeks). They are now 3.5.
1.5 years ago I got George, also a girl cat, from a kitten (8 weeks). She's now, well, 1.5.
S&S are how cats 'should' be....they get on, they are no trouble, they are house trained, don't jump onto the kitchen surfaces or dining table, don't try to eat my dinner, etc etc . I've never had any stress from them.
George has been Trouble since I got her. She was litter trained when I got her but she soon 'forgot' this. She won't be 'trained'.
Despite introducing S, S & G slowly, she fights with them all the time. It isn't out of hate I don't think....she just wants to play with them. She runs up and jumps at them. They hiss, scratch and swipe her, but she doesn't get the message until I break them up. Even when S&S occasionally do fight her off, George doesn't get the message and does it again 5 mins later.
I've tried all I can think of over the last year and half. Sid lost a lot of weight last year, and tests etc showed no reason...I'm convinced it was the stress of living with George.
I was also hoping by now that George might have grown out of it. At 1.5 S&S were definitely more 'cats' than 'kittens' and had calmed down considerably. George hasn't calmed down at all. There are toys in the house, and they have access to the whole house and outside (largeish garden).
Is George just a bad'un? Or does this always happen with 2+ cats?
I wish, more often that I would like to admit, that I'd never got George. And I hate that as she is a lovely cat when she behaves.