This is becoming an Issue with me and h2b now. I hate the chairs at our venue - in fact, if there'd been another venue we'd liked, the chairs would have been the deal breaker for me, I hate them THAT much! So I want to get some covers sorted, not necessarily sashes as well unless we get a really great price, but definitely SOMETHING to cover the hideously revolting seats.
H2b's argument is that we're on a very, very, very tight budget and as the chairs function perfectly well, I'm being silly in insisting on covering them up. I think the chairs are so horrible that they'll spoil the room which we've otherwise gone to great lengths to make look just the way we want.
Here are the offending chairs:
They really are grim. Best price I can find is £200-ish to get covers for the lot (this is if we buy a load and fit them ourselves), which I think is pretty reasonable. H2b still says it's too much. ARGH!