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Beginner April 2012

Charity favours

squidgybob, 28 October, 2011 at 14:56 Posted on Planning 0 12


I am looking at giving Help for Heroes trolley keyrings as favours - what do you think? My guests all know that this is a charity close to my heart, but I know that not everyone is interested in helping charities for various reasons. How would you feel if a donation was made in your name to a charity that may not necessarily be of your choice?


12 replies

Latest activity by jhndavid, 29 October, 2011 at 06:14
  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
    Helenia ·
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    If it's a charity you have a clear connection to, then I think it's a really nice thing to do. I can't imagine many people getting upset about it. Even if they don't want the trolley thingy, they can just leave it - the charity still has the money for it so no-one loses out really.

    We had Leukaemia and Lymphoma research pins as our favours - my husband had lymphoma last year and we've done a couple of charity things for them since then. I don't have any pics unfortunately but I think everyone liked them - certainly loads of people were wearing them by the end of the evening!

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    I have zero objection to a couple giving to a charity of their choice (how could I?). I have zero objection to receiving a charity favour, with a note to say that couple have bought these in support of their chosen charity. Where I have a problem is in the phrase "a donation was made in your name". I think charity giving is highly personal and I genuinely don't like the idea that my "choice" has been made for me.

    However, this is highly semantic - the act of giving me a charity favour is, de facto, a donation in my name. I just don't like being told it is...

    That's not takign into account whether I would ethically object to your choice of charity. But it would have to be Noraid or something before I actually grumbled Smiley smile

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  • far2calm
    Beginner May 2012
    far2calm ·
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    My friend did exactly this earlier in the year and everyone seemed to think it was a fab idea, as a lot of the time favours are wasted where as this way its always to a good cause.

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  • S
    Beginner April 2012
    squidgybob ·
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    Thanks guys.

    FTLOMB - good point. I hadn't even considered the wording of any accompanying note yet but will be careful to stear clear of that particular phrasing, thank you.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    It's entirely up to you. I know many who have no problem with the phrasing. Just giving my POV, not a hard and fast rule Smiley smile

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  • Random Name
    Random Name ·
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    I agree about the wording. WWe are making donations to Cancer Research And British Heart Foundation (I wouldnt have either of my parents if it wasnt for them) I see it as us making that donation rather than doing it on our guests behalf. We are doing it on our own behalf (IYSWIM)

    We are just saying that we have made donations to 2 charities close to our hearts (rather than on your behalf), our guests will know why they are close to us. We are also have token favours things like chocolate and sweets.

    As someone else said, my thinking was if they are left on the table at least the money has gone to a good cause.

    (sorry if that makes no sense, its Friday afternoon and all)

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  • Yikes
    Beginner September 2013
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    We gave charity pin badges as our favours for Diabetes UK as I am diabetic and have been for over 20 years. AS bonus - just by chance. the favours fitted into our colour theme.

    What I did find REALLY strange was that some people did not know why we had chosen this charity. My dad mentioned it in his speech.

    We bought on bulk and left them at the entrance for the evening guests to help themselves.


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  • mrs toosh
    Beginner December 2011
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    I think it is a great idea....its your day and your choice!

    We are having a joint reception/NYE party with the rest of the village on NYE...and i am doing a raffle as they normally do one every year....and as i am organising it the proceeds of that will go to the cancer unit at the local hospital where my mum has been treated this year....if ppl dont like it then they dont have to buy a ticket......

    Anyway why should we give our guests more food/gifts....we just paid out for them to have a feed and a boogie! ?

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  • ClaireMcToBe
    Beginner September 2012
    ClaireMcToBe ·
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    I think charity favours are a lovely gesture, you know the money is going to a good cause whether people take the favours or not. Lots of couples seem to go down this route now, I've seen charity favours for the British Heart Foundation and the Make a Wish Foundation in recent years, and all the guests thought it was a great idea. We are considering doing something similar for Yorkhill NICU, they saved my son's life and everyone there will appreciate that. We'll maybe have something small on the tables too, little mints or something along those lines.

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  • Suzie&Karl
    Beginner January 2012
    Suzie&Karl ·
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    We are doing exactly the same thing but for different charities. the men are getting our local hospice badges and the ladies will be geting cancer research ones.

    Like you, we did it for a personal reason and if im being honest i think people would much rather you spend money on things like that which will help somebody rather than something like chocolate


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  • Suzie&Karl
    Beginner January 2012
    Suzie&Karl ·
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    Just to add after reading the other posts re the wording, just thought i'd let you know what we have orded for ours

    A donation has been made to

    The Hospice of the Good Shepherd and Cancer researc

    h in Celebration of the wedding of

    Suzanne and Karl

    6th January 2012

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  • J
    jhndavid ·
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    Charity favors are a wonderful idea, perfectly within etiquette. if you have addressed this, but are charity favors generally well-received by guests.I had thought of making some kind of note on the back of the place cards indicating we had made a contribution to this specific charity.We have chosen the 'favor' of donating to our favorite cause, so that our happy occasion will bring joy to others or something like that. Another option is We are happy to share the news that we have made a donation to charity in honor of our marriage

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