Following Barongreenbacks delightful invitation, i'm bringing this over here!
Does anyone own a charm bracelet? I am thinking of asking for one for my 21st birthday (its in November but i like to plan ahead). My mum had originally wanted to buy me a ring for my 18th birthday and then said she would buy for my 21st instead but er mr delicious beat her to it and its ended up as my engagement ring... So i thought a charm bracelet might be the way to go, a nice keepsake of the important times, like i could get a mortar cap charm when i graduate etc.
I've had a look already this morning and i really love these two from links of london:
the signature bracelet
and the silver bracelet
But i've also seen this one called a Pandora charm bracelet, does anyone have one or seen one? It doesnt look like a traditional one with the hanging charms but you can put other stuff like glass beads and things on too
and then you choose your charms which look like this:
What do people think? does anyone have one, would you be willing to show me what type? or recommend anyone who does nice ones?