I wanted to start this post with so but made sure I didn't so Panj didn't come and kill me?
This morning I dropped my son off at Holiday Club so that I could go to a hospital appointment. When we arrived we didn't know the woman that opened the door. The people that run holiday club also do an out of hours club for after school, so he gets to see the same people and that reassures him. He does get quite anxious in new situations to the point where he will make himself sick to try and get out of them.
When I realised it was someone he didn't recognise my heart sank as I had a limited amount of time to get to my hospital appointment and expected to have to reassure him that it was someone different. I kept quiet and let him take the lead, luckily at this point another member of staff appeared that he recognised and the tension leaked out of him (not literally). The new lady asked if he would like any breakfast and I quickly outlined to her that he had coeliac disease and also he had an illness which meant he needed to drink lots of water. The new lady then said she had read his file and then looked me in the eye and said 'I am actually a teacher'.
That was the comment that stupidly annoyed me. It annoyed me because I felt she said it to reassure me but why would it reassure me? She is still a stranger to my son despite her qualifications and at the same time the rest of the staff that he knows don't have the same qualifications but that doesn't make them lesser. The important thing for my son is knowing the people. It has stupidly annoyed me because she was trying to reassure me and I should have appreciated it?
So is there anything that has irrationally annoyed you? (Other than jelly shoes?)