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Beginner July 2011

Decorating venue?

Vikster79, 8 November, 2010 at 14:34 Posted on Planning 0 14

Who is and how are you decorating your venue/tables etc?

Are you hiring extra linen for the tables and swags/drapes etc for top table?

We have the basic linen supplied but am wondering if the top table will look plain.

Thanks for your help

14 replies

Latest activity by DTTB, 8 November, 2010 at 20:39
  • judeclarke
    Beginner October 2011
    judeclarke ·
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    Our venue supplies plain white table linen, we're supplying centrepieces and name cards for a splash of colour, but thats it. I personally like the 'simple and elegant' look, but if you want something more a simple coloured runner across the table would look good, or you could get some coloured personalised napkins.

    I know a lot of brides lay their bouquet across the top table as decoration. And of course the table crystals/confetti things scatterd on tables is popular.

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
    ajdown ·
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    Plain white linen on the tablecloths, with centre squares to match our colour (hunter green).

    Top table? We'll make our own 'swags'. Don't think we need runners. We'll figure out centrepieces ourselves either made ourselves or we'll get someone to make them, partly depends on the numbers we get back and what of our budget we have left at the end of it.

    Not something I really consider a 100% top priority to be honest.

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  • M and M
    Rockstar August 2025 West Midlands
    M and M ·
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    Hi the basic linen is supplied as well as chair covers and bows for chairs and table liners but we are using

    Marianne Taviner

    for swags on the marquee, top table and cake table swags and centre pieces. Ill be adding crystals too x

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  • MrsMac2be
    Super May 2015
    MrsMac2be ·
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    I am hiring the table linen and chair covers with the purple sash, the table linens are white with a purple runner and we are also having purple swagging on the top table... flash!

    and our table arrangements (which I pinched the pic from Sherrie coz its so gorgeous xx)-

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  • Sherrie H
    Sherrie H ·
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    There are so many different ways to dress a venue, if it has lots of colour going on in the room then less is more. If it is the opposite then you can go completely mad!

    Have you any pics of the room you are using?

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  • Kat44
    Beginner August 2011
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    SNAP! our venue are providing the table linen but we're having white chair covers, purple sashes, runners and top table swags as well!

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  • Y
    Beginner December 2011
    Yorkbridetobe ·
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    Hi hun, i am decorating my venue by using chairs and sashes aswell as table linens, I also am thinking of using photos of me and h2b from birth upwards to put arounf the venue and use as a talking point, x

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  • kj82
    Beginner December 2010
    kj82 ·
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    We are having plain white tablecloths provided and they will be arranging tables etc. It'll be christmas and the place is like santas grotto, not an inch of the place is free from decorations so all i really have to do is take the table centres on the day. We're not having a sit down so Im having cake stands on tthe tables full of mince pies!!

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  • TheCakeNinja
    TheCakeNinja ·
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    Oooh thats on of ours!! ? did look lovely!


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  • B
    Beginner July 2010
    brideseekingblush ·
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    I agree it depends on the room, and also your personality - we wanted to keep it quite simple. We did have a "long and low" arrangment on the top table however, the same one as we had for the registrar's table

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  • tinks269
    Beginner February 2011
    tinks269 ·
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    For the ceremony we wil have chair covers and sashes on them then on teh tables white linen, flowers and possibly some cup candles and other odds and sods that i have collected. The chair people will do teh chairs (obviously) the venue will do teh linen, the florist will do teh flowers and then her together with someone from my lovely wedding party will make sure it all looks just so.

    The florist will then go round the venue decorating with all the cups, jugs, vases, teapots etc I have collected. Most of the major wedding party players are arriving at least one day in advance and we will start decorating from the time we get there (I am going over the top, but then only got myself to blame) so we will be putting up bunting, randomly putting family and friends wedding photos (everyone is being asked to bring theirs and then people who have died will also be represented as well) on shelves.

    The wedding breakfast room is a little different as it cant be done till after breakfast has been cleared and so I am setting up a trial table the night before to give the general feel for it. The venue will then set it up, the florist will add her stuff and check and my MIL2B who used to be a window dresser will check it.

    God when it is all written like that it seems like a nightmare but am planing on giving everyone their own job so shouldn't take too long.

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  • MrsS29
    Beginner May 2015
    MrsS29 ·
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    We're having chair covers with sage green sashes and matching table runners. The caterers are providing the basic white table linen then my venue decorator is going to sort everything else!

    For the top table im not having any swagging just flowers. We're just having flowers and candles everywhere in all sorts of vases, tea cups etc Smiley smile


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  • Browny
    Beginner June 2011
    Browny ·
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    I've got the lovely Sherrie doing my venue dressing! The reason for that is because my wedding is over two venues and and we only have access on the day of the wedding so I didnt want to have to be running round (or my family for that matter) trying to get everything ready.

    My wedding breakfast is in a converted barn:

    So we are having fairy lights up the beams as decoration. The caterers provide the table linen and my OH's aunt is doing our flower centre pieces something like this:

    Not sure on the lights in them yet though. I'm not having table crystals or anything as I want it kept minimal.

    My evening do is in a (very) nearby hall (the barn is Grade II listed and subject to a *lot* of restrictions hence the move!). In there we need to do much more so setting the tables out, buy/hire the table linen etc .We're going to move the centre pieces over whilst the guests are walking round to the hall, and possibly some (battery powered) candles on the tables (not sure yet). The DJ is providing some uplighters in my colour theme (dusky pink) around the room so we dont have to worry about decorating the walls!

    Hence the need for Sherrie!!!!


    ETA: Our top table is a round table like the rest in the middle, but we're going to reuse the pew ends and tie them on the back of our chairs to make the table stand out from the rest...and possibly a bigger vase of flowers in the middle!

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  • D
    Beginner November 2011
    DTTB ·
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    Im having a starlit backdrop curtain and starlit swag, then candles in candleabras, i dont really like flowers.


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