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Beginner May 2007

Decorations are going up next weekend.

LizBjk, 22 November, 2008 at 13:31 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 23

And I can't bloody wait. It's been a shit couple of months here. I can't wait for the house to look fab. Something to smile about for a change. Also finishing our christmas shopping next week.

When are yours going up? What are you doing?

Our livingroom will be in all red, gold and black. And our dinning room will be brown, gold and duck egg blue. The decorations I've bought so far are beautiful. They would be going up today if I didn't still have to get a new tree and some more bits.

23 replies

Latest activity by Bohemian Raspberry, 23 November, 2008 at 18:52
  • LittleStar
    Beginner March 2009
    LittleStar ·
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    I'm going to wait a while longer. We usually put ours up on the nearest weekend to 15th Dec. I've bought almost all of the presents, though.

    I choose a colour scheme every year for the lounge, as it's all neutral colours so anything goes. The dining room has blue walls so it's always blue and white for the dinner table - don't put any other decorations in there.

    I may end up accidentally choosing the colour scheme today - I'm tidying out the room with the cupboard of decorations in it, and might have to have a little peek in there...

    I love Christmas, and the almost 2 weeks off work ?

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  • cariad
    cariad ·
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    This year my tree will be orange/brown and gold

    my dining room will stay green / brown

    i cant wait to do mine and am contemplating doing them tomorrow , i may go for a little walk around and pick up some bits and bobs

    fancy coming out for a coffee today liz i can come and pick you up and we can go to your shoppinf centre for a stroll around , i am going stir crazy in the house and cant decide where i want to go , i am sick of trostre park and fforestfach is shite

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  • Gryfon
    Gryfon ·
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    Ours usually go up on the 1st but I'm tempted to do them on the Sunday this year now I've seen when the 1st is. The two big children will have homework and then beavers and cubs on the Monday.

    I'm afraid our colour scheme is rainbow ? I did try doing something like red, gold and green one year in the lounge and blue, pink and white etc elsewhere but it didn't last for long. I tend to get all my decorations in the sales and just go for anything I like ? The children love the colours though, especially the multi-colours fairy lights of which I have many, I can light up the whole of the kitchen with them enough to cook by ? When they've left home I might go more sophisticated ?

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  • LizBjk
    Beginner May 2007
    LizBjk ·
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    I can't today. Marcus is in bed as he's worked a 12 hour night shift. Both kids are ill with a cough and a bug. I'm feeling rough too. I will come out for a cuppa before christmas though.

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  • cariad
    cariad ·
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    I went to trostre park and bought a top from new look then bumped into my mum and sis and went for a coffee in starbucks so the day passed pretty quick

    tom then rang me to collect him from watching gary play footie as h was covered in mud from head to toe , thank god i have leather seats and because car been in for mot and tyrs they had left plastic in there so i could put that over the seats , he was stinking

    i am going away in 2 weeks and in the week may be better if you want to catch up i am off on tues and friday next week mail me with your mobile number and i will give you a ring when i am off and bored next

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  • tahdah
    Beginner September 2009
    tahdah ·
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    But it'll still be november!! ?

    Our deccies usually go up the weekend before my mums birthday which is the 10th dec and always feels about right.

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  • nelops
    nelops ·
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    Mines gong up next sunday. Living room colours are black, red & silver. Our dining room is brown, burnt orange & gold.

    I cant wait. I love xmas, my OH says I have Xmas OCD. Nobody is allowed to help me decorate the rooms or tree. It takes me hours & I love every second of it!

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  • C
    Beginner February 2006
    Carrot ·
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    Ours are going up next weekend too. A little earlier than I'd like but FIL and gruesome stepMIL are coming to stay next week and have asked for an early Christmas dinner so we need to get festive. I normally only do the living room and it's pink, lilac and chocolate brown, but I'm going to do something with the dining room this year.

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  • WelshTotty
    Beginner December 2014
    WelshTotty ·
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    Next weekend our decs will be going up. Cream tree in dining room this year will have bronze and choc coloured decs on it and the tree in the living room (green) will have traditional gigham/candycanes/gingerbread men style decs.

    We go away on 5 Dec for a fortnight so we will have a week of the decs before we go on hols then we get back a few days before christmas and I know I wont be feeling like putting decs up then (will be jetlagged) so they go up next week!

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  • legless
    legless ·
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    22nd december I think here, no idea what yet. This is our first christmas in the house really (we moved in just before christmas last year and ddn't even unpack let alone decorate!). I don't have room for a tree so i'm not quite sure what to do yet.

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  • A
    anna belle ·
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    I'm gonna start putting them up on the 1st - we're renting a tiny flat at the moment so we've got small decorations and a cute 2ft tree - our larger stuff is in storage. We have a lovely tinselly tree and a complete rainbow of colours - we decided not to bother with a theme and go for everything this year! Although I really love the orange decorations this year.

    Also last year we made loads of white paper decorations and hung them up (a bit like Buddy does in the film 'Elf') that was really fun to do together, so I think we'll do that again.

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  • Melawen
    Beginner January 2007
    Melawen ·
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    See I don't get this themed tree / room malarkey. Some of my decorations are ancient and have been with me for years and so by the time I could think about themed rooms it was too late. If ever I had to rebuy all my decorations then I may feel differently. Ditto a bigger house!

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  • jaz
    jaz ·
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    Gah I am so excited about this Xmas as we were away last year and it's out first eating at home, just the 2 of us and the first time I cook. We're putting up the decs next weekend. Living room will be blues, silvers and white. Lights going on the outdoor plants at the front door and some decs in the kitchen/diner - black/cream and silver. We have a red and white stocking each (including one for the dog) - not sure where we're putting those ?

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  • K
    Beginner May 2009
    kezzybabe ·
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    Same here When i lost my dad we and my bro went through his xmas decs and shared out all the tree decs as some of them were 50 years old.Sounds a little strange but we grew up with them as my grandma passed them to my dad when she went.

    Now each year i add a little something of our own to the tree.Have a basic colur scheme of silver and purple but anythng goes really.Hate ceiling decs our rooms too small and i hate how bare it looks when they come down.Oh assembels the tree i decorate the tree.Normally goes up the first weekend of december.

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  • cariad
    cariad ·
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    I dont do ceiling decs either just the tree and the garland on the mantle

    we also have a stocking each too i made the boys one each when they were babies and they are gorgeous if i say so myself and hold loads

    i wont have anything to put in mine this year though apart from a set of 4 sparkly eye liners as we have said no gifts due to the holiday and i would prefer the kids to have

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  • Hubble
    Hubble ·
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    It's NOVEMBER!!!! Be patient!!!! They'll all be dusty and cack looking by xmas day. ?

    We've just this week moved into our brand spanking new house that we've been building for about 18 months. I never put decortions up til xmas week (usually on the 23rd) - i hate being all used to them before the actual day. This yr especially i am in no rush cos at the moment i am not even used to how the house looks in 'normal' mode but i am looking forward to dressing it for xmas. (although this'll be the first xmas with a toddler so i am going to have to be a bit careful that he doesn't end up smashing glass baubles and pulling the tree down)

    However, our last house had a double height living space and we always had 10+ ft trees!!!!! It's going to be a bit of a let down to have to get a 6-7 footer this yr and i will have a hell of a job deciding which baubles to leave in the box!

    As usual it'll be a tinsel free zone - but probably going for black white and acid bright candy colours cos the house is quite sleek and modern compared to our former rustic barn conversion. We do have a large hall atrium here and H was suggesting (jokingly i think) to hang a massive xmas tree upside down in the airspace!!! ? Genius.

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  • cariad
    cariad ·
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    If i wait until the normal date though i will only get to enjoy them for a week at the most and i have to do it before i go as i wont have the energy or the time to do it xmas eve when we get home

    sod the dust on them i will blow it off ?

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  • MD
    MD ·
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    We still have builders finishing off our extension from the living/dining room so will tidy and clean as soon as they have finished - will then think about decorations.

    They'll hopefully be done by the end of this week. Will then have the weekend to tidy/clean. Am then away for the next 2 weekends. So will probably be putting them up the weekend before Christmas. I get sick of them if I put them up too early!

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  • Redbedhead
    Beginner August 2006
    Redbedhead ·
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    Ours don't go up till the weekend before Christmas. I have always just had gold decorations and just buy a couple more each year.

    Those who have a theme - do you change it each year? And buy new decorations each year?

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  • leafy
    Beginner September 2005
    leafy ·
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    Mine usually go up on the 12th or anytime after that when I can be bothered. I have the same deocarations every year. I hate putting it up so get my friend round to help. Its nice once its up and then I hate taking it down. Hubby always puts the garland on round the fire.

    Might wrap xmas prezzies today though after dinner.

    I have fluffy balls and other fluffy things on my tree. ?

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  • KatT
    Beginner November 2004
    KatT ·
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    We're moving house next week, so I'll wait a week or two and then put the tree and decorations up. Our tree is colour themed, usually silver/purple, this year red/brown/gold but we don't really decorate everywhere else. I'll have a wreath on the front door and white fairy lights in the round bush in our front garden.

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  • P
    pi* ·
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    We usually put ours up around 2 weeks before xmas so will probably be the 13/14th weekend here. We don't go for a theme but have white lights on both trees and no tinsel. We have 2 trees, one in the hall that the kids decorate and one in the lounge that I decorate. Every year we go and buy a new ornament each so we add to it every year and I quite often get new ones when we are on holiday if I see something special too. If they go up too early I get sick of it and I hate not being able to clean properly (ocd clean freak I know!).

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  • snow white
    snow white ·
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    Ours always go up the weekend before my birthday so this year they are going up on the 6th.

    Our colours this year are turquoise and silver and we have a garland round the fire place.

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  • Bohemian Raspberry
    Beginner July 2009
    Bohemian Raspberry ·
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    We got ours down from the loft this morning while OH was up there. We were bored this afternoon and thought sod it and we've just finished putting the tree up in the living room. Everything else is going up next weekend ?

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