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Red Kite

Deep I am going on a date

Red Kite, 16 May, 2014 at 11:59

Posted on Off Topic Posts 118

Yep. I am going on a date. I feel like I've just told you all some massive guilty secret. But also you lot are the people I share everything with so I want to tell you. I am fine with it - obviously wouldn't have agreed to go if I wasn't and I've told my family. My mum was really excited and said...

Yep. I am going on a date.

I feel like I've just told you all some massive guilty secret. But also you lot are the people I share everything with so I want to tell you.

I am fine with it - obviously wouldn't have agreed to go if I wasn't and I've told my family. My mum was really excited and said that it was about time i got a bit of my life back. My main concern was that it would appear to be 'too soon' to other people and I know it still will to some people. But I voiced this to my mum and she said that if Mr Rk's death had been sudden she would have agreed, but having been on the journey with us, especially the 8 month hospice/care home stay she knew that I felt more of a carer than a partner for a long time anyway. I could explain this more but I am not trying to justify it in any way. It is what it is.

I am actually really excited and it's with a guy who has known me all through the journey and has sat and been there for me many a time when I was an emotional mess.

I realise this might cause all kinds of reactions in people - and that's fine. But I really have decided that life is too short. And I love you all so am rubbish at keeping secrets.

*pipes down and goes to hide*

*** UPDATE ***

Oh right I guess I better update!

Had an amazing evening! So I opted for the skinny jeans, cream floaty vest top and jacket with hihg heels. Sorry no flash! And he was looking ever so charming in chinos and a shirt. We went to a cocktail bar near Covent garden (this one) which was really small and lovely (and has the quirkyist toilet doors I have EVER seen which are clear until you lock the door and then they mist up - unnerving!). I have been before but really like it so was more than happy to go back. They bring bowls of popcorn round to your table (probably more than the average to ours because this is my favourite snack and I monstered through the bowls quite quickly) and there's various acts in the evening apparently, although we didn't stay late enough to see any. Really intimate bar that allowed us to just relax and talk. I tried to behave and only had a couple of cocktails. Didn't think releasing drunk RK would be a good move so early in the night.

Then I was whisked away (via the glamourous underground - he wanted to get a cab but I love my oyster card and it always seems a waste of money) to Sloan Square where a table was booked at Gauchos - which does amazing steak. Sorry all those veggies this is definitely not the restaurant for you, but if you are a meat lover then their steaks are absolutely delicious! Always the indecisive I went for their trio taster plate which has a small bit of rump, fillet and rib eye on it. Rib eye steak is my favourite I have decided. We had a glass of champagne on arrival and we ate and chatted until quite late when I had to go and get a train home ☹️ . Really enjoyed the night, felt so laid back in Mr Date's company. He seemed happy to talk about Mr RK as well, which I think was important as that is obviously a huge part of me and I don't really have many Mr RK lite stories as we were together for so long. I always thought this would be awkward but found myself quite happily retelling a funny story from my past and not feeling weird about it. We shared a rather lovely bottle of red wine (nom nom nom) and a tasty cheesecake (wine was nicer). I was feeling rather giddy when we left from the combination of cocktails, champagne and wine and I am a cheap date but I was determined not to rush anything (regardless of what I might have been thinking at the time!) and ended the night with a quick kiss goodbye and a hug. I text when I got home safely as I had promised and he replied to say he'd had a great night. I was determined to play it all cool but he broke the dating rules (or whatever they are) and called me yesterday saying he really enjoyed it and we should arrange something again. I have a really busy week at work this week but hopefully we might get to go out for a drink this weekend. I have said if it's nice weather again it'd be great to go for a nice country walk and get a bit of pub lunch. Just between you and me I fancy him rather a lot ?

118 replies

  • SallyLou
    Beginner August 2014
    SallyLou ·
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    What a lovely update - so glad you had a good time and were comfortable. Country walk sounds like a fab idea. ?

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  • daisymoo86
    Beginner July 2016
    daisymoo86 ·
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    Oh it sounds like a lovely date. Im so glad you had a lovely time and I am very jealous of the restaurant. Sounds amazing!

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    I'm late to this but just want to say I'm pleased for you! Dating someone new is very exciting - we will always be on your side here!

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  • Rosco298
    Beginner February 2014
    Rosco298 ·
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    Eeek Exciting update. I am glad you had such a good time I did think of you (in a non-stalker way I promise) and hoped it was going well. Fingers crossed for a nice weekend and a great pub lunch.

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  • *Teabag*
    Beginner June 2013
    *Teabag* ·
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    Sounds great RK - so glad that you had a good time ?

    As a complete aside, the company I used to work for make the glass you saw in the toilet doors!

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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    Yay so glad you enjoyred yourself. I had a big grin on my face reading the update ?

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  • M
    Beginner August 2014
    MOMB ·
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    Your update has made me smile RK. I'm so glad that it went well and that you had a lovely time.

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  • snow bride
    Beginner June 2016
    snow bride ·
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    Oh it does sound like you fancy him!! Smiley winking

    Enjoy it, this is the BEST bit!!

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  • Hoddy
    Beginner July 2014
    Hoddy ·
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    Oh RK I am so happy you had a good time. You really do deserve all the happiness in the world *fluff* ?

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  • MrsCWB
    Beginner October 2014
    MrsCWB ·
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    The first thing I did today when I got in from work was to log on to read this update! I am so glad you had such a great first date. Here's hoping the next one is as awesome! (And maybe the next?)


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  • Mellow_Yellow
    Beginner May 2012
    Mellow_Yellow ·
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    Amazing update, had a little squeeeee reading that!

    I am so happy for you ?

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  • cinnamon009
    Beginner December 2014
    cinnamon009 ·
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    I've not been an otter for long just had to say how this made me smile today. I can't imagine going through what you went through but knowing there are people like you who do it and come out the other side still so strong is hugely inspiring. Can't wait to hear another update after the country walk!!

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  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
    *Nursey* ·
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    Really glad you had a lovely time x

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  • SillyWrong
    Beginner October 2014
    SillyWrong ·
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    RK .. how's it going!?!? Did date no.2 happen? Did you get the walk in the park or did it rain? Details, details!

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  • Red Kite
    Red Kite ·
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    Haha aw sorry! I have been crazy busy. Have been away for a few days in Luxembourg and only just got back to the office (and hence Hitched). We've been out quite a bit since I last posted - country walk was massively rained off and ended up being more drinks (stereotyipcal me non?) As this weekend trip was part of my running club for the marathon Mr Date was also there - so we've spent most of the weekend together (albeit a lot of it was running). I would say it's going really well - we're both active people so this weekend we're off on a trip to Dorset to go coasteering (am slightly scared - anyone done this before? Oh and can anyone recommend a lasy minute hotel/B&B?). Just really enjoying all the exciting 'new relationship' type stuff. I think we are in the 'seeing each other' phase of things. I haven't felt this happy in a long long time - but wouldn't go as far as to say we were in a full relationship yet - I'm a glass of prosecco and I'm anyone's hard to get kinda girl ? Also I know I know I need to flash - I'm not really a photographer person so rarely take snaps of anything (hence why I use the term 'snaps')

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    It sounds like you're having a lot of fun!!! Keep drinking the prosecco enjoying every second xxx

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
    Erin8 ·
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    Really glad to hear its all going well

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  • SillyWrong
    Beginner October 2014
    SillyWrong ·
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    Aw lovely news! I'm living vicariously through the buzz of your new relationship (not that being 'soon to be married isn't a buzz within itself, but i do love that feeling of waiting for replies to texts, feeling jittery before seeing them and still wearing your good pants whenever you see them!!! ha ha ha)

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
    Helenia ·
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    Excellent news!

    I went coasteering a couple of years ago and it was great fun, albeit a bit scary when doing some of the big jumps. Don't wear any clothes you care about though.

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  • Mellow_Yellow
    Beginner May 2012
    Mellow_Yellow ·
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    Fab update!

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  • Gracey
    Beginner February 2012
    Gracey ·
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    Brilliant news RK so glad you are happy, you deserve it!!

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
    *MM3* ·
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    So glad you had a nice time RK. You deserve it and to be happy, as you know too well life really is too short.

    Make the most of it and have fun Smiley smile

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  • *Teabag*
    Beginner June 2013
    *Teabag* ·
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    Great to hear your update RK! I am so glad that you're enjoying yourself!

    How did your marathon go btw??

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  • alyj66
    VIP August 2014
    alyj66 ·
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    RK, that's a lovely update, so happy for you.

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    What a fabulous update, I miss the new relationship excitement- enjoy it all!

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  • Red Kite
    Red Kite ·
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    Marathon went well thank you! I had a stinking cold in the lead up and it turns out Luxembourg is a lot hillier than I thought (or at least it felt like it was) so I came in in a respectable 3hr 40min. Job done!

    Thanks for advice on the coasteering - I am not sure what to expect and not a massive fan of jumping from heights - I was always the child doing the "walk of shame" back down the diving board steps at the swimming pool, but hopefully they ease you into it a bit or I will cave to the inevitable peer pressure of showing Mr Date what an adventurous brave soul I am. Still on best behaviour at the moment so sulky strops are out of the question.

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  • Red Kite
    Red Kite ·
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    Fancy a really long update on the coasteering date? Oh go on then...

    I'd start by saying coasteering is almost one of the most craziest things I have done. For those not in the know (and I wasn't before we went) you get kitted up in a wetsuit, buoyancy aid and a helmet and you then clamber about the cliffs, rocks, caves and coastline. I would not recommend it for anyone who is a weak swimmer - despite the buoyancy aid and being (what I think) a strong swimmer I was exhausted by the end. We were in the water for over an hour and a half and the water was extremely choppy (apparently there was a lot of ground swell if this makes sense to any oceaners out there?). I spent quite a bit of time being battered about, although the way the waves form mean that you never actually hit any rocks, as the wave acts as a kind of cushion in front of you, protecting you from the rocks before it whips you back out to sea. I was quite sick of the taste of sea water by the end, but loved every minute. Oh and I am a wimp when it comes to jumping/heights (I don't mind heights - I just don't like jumping off them) but every 'jump' had an alternative route or lower jumping option - so that was good.

    We travelled down to Dorset in the pouring rain and by the time we arrive there was beautiful sunshine. We had decided to reaquaint ourselves with the great outdoors and opted to camp - I am really pleased given how beautiful the weather was. This is also the first time in my history I have put up a tent with someone without having an argument about it. Tent up we sat around with a cuppa for a while and chatted before going off to coasteering. There was a group of 8 of us and the others were all friends or long time couples compared to our early days relationship, but it was a nice group. Coasteering was great - there was a lot of bravado going on with the men about who could brave the highest jumps but the girls in the group (like me) were happy to just do what they felt comfortable with. We were shattered at the end and the session didn't finish until 8:30 - enjoyed a lovely sunset from the top of the cliffs (this would have been romantic if it wasn't ruined by the copius amount of moo-cows about).

    We then picked up some fish and chips and a bottle of prosecco (I know this will make you all proud) and went back to our campsite where we sat feeling posh and slummy all at the same time, whilst enjoying the food and bubbles in the light of a few candles and some jealous passer-bys on their way back to their own tents. Despite being on an air bed that deflated of it's own accord through the night, I was so exhausted from the days excitment (and all the prosecco) that I had a really good nights sleep.

    The next day we went for a run together (am such a running geek) and then walked into the next town for a spot of lunch (yum yum pasties) and ice cream at a local pub coupled with a few pints of home pressed cider before braving the long drive back home.

    This is pretty much a perfect date for me - activities, prosecco, cider and lots of food. ❤️

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    ? So pleased for you RK!

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  • Holey
    Beginner July 2011
    Holey ·
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    Wow sounds like a lovely weekend RK!

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  • SallyLou
    Beginner August 2014
    SallyLou ·
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    Sounds perfect RK - so glad you are enjoying yourself! ?

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Sounds like a fabulous date!! Good for you xxx

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
    AmnesiaCustard ·
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    That's all very well, RK, but did you have a snog???

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