I dont post on here much, but i know you are a great source of knowledge and advice and could really do with some help.
Bit of background - just over 2 weeks ago my dad had a prostatectomy due to prostate cancer and is recovering slowly at home. He has sufferered with depression in the past, taking tablets for it, and then coming off them a number of years ago. Now obviously over recent months since diagonsis etc his depression has gotten worse and as of yesterday his fears have been realised and he appears to be incontinent since they removed the catheter. He has spiralled out of control and is just in tears all the time and its heartbreaking to watch and listen too. Does anyone have any experience of caring for someone after cancer and/or depression that comes with it? I have been reading all the Macmillan booklets etc and been online but there is only so much me and my sister can do.
We have suggested he see the doctor, but he is so down, all he says is that he will think about it. I am really worried about him.
I appreciate this is a sensitive subject, but any advice would be great, thank you.