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Did you have an imaginary friend?

MrsB, 8 January, 2009 at 11:22 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 56

Am writing an article about imaginary friends at the mo and would love any stories to help make it a bit more interesting!

I had one, when I was about 8 I think. He was called Mohammed. I don't remember that much about him apart from he liked to sing and skip about quite a bit, he was quite a happy IF rather than a naughty one. I think I invented him when my brother, who was a year younger, started answering me back and not doing what I told him to. Mohammed let me boss him around ?

It's for Clairy's mag, btw, I can change names to protect the innocent ?

56 replies

Latest activity by Ginger, 10 January, 2009 at 16:30
  • fox-in-socks
    Beginner May 2006
    fox-in-socks ·
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    It soooooo doesn't surprise me that you had an imaginary friend ?. am pmsl at 'mohammed', you are so PC ?

    i didn't but my sister did and used to blame everything on him. i can't even remember his name now, will have a think and let you know if i remember anything.

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  • teenybash
    Beginner February 2008
    teenybash ·
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    I don't think i did, but my sister had three. they were called Janet, Baby and Moron.

    she would never, ever, ever tell me anything they did or said because they didn't like me ? ?. i can't remember a lot about them to be honest, but the names will be forever etched in my memory.

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  • titchbunny
    titchbunny ·
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    I had one called Tapioca, he lived in my reading cupboard (weird geek icon) he was my best friend for about 2 years,?. He only ate sprouts, my mum actually took me to our gp as it went on so long.

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    You beat me to it, Foxy ?

    I didn't really, but I had a whole stableful of imaginary horses <neighs and cavorts>

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  • JK
    Beginner February 2007
    JK ·
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    Not me, but my friend Bridget had an imaginary dog ?

    Oh and T had an imaginary friend called Mrs Heybonny who lived over a fish and chip shop. T's Mum was a bit of a snob and I think Mrs H was a bit common as a form of rebellion ?

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  • Mrs Magic
    Beginner May 2007
    Mrs Magic ·
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    ? @ Mohammed, Tapioca and Moron.

    I never did have an imaginary friend, as an only child and a bit of a loner, I just talked to myself.

    (I was going to say I also played with myself but that would be wrong, very wrong ?)

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  • Old Nick Esq.
    Old Nick Esq. ·
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    Here, you can't go naming imaginary friends after the Prophet!

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  • Hecate
    Hecate ·
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    I had an imaginary dog named Ripon who had 40 puppies.

    I used to sit in my pushchair trailing his lead (in reality a piece of string) along.

    My lovely Grandma used to feed him and take him for walks with me ❤️

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  • Zo�
    Beginner July 2009
    Zo� ·
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    I dont remember many details but I had one called Deva, which apparently was how I thought Stephen was said when I was 3. My dad's friend had a son called Stephen and I used to really like playing with him so I think that must be where it came from.

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  • lyni
    Beginner October 2008
    lyni ·
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    I didn't but a friend did. Her Dad often used to "sit" on them in the front room and she once made her Mum go back on the bus to get one who had been left behind!!

    PMSL at Moron! ?

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  • looneytune
    Beginner April 2008
    looneytune ·
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    My brother had one for years called Windy. I think he thought it up because I was sharing a room with my sister and he was in a room on his own.

    Sometimes Snowy and Rainy popped up as well but not very often!! He use to say we could borrow Snowy if we wanted!!

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  • MrsB
    MrsB ·
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    Oh gosh, I can't stop laughing at all of you, you utter loons (not so PC there) How hilarious, I'm really going to enjoy writing this article I think!

    Jester had an imaginary dog too, I'm hoping she'll come on and tell you all about it. I love the string Hecate ?

    I have no idea where Mohammed came from, especially as I lived in the whitest town imaginable. I didn't meet a bona fide Muslim until I was 19. Maybe I was longing to break out into somewhere a bit more diverse!

    I really hope my children have imaginary friends, I will lay them an extra place at dinner and all that jazz. I think it's such a funny thing to do.

    I've just remembered I was also 'pen pals' with the tooth fairy. I used to write letters to her and her friends Bluebell and Lilac and leave them under my pillow, normally complaining about my parents and brother and my mum used to write letters back in a spidery hand. I found one the other day, my mum and i were really laughing about it. It began 'dear B, I found your letter in the bin' ? such a drama queen, n'est-ce pas?

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  • Sugarmouse
    Beginner June 2008
    Sugarmouse ·
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    According to my mum I had two, although I only remember one. They were called Rosie (the one I remember) and Suzie. I recall dancing around the clothes line in the back garden with Rosie in the summer and getting grass cuts on my feet. I also had tea parties with them.

    My imaginary friend Rosie must have made an impression on me, although sadly I can't recall a great deal about what she and I got up to, as that's what we ended up calling our little girl!

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  • pink alien
    Beginner May 2008
    pink alien ·
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    Me and my friend at school had an imaginary bunny rabbit that we kept in the sink where we washed the paintbrushes out - I remember we got really upset when the teacher forgot to take him out of the sink before she used it one day!

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  • NickJ
    NickJ ·
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    i forgot about treetrunk ??

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  • flailing wildly
    flailing wildly ·
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    Whoops, I can't multi-task. I nearly wrote a business email in this little box ?

    I had an imaginary friend, but only when I was at my dad's house. I don't remember it having a name, but it was definitely a boy. I think it may have been all tied up with the fact that my dad's house backed onto a huge wood, which a boy had been murdered in years ago. I couldn't say for sure but it *may* have been that my imaginary friend was there to make me feel better about the scary story - I certainly didn't have him when I was at my mum's. Either that, or I was communing with the dead ?

    My memory of me aged four is a bit foggy now, but according to my dad, I would have long, drawn out conversations with him for hours and not let anyone else know what he said. If only I could remember ?

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  • Zebra
    Zebra ·
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    I had imaginary dogs and horses but they were short-lasting things, rather than ongoing specific creatures. ?

    I was convinced the wolf from Peter and the Wolf lived behind the thick curtain covering the front door but he most certainly wasn't friendly!

    Oh and H had an imaginary blue elephant under his bed as a child. ?

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  • Sparkley
    Beginner September 2007
    Sparkley ·
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    I also had am imaginary dog, called Norman. He was actually a dessingown cord. I would take him for 'walks' everywhere, and would make my Mum take him in the car when she dropped me off at achool so I could say goodbye ?

    I really believed in him, and got really upset when my Mum wouldn't get him his own food bowl. She gave in eventually and he had his own space on on the kitchen floor where he would eat!

    I wonder why children have imaginary friends? Mum said she used to catch me chattering away to Norman as if he was really there!!

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  • H
    Hickory ·
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    My niece has had one for almost a year. She's four now. Her name is Katie and her 'friend's' name is Little Katie. Not the most creative...

    Until you hear the other details she has on this friend! Little Katie lives at 22 Rockinghorse Lane in Forestland which is halfway between Dundee and Glasgow (she has one set of grandparents in Dundee and the other in Glasgow so I imagine that's where that came from!)
    Little Katie's parents only let her live there sometimes though so she has to live with Katie the rest of the time. She has no pants or vests of her own so has to wear Katie's when she takes them off (she'll actually sneak them out of the washing basket to give to Little Katie).

    Katie's parents think she should have grown out of it by now and refuse to 'encourage' it by mentioned Little Katie's name (spoilsports!). I do though as i think it's hilarious. The other day she made me get out of the car and go into the back to fasten Little Katie's seatbelt as i'd forgotten and 'that's irresponsible', as Katie told me!

    Oh, Little Katie also found a box of Katie's mum's tampons and dipped them all in the sink until they swelled up to giant soggy balls of cotton. But that was nothing to do with Katiem, no sir!

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  • 0
    Beginner April 2006
    0live_b2b ·
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    I have a real dog called Norman!

    All the name's of your IFs are quite imaginary too! Mine was called Alison, and I used to pretend I had bunkbeds and she slept on the top bunk.

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  • decibelle
    decibelle ·
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    I also had an imaginary horse. It didn't have a name that I remember, but I did have a small bucket beside my bed for its water and I used to 'ride' it to school. I wasn't that young, either. The shame!

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  • 0
    Beginner April 2006
    0live_b2b ·
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    I wonder where they go though?

    Did anyone consciously say 'goodbye' to theirs?

    I didn't, think I just forgot really. I can't even remember when I stopped imagining she was there.

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  • MrsB
    MrsB ·
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    Snort at the tampons - that's SO going in...

    I wonder where they all go too. One of my friends did a brilliant comic about cast off imaginary friends.

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  • B
    Beginner February 2008
    Boop ·
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    Not an imaginary friend, as such, but my sister sold her imaginary horse to a girl at school.

    Mum recieves a panicy phone call from the girl's mum 'we can't take the horse - we live in a small semi, no land etc' and my mum breaks the news that it's OK because we don't have a horse...

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  • nicky167
    Beginner September 2009
    nicky167 ·
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    I had an IF, he was called Mate (Very original, I know!!!) I made my parents put him in the seat of the shopping trolley & set him a place at the dinner table. ?

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  • Maxi
    Beginner February 2008
    Maxi ·
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    My cousin(same age as me) had one for years. Norrie the Boaby (?).

    I can still remember hating Norrie as he used to tell my cousin not to play with me. The family also got used to routinely asking my cousin where Norrie was sitting before they sat down, as inevitably they would sit in the wrong seat and 'crush' poor Norrie - cue hissy fit from my cousin.

    She also insisted on a table setting and camp bed for Norrie,

    Can't remeber what happened to Norrie, I think he went away to boarding school or something, thank fook.

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  • Gryfon
    Gryfon ·
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    I used to have a friend called Claire who I'd talk to when I was walking to school. Also had an imaginary white pegasus and I'd pretend I'd get a ride to school. As well as that I made up a machine like the tardis and I could get in and fly to school, and there were huge rooms of my favorite sweets etc like ball pools with ledges around to sit on.

    Amazing what you can think of when you're walking to school on your own ?

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  • sdaisy22
    Beginner October 2008
    sdaisy22 ·
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    I had an imaginary friend called Rupert (heavily based on Rupert the bear I think which I used to watch a lot). I don't remember much about him, except that I used to have birthday parties for him. I have a really vivid memory of sticking a candle in a piece of plasticine and then forcefeeding my little brother the plasticine cake!

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  • Clairy
    Beginner October 2003
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    I didn't have an imaginary friend, but I used to write letters to the fairies to try to bargain with them. I usually wanted something I'd spotted in the Kays catalogue. From memory, the letters went something like this

    "Dear fairies, here is a half full bottle of crappy perfume my Mum hates and has let me play with. Please take it and leave me a Major Morgan"

    A Major Morgan or a Speak n Spell were the main objects of my desire, IIRC ?

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  • marmalade atkins
    Beginner January 2008
    marmalade atkins ·
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    In the vein of being heavily religios as a child <ahem> my imaginery friend was the Baby Jesus. I don't remember it, but my mum insists that she had to set a place at the table for him and everything. I used to apparently spend hours talking to him and berating anyone who woke him up.

    Conor had four imaginery friends. Billy, Sammy, Bungle and Jonjeen. They used to bully him and i had to spend a lot of time telling them off, putting them on the naughty step etc. Once, my dad was pickig my mum and her friend up from somewhere and C was in the back. A new IF had arrived. Mum's friend asked where he was, C gave her a hard stare and said "you're sitting on him".

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  • P
    poochanna ·
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    I'm not sure if mine counts really as he started off being "real". I had/still have a stuffed dog called Moppett and my Mom got him a lead and collar. He then became real and fathered puppies so I had 8 in total and used to walk them all and introduce them to people. Even at the swimming baths I'd walk along pretending to be walking dogs and chat to them at the side of the pool. I'm sure people thought I was rather odd. They really were my best friends and used to come everywhere with me, I'd cry if we ever forgot them and many a time we'd have to go home and collect them.

    I do wonder if this is why I still mumble to myself a lot. H will often catch me sitting chatting away to myself ?

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  • fox-in-socks
    Beginner May 2006
    fox-in-socks ·
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    I still can't remember his name but i do remember my mum finding my little sister crying one day. mum asked what was wrong: apparently the IF had gone on holiday and hadn't said goodbye to my sis?. and she didn't know when/if he would ever come back ?.

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